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Everything posted by dulles

  1. We're gonna play close to the Cards, then Rex will get excited about his vaunted defense. He'll blather on all week about how we are going to get after the Pats. They will quietly go about their preparation like always while we spin our wheels producing bulletin board material.
  2. light years...no other coach in the NFL would have won that game, let alone shut out the other team. special...he wins, repeatedly, regardless of the players available. same offensive plays...The same offense works repeatedly because it has balanced responses to anything a defense will do to stop it. Eventually, Bill's offense puts you in a position where his player and your player are challenged to compete 1 on 1. May the best man win. Usually, NE's guy's make the play because they are accustomed to being challenged in such a fashion. The defense was playoff caliber last night. He had them ready to go. He knew they would need to win it on the defensive side of the ball and they did.
  3. Last night, Houston was at the line with 20 seconds on the clock regularly (in the first half, before they were in hurry up).
  4. What??? Is this football or something? (In case people can't sense playful sarcasm this morning...I couldn't agree more with kota). I'm encouraged by the change ot Lynn. When I think of great offenses that sustained success over multiple years, I think of teams that did the same things repeatedly with excellence. Everyone knew Jerry Rice was going to run crossing patterns. Everyone knew Denver was going to run that zone blocking/cutback lane stuff with T.Davis. That didn't stop them from executing. The key is understanding the countermeasures taken by the defense and then crafting SIMPLE adjustments to force the defense off balance.
  5. I remember '96. I was at a friend's house and I was the only person watching the game by the second possession.
  6. So, you were such a big fan back then you didn't put money on the game?
  7. He's just waiting for his cutback lane so he can stick his foot in the ground.
  8. Maybe if the bills reintroduce EJ as Erik, other teams might forget his weaknesses. We could totally surprise them with his unique skillset.
  9. I can see TT being frustrated. He has worked around a decent offensive system in Baltimore. They had Cam Cameron, Jim Caldwell, and Gary Kubiak during TT's tenure. Although Cameron got canned, this list represents highly respected offensive minds, including Super Bowl pedigree in Caldwell and Kubiak. All three guys also had head coaching experience (ie game management experience).
  10. I think there can be significant changes to the game day side of things in three areas. 1. There's always the possibility that Lynn knows how to communicate a play in fewer than 25 seconds so that the offense can get to the line before the numbers on my screen start flashing in bright red! 2. You might also see the use of some basic concepts like a bubble screen or quick-hitting run plays. The lack of simple plays which help get an offense in a flow has been a problem all along. 3. The use of 10-15 yard routes utilizing the middle of the field as well as play action fakes could get Tyrod rolling. All three of these improvements are available regardless of what the system looks like on paper. I forgot about that. 17-2 baby! Super Bowl LI here we come.
  11. Scapegoat is a biblical term. Two goats were part of the Yom Kippur rituals. All the sins of the people were ceremoniously placed onto the goat by a priest and then the goat was driven off into the wilderness, never to be heard from again. BTW, the scapegoat was the lucky one. The other goat got its throat slashed.
  12. No, Stockholm Syndrome would result in us feeling empathy for and bonding with Rex/Rob. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome That is exactly what I thought. What is the likely effectiveness of the play if called before the timeout vs. the effectiveness without a timeout? I would be shocked to see statistical evidence that gives an advantage to the offense in such a situation. Especially since a finite, valuable resource must be surrendered in order to secure such value, coaches should be reticent to use the timeout. I think the most surprising move would be to act like you are doing the hard count, then relax, then snap the ball at an odd time on the play clock (like 4 seconds to go).
  13. On the fourth and one following the time out, Groy blew the assignment. He came to the huddle late. He looked like he was unaware of the snap count even though the run was coming right at him. He whiffed on the key block and that was the game.
  14. If Pegula comes out publicly to support Rex, you know the twins will be gone by the bye week. Always works that way.
  15. "Clown show" would be right, except every time I saw Rob I thought "Redneck Santa."
  16. I'm not sure why TT doesn't ignore the radio and just run the offense in the hurry-up. Roman is so slow he should be a supervisor at the DMV. Wait, I apologize. That's insulting to DMV supervisors.
  17. That's the truth: We've never recovered from losing Polian. You're right about Butler too, especially his last two offseasons. Not only did he pick poorly, he also negotiated some bad contracts. He really stuck it to Ralph and the Bills late in his tenure. I think he knew he was leaving.
  18. I can't see how Spikes would have played worse than McCray. If Spikes is in on 1st and 2nd, we contain the run. Then our LB's can run deeper zones and our safeties can give better help on the outside. It's like dominoes! I was surprised when Spikes didn't dress.
  19. No, they were as well prepared for the Ravens, as the Pearl Harbor Naval Base was for a massive GERMAN air assault in December of 1941!
  20. If we are only throwing 22 times, Sammy should be targeted 22 times.
  21. 19-0...err...11-5 and a Wild Card birth as the 5 seed.
  22. I didn't think the hands to the face on Harris was bad on the zebras. I thought it was atrocious that a veteran corner was lined up in press coverage and undisciplined with his technique. The Cam-Slam is another story. He just doesn't get calls that other QBs get.
  23. You must have missed the super bowl. They were even more nauseating with him.
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