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Everything posted by TDRupp

  1. Agreed. Draft this in Rnd 1 and the pass blocking and run blocking becomes better when he is on the field. period. Then an OG and an OT in free agency or the draft in rnd 2-5 and it is improved in depth, talent, and lets not forget the obvious. We must improve the offense> Period. This guy makes everybody better. Sorry for repeating myself but we still need a replacement for Villariala (sp?) that wil compete or upgrade D. Preston and another OT prospect. I think we will and would agree with resigning Gandy for 1.2-1.7 mill per yr for 3 or 4 yrs...
  2. Agreed. With the board going this way take Lynch and get a smart, athletic OG, and a OT after filling whatever NEEDS we have at that point at LB or maybe CB. Minn, Atlanta, Houston or even Clev could take this guy though...
  3. He looks all burst to me. You don't need world class speed if you have very, very good speed and great moves/burst and power. this guy does.
  4. You don't have to move the pile if you never have to hit it. While I don't know if he is high character at least the guy is what I believe is a very good (maybe great) team player and basically a humble guy. Read these quotes and his and his "Meet Marchsawn" link too: http://calbears.cstv.com/sports/marshawn/m...awn-quotes.html This is the kind of guy that even Marv would want. I will be shocked if Willis is on this team in 2008 regardless if we take Lynch or not. You have heard it before from Marc (and know he and Dick J believe it): you must be able to run the well. This guy is a Marshall Faulk kind of guy and will make our OL and WR, TE's and JP better by just doing what he does. Check out the highlights for your self. This guys translates to the NFL very well IMHO. That said, if the guy runs a 4.4 anything (sure looks like he will) in Indy or at Cal he is not going anywhere but the top 15 and I venture to say he may be top 10, easy. When I watch Adrian Peterson and this guy, I like this guy better b/c he is such a tough runner. You are right. He does not move a pile very well b/c the pile does not stay a pile. He either gets out of it of only a guys or two end up on him as he bull-ping-pongs (maybe explodes is the best word) forward.
  5. Exactly. I hate we did not trade down in the first with Denver and taken our chances that McCargi woul be there in the 2nd (or pick) then we might have been abl to grad Jones-Drew in the 2nd. I loved that guy and think that if he stays healthy he will be better than Tiki Barber. Guy is gonna be huge. Tough, fast and great moves plus character and good pass receiver!
  6. No doubt! HE was my favorite and the best Bills player in most games. Huge heart, motor, and great production. Period. On O I liked Lee Evans. Heart, guts, and great production.
  7. The Bills not get a 3rd rounder??!! No way! If we waste signings on scrap and not good players, we will get a 5th or 7th or nothing at all if we sign too much lower level crap. I think Marv is smarter than that but he did leave a 2nd rounder on the table when he turned down Denver's offer for our first rounder.
  8. If they can do Kelsay for the same price as Denney then maybe. I say chances are that Clements won't agree to resign with Buffalo before FA begins or really at all, in the end. Just my gut. Even if we throw Champ Bailey money at him, it is iffy that he returns 'cause I think he wants to go elsewhere. A CB in round 1 is a big possibility and I personally think that WR, OT, OG, and DT should be the prioities for our next picks...
  9. Agreed. He is sign through 2008 so why not let him play effectively and better next year and also stay healthy and then look to extend after the 2007 season, maybe.
  10. Dude, ever think of people that literally can't stand that long or even that much? Kids, larger folks, older people... In key moments we all agree it is called for but as others have already stated, standing and yelling the whole time is annoying to others. Cheering from you sit does not make you less of a fan or even less helpful to the Bills!
  11. It was Pennington and it was he fault for setting up his pass-pro too deep and right into JP. I thought at first the ball just slipped on JP but it slipped b/c on the bump into #79. Great play by Royal to get it back. If JP gets some really good blocking and a real #2 WR, he could be pretty good. Yes, I have been impressed the last couple weeks and am a JP doubter. Rooting very hard for JP as always and I think it would be awesome if he can win 3 more this year! Go Bills!
