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Everything posted by oman128

  1. I thought there was an old Seneca Indian curse on the team that required a virgin sacrifice?
  2. With all the thousands of people flying in and out of the Buffalo airport, everyday wouldn't that be a great place for Buffalo Billy to hang out maybe once a month for a few hours as a marketing tool. Children especially would love to have their picture taken with a Mascot, you know those pictures would be facebooked almost immediately. Buffalo Billy would also need an assistant, who could offer to take pictures sell some tickets, giveaway Buffalo Bills novelties items etc. Ditto for the Bisons and Sabres.
  3. Contact the University of Colorado....
  4. How cool would it be if the Buffalo Bills had their own version of the University of Colorados Ralphie the Buffalo leading the Bills out onto the field before every home game?
  5. I'd much rather see the Bills play 8 homes games at the Ralph. If the Bills are looking to expand their base why not play a Pre Season game at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse. The Bills should play the Giants in a empire state battle.
  6. Maybe its just me, but I think maybe the Bills should have waited until later in the season maybe like October so we can make sure his performance from last year wasn't a fluke. He's had 1 decent year in 3, reminds me a bit of the Fitz deal. I"m sure Ill get blasted with people saying we waited to long and lost Byrd bla bla bla...
  7. Jasen got hurt during the season but prior to that he was playing very well opening big holes. The nice thing is that Jason is also Western New York boy he's from Jamestown and attended Southwestern high school. I see him more as a backup right now then a starter but in a year or two I think he could be the real deal.
  8. Jasen Carlson is a good guard and he could be a help to the Bills.
  9. Kolb, needs to retire for his health, he got his brains scrambled last year and any other kind of head hit could be lethal. I wish him the best, but there is no way the Bills can keep him.
  10. We had Marshawn, but we got rid of him.
  11. I was reading a list of stories currently posted on ESPN and here are the highlights. Aaron Hernandez of the Patriots has been charged with murder. E.J Henderson of the Vikings has been released due to multiple DWI's. Richie Incognito is a racist bully when it comes to J Martin. Hugh Douglas was just charge for beating up his girlfriend. Darren Sharper charged with two counts of rape. Vince Young just filed for bankruptcy. Greg Boyd just jailed for tax fraud. and just this past week we find out that Michael Sam future NFL Draftee says he's gay. Which may not be so bad when you consider what the guys above him have done. OJ Simpson is still in jail and I believe Rae Carruth is as well , not to mention Dave Meggett. Im sure there are others. Great job Roger!
  12. Ill bet you the Patriots select one of them and turn them around, or at least get them to do things the Patriot way. Richie sounds like a Raiders thowback ftom the 70's Lyle Alzado.
  13. I use to work for Marriott and they made it a point in the employee handbook to say that I had to wear under wear clean underwear everyday. I guess things are different in Cincinnati.frankly it wouldn't bother me in the least if the NFL get rid of cheerleaders. I mean except for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders and maybe the Laker Girls nobody elses cheerleaders are really Famous.
  14. The NfL should take over the CFL and merge it 8 teams 1 in each division, and millions of new fans for our NFL products. More players, more teams more cities, new rivalries.
  15. okay the bills need to draft a short quarterback, a running back who doesn't speak and utility player who is a total headcase but can break open a game at a moment's notice.
  16. Im so glad we gave up 2 picks to draft TJ Graham, instead of Russell Wilson.
  17. Peyton Manning better have one hell of a second half comeback in him or this is going to be an rout!!! Then we'll have to hear about Peyton's legacy or lack there of.
  18. For me The Super Bowl going to be all about Wilson the 3rd round pick that we didn't select, and Manning a quarterback we could never sign for 100 million dollars.
  19. Detroit hasnt won a championship since the 50's, plus the city is broke and can't afford much. The Lions could use a change of scenery.
  20. Many teams have a 3rd jersey, Baltimore has purple white and black Miami has green white and the occasional orange jersey. The Bills should come out with an alternate red jersey.
  21. The NFL gives second third fourth and fifth chances for drugs beatung up your girlfriend, killing someone in a car accident Donte Stallworth or any other indiscretion you can come up with. But someone who stands up for himself nobody wants? He might be a decent RT, if not we can always release him for one of the other felons to play in the NFL.
  22. John Elway loves the Broncos, and he's built a championship team with Peyton Manning at the helm, and they are in the Super Bowl. Dan Marino turned down a position with the Dolphins to go into broadcasting and make lots of money, without the headache of running a team. Jim Kelly hangs out on the sidelines during Bills games, takes perspective new Bills (Mario, EJ) out to dinner and or goes hunting with them, and is satisfied to run his summer football camps, and his foundation. And you wonder why the Bills are a losing franchise.
  23. carpenter is like a bird in the hand, and Hopkins is like two in the bush.
  24. if we lose him, bring back Wade Phillips as defensive coordinator.
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