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Everything posted by dulles

  1. Question 1-yes.Question 2-yes-week 7 he can return to play. Statement regarding Dareus-yes. Interesting indeed.
  2. I'm sure they'll catch up with that. Our defense is so much more dynamic than last year. It is a lot of fun to watch.
  3. There were multiple times during our win yesterday that called for their specific talents. Are we glad to win without them? Sure. Would we be glad to have them back? Absolutely.
  4. Is it wrong to come into this thread and gloat? Either way, it sure is nice to have top-flight talent at RB.
  5. I think that is a scheme problem. Why is Goodwin running 7 yard outs and Woods is running long? On a must-make down, you put your best players in their best position to succeed. I know you can't do that every down, because the defense will know where you are going, but sometimes you just have to beat the guys across the line of scrimmage.
  6. We've gotten pretty good at playing defense against one dimensional teams - Brisset, Keenum, etc. Did you hear Robey-Coleman's postgame interview? He said they knew they wouldn't throw deep. He said they were just waiting on all the quick outs. Rex was crowding the box, forcing them to go away from Gurley - the only true threat to the Bills. I think Buffalo should be in good shape against the '49ers.
  7. Rex has an incredible historical knowledge of the NFL. It really shows that despite the bumbling blowhard image some get from his shtick, he really is an intelligent fellow. [edited to remove picture, etc.]
  8. The heat was coming for TT on that throw. I didn't like the miss, but I didn't think it was a terrible mistake. We are talking about inches and hundredths of a second. It really is amazing how talented these guys are.
  9. Is this part of some weird gov't mind-control experiment? I never thought we'd hear any good news from TBN again!
  10. Definitely Rogue. What was he thinking? Does Kim know about this? Should someone tell Terry? Quick, where is the Pegula Learjet right now? What do you think Polian would have done?
  11. He needs to find one of those "Senior Adviser - Offense" positions. That is what he'd be qualified to perform.
  12. I'd definitely say so. Perhaps we can give away a 1st for him. I think Cleveland likes to get 1st round picks from us.
  13. That's pretty big if true. Their DL is their strength.
  14. Good point, but common sense does not seem to be CK's m.o.
  15. Or the defensive coach who insulted the Washington lineman... Or the parity-shattering trade that culminated in the Dallas dynasty... I'm sure he should have done something to stop that Herschel Walker trade from happening.
  16. That's what I thought about the headline...not too worried about that set of passers.
  17. I don't think we really know if 'Los would be good in short yardage for Lynn. It appears that Lynn is calling a different kind of offense. I think there were types of runs that Roman gravitated toward. I think Lynn may lean in other directions. Certain runners do well with specific running styles. It is possible that Lynn may be able to utilize Karlos a little differently, that is IF the Bills sign him
  18. That's some TSW experience speaking right there!
  19. I think you could hear the life coach coming through...They are all about making correct decisions going forward, but their message is not necessarily geared for the public's consumption.
  20. No, we should have our third string qb run through their warm-up.
  21. I was glad we let him go. I have to admit, I was surprised by the drop off in production.
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