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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. Maybe next year he'll open things up more.
  2. Yeah, it was definitely a snoozer. Had all the feel of a pre-season game.
  3. B O R I N G, but a win is a win...... 1) For about 3/4 of the game, it looked like a preseason matchup neither team deserved to win. 2) Well, at least the defense didn't make Kellen Moore look like Tom Brady. 3) Where the hell did Mike Gillislee come from? I like this guy. He should have a roster spot here next season. 4) Clock management before halftime was as bad as the play selection on a 3rd and 1 at the 4. 5) TT is our best option at QB for the forseeable future. We can win with him. If he can take that next step in 2016 and stay healthy in the process, he'll be a pro bowl starter (remember I said that!). He's efficient, can make plays with his feet, and with the exception of the 2 picks in 2 weeks, he does protect the football. 6) McKelvin had a pretty good game today. Manny Lawson was fairly solid today as well. 7) Hogan had a bad drop, carp had another missed XP. Both will face heavy competition to remain on the the roster next year. Mario was fairly invisible again. A decision has to be made on what to do with him for next season. 8) I really want to give the defense credit, but were they really that good today, or does the Cowboys offense suck just that bad? 9) The winning formula with this offense is the running game being strong enough to keep TT's passing attempts under 30 per game but don't be shy about taking deep shots to Sammy. 10) Well, next week is the last one. A win will give us a 4-2 record in the division for all it's worth. A sack of Fitz will at least get us an extra Big Mac on Monday while we lament yet again on what could have been. I'm staying loyal though .... GO BILLS!!
  4. They're playing for pride at home. Take the Bills.
  5. Yep, he's right. The players don't fit the scheme, and the scheme don't fit the players
  6. Rob is a one hit wonder. Good for the first year or two. After that, his defenses take a nosedive, and out the door he goes. He might make a good assistant, but that's as far as it goes.
  7. When was the last time a Bills QB was even in the Pro Bowl conversation at this time of the season - ESPECIALLY a first year starter? He's our QB - Period! What we need now is a veteran back up who can help him progress in year 2 as a starter and keep the ship afloat if he goes down, and a 3rd one to develop as a future challenger for the job.
  8. It's both sides. Players - Defense still living off last years press clippings instead of adapting to this years system. They've had 4 DC's in 4 years, they should be used to adapting to change by now. Rex - Too stubborn to tweak his system to the strengths of the personnel he has. If either side is as good as they believe they are, they'll find a common ground and adapt. It's the first year under Rex. There were bound to be growing pains. Now that they got that (getting their egos yanked back down to earth) out of the way, let's be fair about it and see how things go next year.
  9. I agree. Look at some of the other teams like the Steelers, Patriots, etc.... They find ways to keep winning despite who gets hurt. Even the year when Brady went down for the season and Cassel came in, they didn't miss a beat, Just kept right on winning.
  10. I've also seen him catch a TD and get an INT. What we haven't seen is enough of him at WR to get an honest assessment.
  11. Play Lewis and Easley. Let's see what they got
  12. Yeah Fred!! Get him a ring Hawks. He's worthy!!
  13. Yeah Fred!! Get him a ring Hawks. He's worthy!!
  14. Buy out his contract, hire Hue Jackson away from the Bengals, convince him to bring back Jim Schwartz, Send Thurman and Crossman packing. This will get us to 10-6 or 11-5 next season. Will it happen? Probably not.
  15. If he does the right thing and either adapt his system to the players, or bring in DC who can
  16. Pettine and Schwartz were able to use him effectively. Rex & Thurman are misusing the entire front four.
  17. I'd like to see him do the honorable thing and retire.
  18. I'm not in favor of it either (except in this case), but I'd go along with Jackson. He's a better coach than many people realize. With the right DC, we're playoff bound. I like the Cardinals and Steelers.
  19. Gotta admit though, we have a great weapon in Sammy, and a strong running game. Sometimes Roman does out think himself with the play calling, but I have no issues with him returning for another year. Thurman has to go, and Rex has to swallow his pride and hire a DC that can run the 4-3 effectively to get the most out of what we have. His system doesn't work for this team.
  20. Oh it is definitely more than a one year problem. and it could get worse next season under Rex.
  21. I'm not happy either. That was a disgraceful showing
  22. This one was too painful to watch all the way through 1) This spot is reserved for ....... Penalties penalties and WTF is up with the pre snap and encroachment penalties? 2) This was without a doubt THE most pathetic defensive performance we've seen in years against a team they were suppsed to beat. Couldn't stop a kid on a tricycle with no tires! 3) What we have here is a combination of a very good defense that is not suited for Rex's system, and a coach who is incapable of adapting his system to the get the most out of the personnel he has. 4) Welcome back Karlos. Needed you in there on the last drive of the first half. 5) I like Mike Gillislee. The #3 back position should be his next season. 6) Some of those gadget plays would work with better execution 7) EJ at QB + TT at WR = running play every time. They're not about to let him throw. 8) We'll have to decide on taking an o-lineman or linebacker with our first pick in the draft. We have to upgrade both positions 9) 1st and goal from the 5 just before the half, 4 shots, 0 points with the talent we have. UNACCEPTABLE!! 10) Ummmmm DW, nevermind Roman right now, Rex (no dicipline) and Dennis (no defense) are the bigger problem. Address that FIRST!! This was a championship caliber defense dismantled from within right before our eyes. The offense has improved to the point where 11-5 was realistic if the coaches weren't so hell bent on fixing what wasn't broke. I'm not a big supporter of one and done for a new coaching staff, but in this case, the game has caught up to Rex and is passing him by. He's not the right coach for what we have right now. Who would you like to see coaching next year?
  23. You're right. And let's not forget the all important stat - WINS!!
  24. BINGO!!!!!! The defense is built perfectly for a 4-3 coach (like Schwartz), not a 3-4 coach (like Ryan/Thurman). Dayum shame Rex isn't the kind of defensive 'Guru' that can adapt his style to fit what he already has - a championship caliber 4-3 defense he has no clue how to use effectively.
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