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Everything posted by oman128

  1. Ship T.J to Cleveland for a 6th or 7th.
  2. I watched every minute of the NFL Draft this past weekend and I can't tell you how many times I heard that the so and so player had a checkered past or character issues. There was, theft, drugs, guns, pot, sexual assault and one guy was charged with public urination. Yet these are the guys we cheer for on Sunday. Public Urination really? Did he score a TD and then pee on the goalpost in celebration? If I would have done any of this stuff my Italian Grandmother would have hit me upside the head with a frying pan, and I would have deserved it. My parents raised us better than that. While I never made it to the NFL, I am married, have children, a home, and a successful career. I never took drugs or shot at anyone. Then to have to listen to the announcers on ESPN trying to justify what happened, why the guy was charged with sexual assault against another student, but hey those records are sealed, on to the next pick. On Sunday on ESPN, Heisman Trophy Winner Jameis Winstons Father said that FSU needs to provide his son with 24/7 security. This after his son was charged with theft at a Florida Publix for stealing Crab legs. Do the Parents shoulder any responsibility for their sons actions, does the player? Why do these charges get dropped year after year for jocks. If you drove a bus or worked as a nurse or a clerk at the 7 Eleven your ass would be going to jail. Last season this kid had a sexual assault charge, which sounds like was covered up. This kid is on a bad path, and if he can't straighten out he's going to be wearing a number and a Orange jumpsuit like O.J. rather than a Jersey and helmet.
  3. Stevie is not a huge loss Robert Woods had the same production that Stevie had last year. He only gets better in year 2.
  4. Situations that you know are going to happen in the NFL to Michael Sam. 1. A group of fans drunk in the stands will start chanting Gay guy. 2. Fans will probably throw things at him again probably cuz they're drunk or simply are haters, or have "colorful" signs. 3. Michael Sam makes a great play, intercepts a pass and takes it for a touchdown. What is the celebration like in the endzone? Is it normal with high fives, hugging, and slapping each other on the ass or not? 4. Will the announcers say he's the first openly gay man to score a touchdown? Does that create a new record in the NFL? I hope he can just play the game like everyone else. I wish him well.
  5. Kiper is the only guy in America who can get 80% of his picks wrong and still keep his job for 30 years.
  6. I see Fredex being the odd man out, mostly due to his age. He could be the last training camp cut or a traded for like a 6th or 7th round pick for next year.
  7. I'm still pulling for 1st Team All MAC Guard Jason Carlson of the UB Bulls to be signed by the Bills.
  8. No way we do the 2 kickers thing again, like we did 2 years ago. Epic Fail!
  9. I'd like to see OG Jasen Carlson from UB sign with the Bills.
  10. Johnny Dogpound in Cleveland. Johnny Chicken Wing in Buffalo.
  11. we tried the two kicker experiment 2 years ago/Chan Gailey an not so good results .
  12. I'll bet Henderson is out celebrating tonight and smoking dope, kid failed 3 drugs tests at Miami and also at the combine. He's either real dumb or doesn't give a !@#$ , and thinks he's entitled. I think Marrone will have a tight leash on him, he is my first cut.
  13. ok Michael Sam is going to the Rams. Pick number 249.
  14. I think that the Bills are pussifying E.J. by not giving him more competition. At the very least bring in a QB and maybe upgrade our #2 or 3.
  15. If nobody in the NFL picks Michael Sam the executives at the NFL main offices will be crafting some carefully worded press releases about the Neanderthal owners and general managers who didn't pick him. It will be open season by reporters on why teams didn't draft him. Maybe the NFL isn't ready for an openly gay man to be drafted. Maybe they will sign him as a free agent.
  16. I think we just wanna know why it was such a freakin secret what his injury was. I mean if the guy broke his arm just tell us he broke his arm. The story was fishy. Was he despressed? Was he in rehab? Did someone in his family die?
  17. it's strange because the kid was the SEC Defensive Player of the Year. The SEC as we all know how is the best conference in America in college football. maybe somebody's waiting to take him with the last pic #256 the Mr. Irrelevant pick.
  18. Sure I can honey, like when your Mother is here.
  19. Jasen Carlson-OG University of Buffalo. Grew up in Jamestown.
  20. Jasen Carlson-OG University of Buffalo. Grew up in Jamestown.
  21. This is the most active draft the Bills have had in decades. They added and subtracted players from next year's draft and had 2 trades adding a RB and shipping Stevie. They need to add a Back up QB and a Safety. I like it.
  22. I thought you meant hair, they all got long hair. Get a haircut....
  23. My wife asked me if I was going to sit on the couch, watch the draft, drink beer and scratch myself all day long? Honey, why would this year be any different?
  24. Bills take a corner every year...
  25. Bills take a corner every year...
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