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Everything posted by AKC

  1. You're declining my challenge? I'll take that as firm evidence that you don't even believe the tripe you post. Hate On!
  2. Let me enlighten you- J.P. Losman is a quarterback who is currently a member of our football team. I'll be happy to challenge you to expose yet another of your lies. Let's take our last 100 football posts from this moment backwards and find our who makes references to Bledsoe with more frequency. Loser leaves the board until the first pre-season game kickoff. I'm waiting for your answer. That's what I figured, just another spineless jellyfish. Just like all the obsessives.
  3. I think all Bill's fans who are not consumed by hate expect J.P. Losman to try his best. I'm also quite certain that those of us who are not ruled by hatred of former Bills players hope that J.P.'s best is better than what we've gotten the past two seasons. In fact, you have a lot of crust suggesting you know anything at all about Bill's fans since it's only you and 6 or 7 others who are obsessed to the point of posting everyday about former players instead of looking to the future with all the real Bill's fans But hey, you go right ahead and Hate On!
  4. Please extend my apologies to any members fo your immediate family who are offended by your last name being spelled incorrectly.
  5. You're of course, once again, failing miserably at accurate representation of facts. The writer establishes the criteria as: 10-5-1 or better That criteria does not include 10-6 teams. The writer goes on further to offer an explanation virtually anyone interested in objectivity could understand- "winning twice as many games as you lose". Again, a record of 10-6 does not meet the measure. Hate on!
  6. Your comparative analysis is an excellent point. Kelly, statistically a lesser QB who never won the big game or earned a Super Bowl ring like Bledsoe, made it against far more convincing contemporaries than Bledsoe will face. Also it seems to push the nomination through much more rapidly when a player attracts a few dozen Travis Bickel types. By my count (and including the 3 Travis Bickels who have been "uninvited" on this board for their obsessive posting regarding him) Bledsoe has a fan club of least 14 Bickel-types, some of whom have already appeared in this thread. If he has any luck in picking up another 8 or 9 he'll be a shoe-in for the Hall.
  7. Throw a cheap South African Viognier on top of two bottles of port every morning before work and we might just collaborate on the cure for quarterback obsession! I'll check back with you Wednesday.
  8. If you like bordeax but the sticker shock for the good ones is too severe, start thinking Rhone varietals. Syrah is still well withing reach, with both the greatest region IMO worldwide being the Barossa in Australia plus a lot of California wines, especially Central Coast Syrah coming in at under 10 bucks for high quality offerings. It just takes a little searching, which is the fun of it all. If you start to get into Syrah let me know and I'll steer you in a good direction.
  9. Three bottles of wine and 4 'ludes is apparently a faux paus also if I read the label beforehand, but that's never stopped me from enjoying the buzz.
  10. It's an aquired thing, and if you want chilled wines now that's OK, you'll eventually almost surely end up enjoying them at a warmer temp as the flavors of both red and white wines are greatly improved as the temp goes towards room temp. Usually wine tastes are developed from starting on sweeter white wines, but I guess the best strategy for chilled reds might be trying some ports. You don't want the 30 buck version of Vintage Ports, instead try a wine shop who has a good slection of Ruby Ports and grab a couple bottles for under 10 bucks. Give them a try but I wouldn't recommend overdoing it on quantity with port. If you do find them to your liking you can work your way up to the dryer Ports. After a stint there jump over to a bland bordeax varietal like Merlot that's easy to get down. From there you can move to the traditional reds like Cab, Syrah, Pinot, etc. Along the way I'm sure you'll find yourself liking them all less and less chilled.
  11. It's a common area of confusion due to the FDAs requirement that U.S. wines identify sulfites if they exist in small amounts, and yet fermentation causes sulfites naturally that exceed those levels. The question might better be how about wines with no ADDED sulfites- wherein you'll find a few U.S brands who sell them. I've never had one that I'd revisit because they just aren't very good. The key is that winemakers in Europe, Australia, etc., ALL add sulfites to the wine for preservation. You can find organic wines ( that still have sulfites ) with no added sulfites at stores like Wild Oats or other regional health food grocers. One other thing about sulfites- a lot of peole blame them for allergies and headaches that are almost always actually caused by the histamines in wines versus the sulfites. If you're struggling with the efects of a bottle of wine it might be better to try a decent anithistimine prior to imbibing to see if that cures your ills.
  12. Oddly that'd be frowned upon while quaffing huge slugs directly from the barrel is considered appropriate etiquette.
  13. In a big way. I've got next weekend booked in Paso Robles for cellar tastings of wines that won't get bottled until later in the year. It's the payoff for all the volunteer hours I put in setting up my Festival.
