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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. If Pettine gets the boot in Cleveland, bring him back to run the defense (forget about Schwartz, he's not returning while Rex is the coach). Get rid of Thurman and Crossman. PLEASE upgrade the linebackers!!! Would still like to have a veteran backup for TT, and a developmental QB. If it were up to me.... I'd buy out Rex, promote Roman, try to get Schwartz back, and do all of the above.
  2. I would love it if they bought out Rex and made that combination happen.
  3. He's actually a good DC, he's just not a good fit for the defense we have here. He's also too set in his ways to adapt his system to fit the strength of this defense. Even Pettine was able to do that.
  4. Agreed. I like him as our QB. Yes there's room for improvement, but he has a great upside, and he's shown us the right choice was made to start him.
  5. Absolutely NOT!!! He's building this team right. We just have the wrong head coach for this team.
  6. I'd like to see them buy out Rex, promote Roman, and get Schwartz back to run the defense.
  7. I might have to agree. His defenses usually live among the top 10. I'll even say top 5
  8. He's like Wade Phillips. Good DC, not a good HC.
  9. 1) Seemed like Graham and Rambo were making a lot of tackles today – never a good sign (linebackers??). 2) I like Roman's creativity, but it would be nice if some of those gadget plays would work. Play calling was a little off this week. 3) As expected, McKelvin gets picked on in his first start, and did at least get a pick and made a play when we needed one. 4) Mario? You there?? One big play ain't enough for what we're paying you! I still can't believe Bradford took that sack. 5) Nice to see Woods more involved in the passing game, just wish he could stay on his feet better. 6) I don't know where this Mike Gillislee guy came from, but I like him as a temporary fill-in for Williams. 7) Penalties, penalties, and more penalties. 15? Really?? Seriously??? Don't deserve to win like that. 8) I don't mind an occasional long ball on 3rd and short, but this time we did it way too much for a 'Ground and Pound' team. We needed to convert some of those into first downs – especially late in game. 9) Right side of O-line was horrid today, Equally horrid is that dayum 3 man rush on defense. 10) Strange that when we had a offensive minded coach, the Defense was great and the offense sucked. Now we have a defensive minded coach, and while the offense has improved, the defense has regressed, This is not yet a playoff-ready team. 8-8 maybe 9-7
  10. Yep. He took this team backwards. Buy him out, promote Roman and let him hire his own OC, bring back Schwartz as DC, and we should be back on track.
  11. Bills 27, Eagles 20. If they don't choke in Washington, they'll finish 10-6
  12. Definitely not Carpenter. He's just in a bit of a rut right now. He'll come out of it. he's a good kicker.
  13. I was happy to see the Eagles upset the Pats in their own backyard, but I still like our chances for a win in Philly.
  14. Even in the era of the replay, sometimes they still don't get it right
  15. The mindset has to be run the table. Bengals might give us some help by beating Pittsburgh. We have no more games to give away.
  16. Between having Kromer as OL coach, and Ritchie Incognito next to him, he's much more able to play to his capabilities.
  17. They just wanted some of the good hands guys out there. Turned out to be a great decision.
  18. I think we'll beat out the Jets. KC should get the #5 seed, and it comes down to us vs Pittsburgh. If we win out, we should get the last wild card spot.
  19. He's still a work in progress, but we can win with him at QB. I really like the fact that he protects the ball well. There's still room for improvement, but he looks like the job is his to lose for the forseeable future. I'd still like to have a seasoned vet behind him at #2
  20. Where did that guy come from? He did make a good first impression. Agreed. A line starting 2 backups facing the best D-lineman in the league, and they did very well.
  21. He was there to get double teamed so Clay would be left wide open
  22. Boy did they ever try to give that one away. Here we go..... 1) Offense looked good overall. Would be nice if some of those gadget plays would actually work. 2) Is it me, or do the coaches make much better 2nd half adjustments in games where they're behind at the half than they do when they have the lead? 3) Defense got caught with their draws down on the Texans first TD. Rex looked so dumbfounded on the sidelines on that one, and what's up with the shoddy tackling? 4) For a QB in his first season as a starter, TT's better than he's given credit for even though he's still a work in progress. Sammy is his hero right now. 5) Rambo's starting to really come around. That was a huge 'beat him off the football' hit he laid out. 6) Give the O-Line credit. Protection was better than expected. Watt didn't terrorize. 7) How did the refs miss that blatant pushoff by Hopkins on that TD catch in the 4th? BTW, he's a hell of a receiver. 8) Missed opportunities (Woods, Clay, Carpenter) didn't help, but the bad hold on the XP could have cost us the game. Glad they got some measure of redemption for themselves. 9) Sometimes average QBs can look like Hall Of Famers against the Bills defense, but this time we got good pressure on Hoyer when we needed to, and he choked with the game on the line. 10) We're not dead yet, but still have to run the table. Injuries are a concern, but if we do get in, and get most of our injured back, we can win a playoff game if we have to face the AFC South winner. KEEP IT GOING BILLS!!!
  23. Wrong scheme for the players we have here. Pettine & Schwartz had the right idea and got the best results. Rex is trying to force square pegs into round holes with his scheme. And he's too stubborn to adapt it to the players up front so they can do what they do best. The results is speaking for itself!
  24. Actually, signing Rice might be a good move for a couple games if he still has enough gas in the tank.
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