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Everything posted by AKC

  1. That disagreement has never been in question- the further point is the apology I have asked be made to our troops and supported by the history of the Vietnam vet- why is it that liberals have been vociferously demanding apology after apology of the White House and yet when it's the liberals turn to step up and apologize to our troops they refuse? This is not a subjective point- we know troops are treated more poorly upon returning to the U.S. where there has been a loud Anit-war movement. It's impossible to disjoint the movement from the result. Therefore, you must acknowledge that public anti-war stance damage the reception of the returning soldier. If I understand your position it's that "an anti-war stance is not responsible for the negative results we know it causes our fighting persons".
  2. You continue to get lost in the real world. I have no problem with not supporting the war. I have a serious problem with publicly decrying the war, hurting our men and women in uniform, and then promoting the lie the"I still support the soldiers". Can't be done- if you do anything that hurts them ( and PUBLIC resistance to the war without any doubt hurts them) you can't at the same time credibly claimn to be supporting them. The act of lying about "supporting them while I talk sh-- about the war" is a supreme example of hypocrisy. Sound slike that might be hitting a little too close to home for you!
  3. Tyhe average daytime weather for the 22nd would be around 63 degrees and sunny. I'll make sure there's logs for the fireplace at night ;-) Thanks for the map- I'll get to that tonight.
  4. This should not be an excercise in comprehension for objective persons- now for hypocrites the bar is set at a whole different level.
  5. Obfuscation is the greater ally of cowardice. Deal with the facts of the string, not the distraction you try to apply to hide your own guilt. My position is clear- feel however you want about a conflict our soldiers are fighting but control your public stance because history proves a public Anti-War stance ends up anti-soldier REGARDLESS of the intentions of those publicly Anti-War. Was my bother's duty in Vietnam any less courageous or honorable than my fathers in WWII? No way, yet I've seen the reception they both recieved from almost all quarters of this country, from the diminished reception at Veteran's Day parades to the scorn shown for uniformed 'Nam vets. It's a disgusting effect of an Anti-War movement, and yet it's an undenable one. Even our pop culture portrays the WWI vet as an ageless hero while the 'Nam vet is either a My Lai child killer or a nutcase running loose back in the U.S. You're lying to yourself when you refuse to acknowledge it. You're lying to yourself if you refuse to recognize the effect public whimpering has on recruitment. The facts fly in your face, so the only thing I can assume from your continued refusal to accept the facts is that you feel guilty. Go on with your self-loathing, I'll go on TRULY supporting vets in this country with my actions, words and most importantly the RESULTS of my words and actions. Hiding behind lies as you have chosen will do nothing to relieve your guilt.
  6. And now- the first post in a long string absolutely devoid of thought, conviction or purpose- Congratulations!
  7. Excuse my abhorrence of hypocrisy when it comes to those putting their lives on the line for us every day.
  8. Apoligize to all patriots, whatever their conclusions, since without the sacrifices of patriots of all leanings the American experience would not be the greatest example of government by people in the history of the world.
  9. If you have trouble following the thread you might want to sit it out. The premise of the immediate climate suggests today- versus yesterday, the day before,and the day before that in order. Since the substantive position of the thread is impossible for you to argue without continuing to fortify my point you'll try to cloud the semantics of a question made by another poster. Another sign of cowardice as far as I'm concerned. Your continued refusal to apoligize to the fighting heros of our country for your acts that hurt them will not be reduiced by your own attempt to find a more distractive argument to engage in. You ask the leaders of this country for apologies yet when it clearly comes time for you to do the same you refuse. Shame on you and all like you.
  10. Two weeks is an eternity in public opinion. The public, as proven in the rising approval ratings for the President, have shown an uderstanding and maturity in their feelings about Iraq. That includes an upswing over the immediate past in their grasp of the neccessity. You are welcome to continue to deride the country and its leaders but that won't change the fact that the average American disagrees with you.