  14. Born and raised in Wellsville NY. Went to college in Alfred NY.
  15. I regularly have PBR in the kegerator in my home in the mountains, we drink fridge beer in the Santa Monica beach house because we don't have a full bar there. I had my buddy who owns a famous Hollywood Bar (Barney's Beanery) add it to his drafts and it's become one of his best sellers. My beverage pallette isn't typically challenged by any of the 1000s who attend my Wine Festival every year- AKCs Wine Festival Link But it shouldn't surprise me that someone with your "expertise" in the Quarterback position would display a similar expertise in beverage assessment by missing the fact that PBR out of a keg is actually one of this country's better offerings ;-)
  16. The other side of it is that Shelton, a guy who is apparently in SERIOUS need of mentorship, is already missing time in organization assuming he does eventually become a Bill. The conditioning going on right now includes time with your positons coach, and on balance I can see no positive in a guy with Shelton's reputation missing a single minute with McNally if he eventually ends up in our uni. The reluctance to accept Shelton as a straight up deal might just as easily mean the team is concerned he might not even stick our 53 man roster as it signals our attempts to wrest the most value out of THenry.
  17. I honestly think it's higher than most visitors to this board would guess. There's a loud and repetitive minority who follow the blowhards on turning on players but I believe most fans accept that it's a team sport with shared responsibilities and the players who contribute to the quality of the WNY community while doing the on field and locker room jobs to the best of their abilities deserve better than that minority is capable of offering.
  18. Your post from March 22- My problem with Bledsoe is that the minute he was disrupted in the pocket, he went into the fetal position. I swear, some of his sacks actually took like 5 seconds from the first contact to the point where he was on the ground. What was Drew doing in those five seconds? Fetalizing. How's that for accuracy! Hate on!
  19. I'd guess if you asked 100 real Bills fans whether Bledsoe played tough for us the numbers would come in over 80% in the affirmative. The little percentage of Chuck Dickerson clones who would argue against it become insignificant from a statistical standpoint- much like Dickerson himself.
  20. I'm happy to be identified as an "idiot" by someone who exhibits so little intelligence as to question Drew Bledsoe's courage and toughness and try to hide behind the lie that it's not a "personal shot". Only the most foolish of Bledsoe Haters would go after the guy's strengths and try to falsely paint them as negatives. You are truly an out of control Bledsoe Hater and you shame the vast majority of Bills fans who choose to respect those that have played in our uniform who deserve it. Any objective Bills fan realizes that courage and toughness are traits of Bledsoe that deserve our respect, and your personal attacks on those very things expose you as a fraud. Hate on. Don't expect me to sit idly by while you do it.
  21. Your post from March 22- My problem with Bledsoe is that the minute he was disrupted in the pocket, he went into the fetal position. I swear, some of his sacks actually took like 5 seconds from the first contact to the point where he was on the ground. What was Drew doing in those five seconds? Fetalizing. This about a guy who if he's been nothing in his career he's been tough- never sat out for dings, never laid down to pressure, the absolute antithesis of the Jim Everett types. So if I follow your interpretation of "taking personal shots" you shouldn't be offended at all if point out that you're a lying hypocrite who childishly obsesses about past Bills players. Because, of course, by your defintiion that wouldn't be a personal shot! (and in fact it would contain accurate information, unlike the absolute garbage in your post) Hey, this is fun!
  22. It's not wrong to be constructively critical, to be accurately croitical or fairly critical. But to repetitively and personally attack a player who hasn't raped or murdered anyone, stabbed teammates in the back or shown up 50 pounds overweight but instead showed up to work and obviously tried to perform his duties- and at times did that spectacularly- there's a point at which it's too much. And it's way beyond too much right now.
  23. You're talking about John Elway now, right? Because the same things said about Elway prior to the Pro-Bowl TE and RB showing up is what you're saying here about Bledsoe. And that's just the begining of the list. Favre won 1 SB with what was acknowledged as the best OL in football that year. Don't even get me started on the talent Troy Aikman had. Don't let the obsessive bashers here fool you- the thing that's got their panties all up in a wad is that the Bills did a class thing for a class guy by releasing him, and one of the best coaches in the league rained on their bashing party by signing him immediately. Now they're all making excuses about why Bledsoe might do well in Dallas- it's simply an absolute lack of conviction. If any one of them believed the hate tripe they've spewed here for two seasons they'd step forward and predict Bledsoe has no chance of a .500 season in Dallas this year. chirp chirp chirp chirp
  24. I can't imagine him making the HOF at all unless Parcells pulls off some kind of miracle in Dallas this year. That doesn't change any of the three criteria I've laid out for players who I think deserve better than the infinitely repetitive drivel we suffer from the Bledsoe bashers. You've chosen to make excuses for why Beldsoe is among the top 10 in passing yardage instead of simply acknowledging that the guy has had a long and INCREDIBLY productive career. I can take the top 10 in rushing yardage too and go yada yada yada on why one is less deserving than another but the simple facts are irrefutable- Bledsoe has been durable, he's been sacked less than John Elway and he's put up more yardage than all but 9 other players in history. All while being a postive locker room and community guy. As far as I can see Bills fans aren't being asked by anyone to "feel lucky" that a record setter like Bledsoe played in our uniform. Frankly I think it brings shame upon our fraternity that a few CONTINUE to personally attack him while misrepresenting his career and accomplishments, all while he's no longer on our roster. Yeah, he hasn't won a SB- but neither did my favorite Bill's QB.
  25. Thank you for clarifying the question of whether there is any correlation between windows that won't roll down and obsessing over Dallas Cowboy quarterbacks.
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