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Everything posted by dulles

  1. I thought it was the wrong call, but easily understood from the vantage point of the ref on the replay. Besides, that was probably the guy they tripped earlier in the game...
  2. Darn. No replies. I was hoping that there would be a mass exodus of all my favorites.
  3. I think we saw an adjustment in the second half. Misdirection, roll out, etc. They just didn't get the completions. I wouldn't be shocked to see them run him into the ground. They have no reason not to. Do you prefer Bea-mot?
  4. Keuchly at LB is what JJ Watt is at DL. Did you see him peel off the receiver to tackle tt in the first half. That was impressive.
  5. Really good to see Shaq bringing it. He and Kyle at the goal line... Amazing.
  6. They looked good, but I'm not sure NYJ or CAR are that good offensively. The only problem with that idea is that it doesn't account for the offensively ineptitude in the first half. The TOP in the first half seemed like +15:00 for Carolina. You can't demand immediate stops from a defense that has played all day already. Drew Bees only put up 20 on NE. 😀 I think some of those holes were because a linebacker was spying on Cam. Johnson was definitely out of position on at least one.
  7. I'm pretty sure fantasy football doesn't have anything to do with delusional episodes, so if this persists, you should probably see a doctor.
  8. Looks kinda like Frodo's buddy Sam rocking a Fitzpicksix jersey. No thanks. 😀
  9. Wait... This is hilarious. By your logic, there would never be new coaches. We'd need to resurrect Vince Lombardi and that guy who used the word "matriculating."
  10. I agree that he blew it at 43 seconds, but the defensive timeout was about strategy. He and Frazier wanted to see the alignment before calling the timeout. This is not the second coming of Rex. If you manage the clock well, you don't need those seconds. There are more ways to manage the clock in offense, which we didn't use. Anyway...We didn't run out of time. We ran out of yards.
  11. I for one am very grateful for the paywall. It keeps me from accidentally giving clicks to articles on BN. I just wish TBD would aggregate all the BN articles just like the "out of town" news that comes in late each week. That way I could easily skip over the stuff I won't read anyway.
  12. Did you see NO against Minne? This is the 'aints, not the Saints. Exactly.
  13. I watched most of the first half. I thought Beth did a great job. Just today, I was telling a friend how I thought ESPN had the broadcasting teams messed up. Put Beth with Chucky and I'd watch regularly. I don't mind Sean McDonough, but he's not Al Michaels. Beth has a Suzyn Waldman quality to her voice and delivery (and I'm not a Yankees fan!). I thought it was outstanding. Things like volume and tone can often be addressed with good engineering.
  14. Guess you're not a fan of the Dr. Pepper ad?
  15. NFL rules prevent the base color of helmets changing during the season. Besides, the Buffalo should be red if the helmet is blue. If we did that, then it would really like like the 90s Giants. Not that attractive and not gonna happen in my estimation.
  16. The issue with all of those penalties was the guard. Even when Baltimore got called for the penalty, you could see the guard was too far behind the center's hip. There must be an overlap with the inner lineman. On all those plays, the guard was back off the center's hip.
  17. The problem with your logic is this: we don't get all the other qb's in the draft. We only get one real shot over few years (because you have to give time for development and assessment). Since we only get a limited number of shots, might as well take the shot with the highest percentage of success.
  18. I'd be careful about going full tank. Look at the colts. They are super happy to have luck, but they haven't been able to surround him with talent. We can't hang our hope on a QB without addressing the whole roster. Timing everything is imperative. Skills players often require time to develop.
  19. If you don't like it around here, find another site. There is a long history of how we do things around here. Part of that history is respect for the rules. The rules prohibit duplicate threads. BTW, OP good observations re: Peterman. I hope he has some time to develop.
  20. There is a curious correlation between the condition of this board and the demise of bbmb. Any regular on tsw can spot the difference in heartbeat. That's a good trade. I bet that pinto shows up at every game and puts on a show!
  21. That's why Buffalo should be looking at a dome for the next stadium.
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