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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. 27-10 Bills. Everybody redeems themselves. I just hope they don't rush AW back into play.
  2. It was his second start, and against the defending champs who already look like they want to repeat. He's still learning his supporting cast, and they're still getting used to and learning him. No need to panic. They'll start coming together. This was the best time for them to get pummeled so they can learn from it now and hopefully pay them back later.
  3. Of course there's going to be growing pains, but this guy's upside outweighs the downside at this point. He'll get better as the season goes on and he gets more experience.
  4. True. It's only week 2 of 16, and the Pats ARE the defending champs. I'm not big on moral victories either but this group didn't fold like the previous teams would have. They came out of the hole and still had a chance to pull of an unlikely come from behind win. Lots of football left to play. No worries. GO BILLS!!
  5. They We were outplayed, out smarted, out disciplined, and clearly outcoached by a better team this time. It's an early season learning experience that they'll recover from. It doesn't get any easier for them next week in Miami so they better learn fast and step up their game. They have to be much smarter all the way around.
  6. From time to time, roman will need to use the moving pocket keeping in mind TT is not the tallest among QB's. Granted it might take away a section of the field but he should be able to get the most from what he will have to work with since he'll have a better view of it on the move.
  7. Nope, they can't. Brady's on another level. He's got the Bills number just like Miami used to have it back in the 70's and most of the 80's
  8. He has shown he has the good sense to know when to go down or get out of bounds so he can get away with taking off at times. Doesn't have to do it a lot, just enough to make the defense account for him.
  9. Every defense the rest of the way are going to do this to the offense: 1) Keep Taylor as contained in the pocket as they can 2) Limit the running game and take away the tight ends. 3) Force Roman to call more passing plays to the receivers (he's not as good with utilizing the receivers as many may think - ask the 49ers). 4) Challenge TT to win the game with the long ball while challenging our O-line to hold up (they got exposed by the Patriots) I still like our playoff chances though. We're still good once we beat Miami
  10. The names and faces have changed, but the killer penalties remain the same. The ground and pound attack will work with better use of the receivers. We have way too many weapons to not be taking shots downfield to back up the defense. Brady did all the right things to neutralize our front four by getting rid of the ball quickly. He's a certain hall of famer for a reason! Give him his deserved credit.
  11. Keep in mind it's only his second start so there's going to be some growing pains to go along with his 3 passing TD's and 1 rushing TD vs the defending champs.
  12. Yeah, I have to agree. They were absolutely outcoached.
  13. Oh well..... 1) Penalties, penalties, and more big play killing penalties. Some things never change. 2) O-line is still a work in progress. 3) PI call on Bradham in the 4th quarter was shaky. 4) Roman's game planning needs more use of the receivers. They're too good to be targeted so little. 5) I sure hope Aaron Williams is gonna be OK. 6) I did like the way they fought back and gave themselves a chance to pull off a miracle at the end. 7) Lack of real pressure up the middle on Brady was fatal. He picked the defense apart. 8) I still like Tyrod Taylor, he'll learn a lot from this loss and it will make him even better. Gotta take a little steam off some of those short throws. 9) Like it or not, the Patriots are still the better team, and they ARE the defending champs, but the gap is closing. 10) Bottom line, they just weren't good enough in all 3 phases of the game to beat the champs, but next week, they'll beat Miami.
  14. Handoff to Shady, right side between guard and tackle. 3 yard gain. 16 first downs
  15. 100% of suspended players not named Brady usually don't play
  16. Love it Let's keep in mind here: 1) This ain't Jim Schwartz's defense anymore, it's their first game in Rex Ryan's system. 2) They were facing a team that not only won their division but played in the conference championship game 3) They held a championship caliber offense in check for the most part, and stopped them in the final minutes when it counted 4) They won the dayum game!! Now that we got that out the way, time to prepare to do even better when the Pats come to town.
  17. O-line is still a work in progress, but does look improved over last year. The penalty on Hughes was highly questionable. The occasional offsides is going to happen with him but still needs to be controlled. Not a major concern.
  18. Play calling wasn't all that bad - except for the first play. Don't call that again!
  19. 1) Not a bad debut for Tyrod Taylor. Efficient mistake free football is all we need from him 2) Karlos Williams is a stud in the making 3) Darby's gonna be ok on the corner, yes he's going to get burned at times but he'll get better as the season goes on. 4) Gilmore's a very good corner, just don't expect him to lead the league in INT's 5) No worries about Carpenter 6) O-Line is still a work in progress 7) Preston Brown is a pro bowler in the making 8) Still need to get the ball to Watkins more 9) Ground and Pound will work for the Bills offense, but that first play they called, don't call that one again. 10) Gotta love the defense
  20. So sad.... RIP. Condolences to his family
  21. When he's healthy and playing, he's always a threat to score. He's just not very durable.
  22. He's out already, and we haven't even played the first game yet.
  23. His education begins Sunday. The Colts are going after him early and often. He'll learn fast and by mid season, he'll be much better.
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