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Everything posted by AKC

  1. I'm thinking we get even money on him. There's not too many good fits for his skills- possibly the Fish, but we don't know before their coaching change. Denny Green possibly in Arizona. The Bears if they're idiots and are blaming their RBs (and they appear to be quite daft). Tice losing his job might create a look, but not at this time. His big liability with the handle seems to me to eliminate the other teams that aren't looking for a guy who can catch over his shoulder. That's too small of a pool for his skills to translate into a #1 AFAIC. At the same time a #2 opens up some of the teams who might be looking to challenge or possibly replace the salary cap #1 they're already carrying, and in that market he might have 10 or 11 options.
  2. Please excuse my misread. I'd hate to see some of the great bets that we'd had over time lost because of opportunistic Trolls. The forum lends itself to that type of interaction between Bill's fans and our guests here from other teams when both parties are contributive. I can appreciate your issue with the timing.
  3. There's hardly any "disaster", what there is is an attempt by a Troll to take advantage of the August data situation by lying about some bet he offered that was never accepted and another Troll to follow his lead. I have no problem with any other poster who feels they would stand by while a Pat's Troll lies about the record and adds in the garbage about "leaving the poor Children's Charity" unfounded, but that's hardly something this poster will sit back and allow. You might not like it, but let me remind you that YOU'RE not the one they've spread the lies about. I've asked that the record be reviewed. I trust it's being taken care of.
  4. Teams are announced tomorrow and they've had success in the past keeping the balloting under cover before the official league release.
  5. Were you wearing #99? ;-)
  6. Sam was a special guy when he was healthy and I don't see anyone in the league who can square up a block as well as him between the tackles in the league today from the position. Shelton has improved but I'm actually just as comfortable with Willis in there in pass blocking situations. McGahee seems to have a more innate sense of body position and inertia than Damien in the passing game. A player as good as the healthy Sam Gash is something we may wait a long, long time to see again- and even then it may not be in a Bill's uni.
  7. Did it throw a 58 degree limp-armed floater up as it went to the ground?
  8. Campbell has earned notice just on his improvement in blocking. He's been a big part of the running scheme used by Clements that looks frequently to get at least one lineman to the outside while the TEs are asked to seal their assignments inside. We fall off pretty dramatically when we get past him on the depth chart in the blocking game, and he's shown value in the red zone as mentioned here.
  9. He leads the NFL in Passes Defensed amongst all front 7 players, and he ranks in the top 20 even among DBs in PDs and INTs.
  10. And another body for practice. Hadley Engelhard's an appropriate running back agent name for the type of talent expected off PSquads.
  11. There's only two parties we'll have to worry about "living up to their honor". You'll be missed! (Right!)
  12. Why waste your last hours of posting by hiding from the truth? What's the date of your "bet"? What's the charity I supposedly selected? You are a true loser.
  13. I don't believe it's necessary for you to question the integrity of the same moderating team who have tolerated your lies and vitriol- up to this point at least! So what's the date of this famous bet of yours? Or is it all a smokescreen of deceipt? You know another great question- what was the Bill's Charity I chose? Surely you kept a record of my acceptance of the bet and who I wanted you to pay if I won? BWAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Would you please provide the Search Committee the date you made the offer of the bet you falsely claim we entered into this past off-season? I'd hate to hink you don't remember when you offered this bet- it might even suggest you "unfortunately" forgot who accpeted it!
  15. At some point in the summer the Patsy fan about to be tossed off the board made some gesture of a bet to a number of fans in a string, if I recall that post correctly. I never responded to the bet in any form, although it appears that FM got a little "assumptive" in a later post Cablelady searched out. The simple truth is whoever FM might think he has a bet with does not include me. I'm hardly surprised that he's used such disgusting rhetoric here because I aproached him in the off-season by PM about being a more reponsible contributor like many of the Fish and Jets fans we've come to accept as honest and valuable, but he gave me some BS response and simply went about obsessively attacking Bills players all season. I will not miss him.
  16. There is a Santa Claus!!!!!!
  17. For clarification: Two Patsy fans and one of their water-carriers are promulgating a false story that they had a bet, and in order to attract the inattentive they included a Children's Charity in their accusations. The current status is that they've been called out to accept the same bet the honest party has accepted- lifetime banishment if an archive search proves they are lying. You'll notice they're real quiet right now. We're simply waiting for them to accept the bet.
  18. Tick...Tock......Tick...Tock......Tick...Tock......Tick...Tock......Tick...Tock......Tick...Tock......Tick...Tock......Tick...Tock......
  19. I'll gladly stipulate to that.
  20. The post referred to by FM is still archived, in it he had made some offer of a bet in a string and I never even considered accepting it nor discussing it. He realizes he's lying about it and his cronies want to make a stink- let 'em step up the the plate and allow the record to speak for itself. Or they can simply STFU and recoil to the little holes that cowards do when they realize they can't possibly win.
  21. STILL WAITING Hey Troll Boy- I'll make you a real bet- I'll challenge you to an Archive search by the mods- if they don't find the bet you're talking about and my acceptance (which you know they won't) you leave here forever- if they find me accepting the bet you reference I'll leave forever- PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
  22. Let's not forget old Rico, who's been sucking up the the Patsy Trolls all year. I'm good with his jumping on their bandwagon as long as he's willing to take the fall when we prove they're lying about the bet.
  23. We're simply waiting for the other side to be taken in the bet- I'm already onboard. The reason FM refuses it is because he know's he's lying. TH and Rico are simply unsure but willing to spout off on the subject. I challenge all three to the bet, a bet I accept.
  24. STILL WAITING!!! Hey Troll Boy- I'll make you a real bet- I'll challenge you to an Archive search by the mods- if they don't find the bet you're talking about and my acceptance (which you know they won't) you leave here forever- if they find me accepting the bet you reference I'll leave forever- PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
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