  12. Man, he is a dumb ass. Everbody knows after his Hall of Fame football career he starred in the Dick (nickname) Van Bronklin show....
  13. Just get this feeling that a very good D Line is not what the doctor ordered. Hope I am wrong and the D gets some turnovers and ST's plays great, otherwise I fear a boring game with very little Offense.
  14. Senator, Sure I am hopeful for a miracle but it would be a miracle to have this team win 6 games to make the playoffs. That might not even do it. I would say a very very good end to the season would be 4-2. Playoffs are not very realistic and I doubt you are right about Marv protecting and all... although maybe with the transition tag. by the way, if we transition and don't match, we get nothing. I think Marv's thought was get the guy in so he is not a distraction. Focus on 06 and then try to resign him in Feb otherwise go to plan b at CB.
  15. I think you are corect, Dibs. There is no way the agent would agree to a verbal, non-binding agreement. That said, I would have let him hold out or sign the tender and not have offered the promose not to tag. I think we are bound to not tag him in any way....
  16. In the "Sunday Drive" article in the Buffalo News today, the writer said the Bills should be rethinking there stance on not Franchising Nate. I believe they are bound to Not Franchise him b/c that was a condition of him signing his 1 yr tender. Anybody know if that is definite, 100% fact? Or can they reneg although I know Marv won't...
  17. Spikes may not be done and I am hopeful he will be 80-90% of what he was next year or later this year. That said, based on what I have seen this year versus K Ellison I care comfortably say Ellison was making more plays (not big ones, granted) than Spikes is now. I also feel once his knee is back tp normal he would be more productive for the rest of the year if given Spikes job. All that said, i would not bench Spikes unless he just plain struggles or regresses. Kind of sad though b/c and Fletcher were a fun pair to watch and now you ony see #59 consistently...
  18. Too bad we have a rich man's RJ at QB though! Go Bills!
  19. This season will be dead by the time they make a change if they make a change and I believe it could happen by the Jax or SD game is JP does not have ood to very good games against GB and Hou. shoot, he said do fairly well against Indy too. Not condoning it b/c I'd like us to ride JP all the way through the 13-14th game before giving Nall a shoot in JP does not pick up his decision making.
  20. No. He is 26 now and will turn 27 in Dec.
  21. just take a look at how many of the OT's taken in the 1st round wnd up not even playing much. Even more still, many are just average OT's. I'd say the bad pick rate for OT's in the first round is about 50% based on a quick review. Now, that said, I agree: we need an impact LOT and the draft is usually the way to go. Shoot, right now, I'd take Jonas Jenning for 8-11 games a year with even with his big contract. I know, too late though.... Go Bills!!! somehow...
  22. What you all need a hand for then?
  23. If he can go full and hard on Th and Fri then I trust they make the right decision whatever it is but they are paid pros and if he can go full out for two or three days in a row there is no reason he can't go play in a dome. They need to win this game not b/c it might help them go to the playoffs but b/c they are winless but this is the NFL and it is a road game. Also, there are not many 0-16 or 1-15 teams on a year to year basis. They will win some games. It will hurt the confidence of this team in everyway if they don't take advantage of the opportunity in front of them to add a W. Go get it!
  24. Yep.. We could have one of those guys in our backfield right now. I saw and read about him and his toughness and while I bet Marv liked him a lot, he felt D was the way to go this past draft early. I loved Tiki Barber when he came out over A-strain Smith and I think this guy will be just as good and durable: Maurice Jones-Drew. He will be a good one for awhile, IHMO.
  25. Yes. I am very concerned. I expected to be 4-0 and on the way to 5-0 today. I mean, we have 4 rookie starters on D, a young QB, a fair OL, 1 impact WR, and I really thought that with Marv getting his character guys in they'd learn the new systems so well that with our #1 ST's we'd win the super bowl. Face it guys. This is going to be a long day and we will have 2-4 others. It does not mean we are not headed in the right direction. So, enjoy the ride this year and trust me, 8-8 is a very good year for this football team. Go Bills.
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