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Everything posted by dulles

  1. +1 I think we have an national obligation to keep the name just to show the English who's boss.
  2. I was going to ask, "Shouldn't they be more offended by the Patriots?" I know I am!
  3. The tag isn't for teams that are close to signing an extension. The tag is for teams forcing players to stick around. It's a means of control. You use extreme measures, like the tag, when things are NOT going your way. That is why teams can only use the tag a minimal number of times on any one player and only one player at a time.
  4. It does no good for Jax to win the Super Bowl. That gives them history in Jax and that would mess up their move to London or St. Louis.
  5. 42, but I don't think I have to worry about the draft. My deep ball makes Peyton's regressive form look like a thing of beauty! I am glad that I'm better than Terry Bradshaw at this, but I was hoping to match Fitzmagic.
  6. re: Ealy - you are exactly right. He had a monster game.
  7. I dread more "high-motor" players, but I had to laugh at the "Prius" line.
  8. I think the delay lends toward a favorable outcome for Shady. If there were no loose ends, they'd already have him arrested. I wouldn't be surprised if the DA and Shady's attorney aren't already working out a deal. If the behavior of the LEOs was unsavory, it might be in the best interest of everybody to get this swept under the carpet.
  9. Looks like McElroy is auditioning to become the next Trent Dilfer - mediocre QB, world-class opinion, TV personality.
  10. Two things come to mind: Dan Marino sprinting to the sideline after an interception (or laying down in the fetal position). and RGIII being heroic in the playoff game and essentially ending his career. If I was a Panthers fan, I'd like to see him try, but as a disinterested observer, I understand completely.
  11. You do have to take into account the tendency of law and order to lend leniency to those who wear the badge, even if they aren't wearing it during the incident. One report is stating that the "off-duty officers" filed the report after the fact. Certainly, their knowledge of the system puts them a step ahead. Thankfully, Shady has plenty of money to hire lawyers who are even smarter than the "off-duty officers." Unfortunately, Shady will likely have to sit out a game or two for the sake of the "Shield."
  12. I was not pleased that Miller and Ware were not playing on the last drive for Carolina! Sure the odds are like a million to one, but I don't want to be that one! Play to the final whistle! Always!
  13. Offense wins Division Championships. Defense wins Super Bowls??? It is interesting to notice trends in professional sports. In the NBA, GS, San Antonio, even Miami with Lebron have broken from traditional formulas for championship runs. In the NFL, the rule changes are meant to incline teams toward passing offenses, but it appears that Denver and Carolina are a correction in the trend. I think that NE and Seattle both fit that mold as well. Those Super Bowls came down to defense, too. As far as Buffalo is concerned, it does look like our regressive choice of coach (defense/run oriented in a passing league) may turn out to be a "ahead of the curve" choice for coach! Whaley's a genius for thinking so far ahead of the curve!!! I think we have to be careful about judging coaching. A couple years ago, Kubiak was chopped liver. His teams in Houston were inconsistent, etc. The success of coaching isn't built on novel concepts or genius. All these coaches are pretty smart guys. The coach who can get his team to execute his philosophy/plan most consistently is the guy who wins. A lot of the time, that will come down to some extra special performances (see Von Miller in the AFC Championship and Super Bowl) or some freak bounces (like fumbles in the SB). You can't capture that "magic" in a bottle, so the coach who moves forward with consistency and the organization which values continuity will be most inclined toward success. Less waste will be expended on changes along the way. More energy can be invested in the finer details which the coach notices, but cannot communicate to players due to limited practices, etc. Buffalo will begin to reap more benefit from our coaching staff in the coming year. I would be shocked if we do not have a top 10 offense AND defense this coming year.
  14. Saw this after I posted...Exactly. What do you think Tom Brady's box looked like before Eli pulled a rabbit out of his hat? Eli and Archie know better than to count their chickens...
  15. I think he is immediately thinking about the next sequence of plays. He's a very smart quarterback. He's like a chess player. All the others in the booth are cheering because Denver called "check." Eli knows that the game isn't over until you hear "checkmate."
  16. Kony Ealy would have been a front runner for MVP had the score gone the other way. That was one of the best Super Bowl performances I've seen (Been watching since XXI). The only thing that overshadowed Ealy's individual defensive performance was Miller's on the opposite side. Demarcus Ware could have been co-MVP with Miller if the voting was different. Really impressive defensive game - not so exciting from a fan/offense perspective!
  17. This is really funny if you consider the type of "journalism" some sites are promoting. Recently, I stumbled across this "gem" from "The Pittsburgh Sporting News." I wonder if "sporting" is a pun on joking/athletics... Check out how the writer cites the punters' longest punt of the year as a metric for rating their effectiveness. http://www.pittsburghsportingnews.com/ranking-the-steelers-punters-since-sepulveda/30804 Maybe we could get a guy to hold the ball during windy kickoffs too. I think that is such an important spot. A specialist could really make a difference!
  18. I don't think they were playing for the tie. I think Hoodie was going for the win, with tie-insurance. You go for it on fourth down with 6 to go. You are banking on getting the ball back at least once, maybe twice. If you convert the fourth down, you have a chance to score 6, try for 2, and still come back to win on a FG late. I did not have a problem with the call at all...especially since it failed! But, I was not at all comfortable that the game was over at that point. TB* is never out, no matter how down he's been. He and BB truly are a remarkable pair. I still despise it when the win, but they deserve respect for always being there at the end. BTW, I actually saw BB say Thank You to an official after he was trying to get a time out yesterday...Maybe he is human!
  19. Don't forget the NFC West - they have some pretty good pass rushers too. This next year could be long for TB*
  20. Just because a court grants an OOP does not mean that there was significant grounds. It is possible that Fitz's lawyer simply said Fitz didn't care to see her ever again, so the OOP was a moot point. The court could have granted it just to appease her and he would have no reason to pursue action to have it rescinded. These issues are never simple, so we probably cannot get to the truth. One things is noteworthy, Fitz has not been in the police blotter for repeat offenses!
  21. What? You are saying that his 75 yard reception wasn't that impressive? You are saying that his stats, including 2 touchdowns were indicative of waning ability? You are saying that the Packers were actually ignoring him in favor of the other Arizona receivers? I don' think so.
  22. It's a shame that he wasn't in the Hall of Fame. He was outstanding in Buffalo and a pain in the neck when he coached in Indy. (I mean that with all the competitive respect I can muster). I was always disappointed by Buffalo's offense after he had departed.
  23. That was actually Clete's special NE* coin, but he forgot the fair one back at the Super8.
  24. Assistants don't always have multi-year deals like head coaches. Like when Thurman played for them?
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