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Everything posted by oman128

  1. So if Trump owned the Bills, can he still run for President or Governor, or do we have to hear about those ridiculous rumors every four years?
  2. Aaron Rodgers he's a class act, he wins games, he doesn't get arrested, embarrass his team and he speaks in complete sentences. I wish he was a member of the Buffalo Bills.
  3. So what's professional about long hair and tattoos everywhere? It cheapens the game, makes players look like punks.
  4. I used to work at a Car Dealer in Jamestown, Darrick was there often and did Autograph signings, photos for our customers.
  5. I think we need to return to the days when men were men and looked like men. And whats with all the Tattoos all of a sudden everyone has dozens of them, I thought only sailors got them. That's probably the next thing players with offensive tattoos will have to cover them up, wear long sleeves, I can see it now a players scores a TD and flashes his Tattoo of a gang symbol or a naked lady or something inappropriate.
  6. Goodell will fine him for that comment.
  7. I'm ok with either one. I think they are both good players.
  8. How about we just stick to the facts and if you don't have any, you keep your mouth shut so as not to exacerbate the situation.
  9. I'm me and I'm entitled to my opinion. You don't have to like it or agree with it, we can agree to disagree.
  10. I'm not saying everyone needs the Johnny Unitas crew cut. But I think there should be limits during the season is all I'm saying.
  11. With out rules there is chaos, were just talking about not having your hair go down any further than the top of your name tag. When the season is over you can be a hairbag and people are getting all in a huff about it. I don't see an issue.
  12. I see Charlotte, Jets, Atlanta and Baltimore as possible landing places. Some guys have those kind of reps and some don't. There are plenty of both inner city guys and farm boys in the NFL.
  13. No horse collar tackles from behind, is the rule. Furthermore the jersey's are so tight now a days you can barely grab them.
  14. Should the NFL, institute a hair length rule? Players like Clay Matthews, Troy Polamalu and Richard Sherman would all be effected. Call me old fashioned, but NFL players shouldn't need to wear their hair past their shoulders during the season. If your hair covers your nametag my high school coach would say it's too long. Its also a safety issue. Players can't grab the Jersey, but they can yank your hair, like we did in grade school.
  15. Who cares...the guy is slime...
  16. So the Eagles got rid of Jackson who flashed gang signs during games and a dog killer in Mike Vick. The Eagles are a kinder, gentler team.
  17. The NFL could also buyout the Bills and Lions for 2 Billion. Close down the franchises and figure out some way to redistribute the players. Realign The teams into 2 conferences east and west. Cut the divisions to 3 and each division has 5 teams 3x5=15 So it like the NBA.
  18. Many pics after the 5th round don't work out, yes I know there are exceptions like Stevie Johnson in the 7 but the bills have a track record of 6th and 7th round pick flaming out, so why not use the 6th and 7th round pick to move up in the second third and fourth round and get better players if they're not going to make the team anyway.
  19. Lots of fan's may have forgotten that the Ralph has already been downsized by seven thousand seats as used to be over 80000 seats.
  20. the whole idea of putting an NFL team in London is really in the Nuts. Canada is a better option we don't have to cross an ocean, just a playoff football game.
  21. Your a dreamer, ain't happening.
  22. A new owner with no ties to the Buffalo community cares about one thing making money. He doesn't care about the fans of New York he cares about getting the best deal he can and that deal probably isn't in Buffalo. Los Angeles has so much more money than Buffalo when we all know it. But everybody wants a savior like Terry Pegula or Tom Golisano to step in and save the franchise like a virgin on prom night. Just because Roger Goodell is from Jamestown doesn't mean he's going to save the Bills for western New York. if the bills move to Toronto lots of the fans will still go to the game bit they will sti'll will b**** about' on fan sites like this. If the team is sold and moved just Los Angeles it'll be rebranded as something else they won't be the Bills anymore they'll be in the LA stars or something else. The NFL hasn't had a new team in a new city in a long time and that alone create some drama excitement new uniforms new colors new rivalry new media market. Sad to say but I think the Bills Days In Buffalo are numbered.
  23. Do you think you'll ever be a day when the NFL and the Canadian Football League merge and the Canadian teams become part of the NFL? Think of all the new teams, revenue,media markets etc.
  24. If the Bills left, fans would likely become Steeler fans or Giants fans and a few lost souls would become Browns fans. An the 150 Million in upgrades going to the stadium now would be for not. don't worry you can still play the high school section 6 championships there. Unless the stadium was torn down and repurposed into something else maybe like a new zoo.
  25. I think the Rams have just made a great move !
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