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Everything posted by Kent14

  1. House is one of my favorite shows out there right now. The lead guy is an a$$ but it's easy to like him.
  2. DISCLAIMER (I am 24 and have no children) That said, I get out of work and arrive home about the time the local school lets out, say 3:15ish. The language that comes out of their mouths makes me sick and I was in a fraternity in college. These kids are ages 8-12 I'd guess and they all walk home in front of my apartment. F this and F that. A girl who was maybe 10 describing 69 to an 8 or 9 year old boy she was walking with. That was just yesterday. Everyday it seems like I get a new lesson. I'm not saying it's the parent's fault or the school's but it certainly backs up what Tomcat said.
  3. ByTor, That is a great avatar!
  4. A week in late June in northern Quebec drinking beer, smoking cigars, and fishing. Then my wedding in August in the Thousand Islands which will mean the end of those fishing trips.
  5. Heard on the radio this morning that she is in town doing the show Chicago. Only doing 4 shows or something like that though.
  6. You're welcome.
  7. Much more expensive to raise and much more dangerous. Many beef farmers get attacked by an angus bull and escape with a few cuts or some broken ribs. The farmers that get attacked by a bull bison die. Plus the added size means you need stronger and taller fences and gates. There are still a few around here in WNY that do raise Buffalo and Elk but they are not very large herds.
  8. First row, upper deck with my father and grandfather and I have the ticket stubs to prove it.
  9. receipt of a portion of the County share of costs for the 2005 season... Link http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=3134
  10. True, but we wouldn't have traded our first round pick that year to NE so it is possible the Bills still would have picked McGahee
  11. I went to the holocaust museum about 7 years ago. It is very well done. I would highly reccomend spending a few hours there. I been to DC twice with my parents and we did all the museums and tours and such but the one that really stuck with me was the holocaust museum.
  12. MSNBC has a good page here http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6867118/
  13. Knew that was coming.
  14. What's the easiest way to format a hard drive? Kent
  15. Good job by the boys to come back from 20 down but why does every 'cuse game have to give me a heart attack. I won't see 30 if this keeps up.
  16. "Alright, you proved your point. Congratulations, you're a dead man. "
  17. Hot Dog
  18. Isn't Jack's mother alive? I thought she was the one who sent him after his father.
  19. I think you need to go a little easier than that one. I had to look it up.
  20. Ok, I'll throw another one up here. "Yes boss, like the drink, only not spelled the same."
  21. I'd give credit to Theesir, so he's up.
  22. In Jaws wasn't the quote " Farewell and adieu to you fair spanish ladies" ?
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