  11. Take a stab at the current Gallup numbers and let me know if you'd like a primer in poll reading- the question in the string deals with the immediate direction of polls. Gallup As of April 13th
  12. Standing is vastly overrated as a requirment for a successful round of golf. Check your PM, here's a webcam that shows you part of the view from the golf course- Mt. Pinos Here's the Animal House rental we're using for overflow- http://www.jenningsresortrentals.com/servl...LID=2z99wcig9fk]Bills Fans Burn Down National Forest in Franklin Stove Accident[/url]
  13. From the shores of Battersea it might appear so, but it's completely contrary to the direction the U.S. public is shifting. Today's polls show our citizens more and more accepting the positive outcomes being exacted by the war while understandably desirable of bringing our troops home at the earliest time. The American public seems a wise one indeed when compared to the some of the sissy nations of the West. If your suggestion is that UK citizens are still floating the "WMDs!" banner around you'll be disappointed to find out that only a tiny fraction, approximately 5% of U.S. citizens, are still so hopelessly locked in to the debate they overwhelmingly lost so long ago about our right to protect our citizens. But you go right ahead over there on your side of the Atlantic and talk about WMDs!- we have a little story we tell our children on these banks about that- the chorus goes "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!". Cluck
  14. I was thinking a kegger of Cream Ale- but I can adjust on the fly! And don't worry if Golf is too boring, I have a Horseshoe Amphitheater on the lower lot. And I'll warn you now that I play all the time ;-)
  15. I don't know- unless Buffalo kids would consider staying home tonight and listening to Dr. Demento with their dad and mom "whooping it up", I'm under the impression that there's no comparison between the economic times of today versus WWII; then again I was to dirt farmers in Wellsville. What the hell would I know about good times?
  16. Savings Bonds, living on next to nothing, the entertainment buck went nearly exclusively to the family radio you all sat around and listened to at night, saving rubber bands and tin foil and hoping you might just get a chicken for Sunday dinner? I can't believe anyone who lived through WWII would consider the economic situation in the U.S. during the war to be something to throw a party over. Now AFTER WWII things got real cozy as we moved towards our current stature as the #1 arms dealer in the world. Whether that's something to be proud of is up for debate, but considering the alternatives I can at minimum find it acceptable.
  17. Of course Glenn- we can always use someone to drive ;-) I'll PM you info-
  18. You like to ignore history- while war is a financially expensive short term venture the development of new war technologies makes the long term fiscal prospects bright indeed. Consider who will compete with us for the necessary weapons of the near future- there is no competitor for the new systems being developed for our campaign in the Middle East, therefore we'll be not just the vendor of choice but the sole vendor in almost every category. I did not seek to look at war through the prism of future profit but your inane suggestion invited a clarification of the actuality we expect in the aftermath. While war is hardly an investment, there are historical financial rewards that are exponentially increased when only one major weapons system developer is the primary combatant.
  19. As a matter of fact, based upon your statement: "Yes, we had public discussion on the war. It is becoming clear that it was a farce (finally for some), rigged with faulty information." Clearly even liberal icons are calling your conclusions naive. So yes, That's it. End of debate. Point proved. You've fallen somewhere to the left of Daffy Duck and your last gasps of WMDs! WMDs! doesn't even get the LA and NY Times excited any more. Wake up or drown, it's still within your reach to join the majority of Americans in respecting the great things about our awesome United States, including our willingness to defend ourselves. Au Revoir!
  20. While your preference would of course be ostrich ass.
  21. While you were deep in your your cave: The Iraqi's held a vote. Required reading for any species hibernating during the winter of '04/'05 And let me be the first to welcome you back the real world, as it appears I must be.
  22. Read the "and this just I.. a late nominee...." paragraph just down the page here: Golf's Darwin Award
  23. If it makes you feel any better it snowed here Friday and Saturday. The good news is it's 71 and sunny today though, and the course looks real good ;-)
  24. Well in excess of 15,000 people are murdered in violent criminal homicides every year in the United States. If you haven't attended rallies decrying this, if you haven't called any talk radio stations or sent letters to the editor of your newspaper, sported a bumper sticker with your expressions against violent murder, started or joined any movement against it- if you've refused to exercise your right to speak out about this horrible number of people needlessly killed on our own soil every year, I will exercise my right to assume your dissent regarding a war in which we've unfortunately suffered the loss of 1500 soldiers is nothing more than political grandstanding. And political grandstanding while our troops are under fire, grandstanding that hurts those same troops in many ways, can in no way be fairly characterized as "patriotic" by any measure.
  25. You guys check your PMs- I haven't hit a ball in 3 months so the playing field should be level, that is unless somebody shows up with a set of Lew Alcindor's clubs and Bob Lamb hops a cart. Then again the way this winter has gone we could have snow on the course (it's at 5000 feet). We'd REALLY find out who held onto their WNY genes under those circumstances! No worries about wings, they'll be supplied in favorable quantities.
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