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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. Stability is critical. The Pegulas made the right decision in maintaining that. I didn't think Rex was the right fit for what we had here defensively, but he's here now so Whaley has to now get him the players he needs to be successful.
  2. I'll still take him over Crossman. He'd definitely be an upgrade.
  3. Ours! And our ST has been playing in the sorry past ever since he left.
  4. Lovie's a good coach. I don't understand that one .... smh
  5. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000618539/article/new-york-jets-fire-special-teams-coach-bobby-april He's among the best in the business. Let's get him back if possible
  6. Rex followed the same blueprint he used to get to back to back AFC Championship games: a) Strong running game and efficient passing game with few turnovers - Check! b) Defense? Oops c) Disciplined play (penalties?) Big Oops And then there's this: 1) Winning Record at home (5-3) Check! 2) Winning Record in the division (4-2) Check! 3) Win the games you're SUPPOSED to win (Jax, KC, Phi)! Oops Fix B & C, and #3 should take care of itself.
  7. The message could also be 'If we take another step backwards, your next steps are out the door. But as long as there's improvement next year, you're good to go'. The Pegulas strike me as the type who do want to maintain continuity as long as the results justify it. Since this was their first full season as owners, they have room to be fair with Whaley and Rex for another year or two. But the message should be clear.
  8. I agree with the Pegulas (fix or be fired), and I'm betting on Whaley to do what he needs to do on his end to fix it. He's a good GM no matter what his haters think. Rex is the one who has to put up or shut up.
  9. Agreed. We may not have won the division, but we'd have surely secured the top wild card spot at the very least - and won a playoff game.
  10. He's a real class act. I wish him nothing but the best no matter how things turn out for him here.
  11. Butler was lucky! That could have been a TD that put the Jets in the playoffs. Good hit though. Yes, Sammy is a star in the making, and TT IS our QB going forward. He's earned it.
  12. Yeah. They really wore down the defense. They have the right formula on offense for winning. Gillislee has a place on the team, just not as a workhorse back. He lacks the bulk but he can absolutely contribute to the running game.
  13. SHUT UP Jets fans! You have a very good first year coach! That's just how Fitz plays in Buffalo. Why do you think we sent him on his merry way? We knew he was good for a pair of game killing picks. We were just waiting for it to happen
  14. 1) Great way to end a disappointing season. The fans who stuck with the team - and even showed up to shovel deserved that win. Ironically by the same 22-17 score as the first meeting. 2) Our Top ranked running game vs the Jets top ranked rushing defense. Jets clearly won that matchup. So what! That's all they won on their way to the couch to watch the playoffs with the rest of us. 3) Well deserved 1000 yard season for Sammy Watkins. He's gonna be a star. 4) McKelvin was pretty much toast all game long except for the ONE play that pretty much saved the game. 5) Fitzpatrick looked like his old self in the 4th. 3 game changing picks. Welcome back ... lol 6) Where did that Salas guy come from? He had a pretty solid showing today at WR. 7) Manny Lawson again stated his case for returning for one more year. 8) I like Greg Roman's creativity, but it wold be nice if some of those F/N trick plays he calls would actually work sometimes! 9) TT has proven himself as our QB going forward - DEAL WITH IT HATERS!!! 10) Now that the season's over, it's time to start looking at upgrades on the o-line, more competition at WR, LB, #2 QB and kicker, a new special teams coach & defensive coordinator. Rex is staying so DEAL WITH IT! Whaley now has to get him the players he needs on defense to make his system work. I hate to see what was once a championship caliber defense get dismantled, but the only thing constant for this group over the last 4 years has been change. The playoff drought ends in 2016!!!! GO BILLS!!!!
  15. Play the spoiler role and ground the Jets!!!!
  16. I think he's a solid #2 as well. This was just an off year for him with a different role (more of a blocking WR) in a new offense. I think he'll take the #2 spot back next year. Needs to be used better. Biggest needs are LB's who can execute Rex's system, and more help on the O-Line.
  17. He did the right thing by making his announcement right now and killing off all the rumors and speculation. Both men know where they stand now, and both can start looking ahead to doing what they have to do to make this a playoff team in 2016
  18. THAT'S the formula the consistent contenders like The Steelers and Packers follow!
  19. It's their first full year as owners of the Bills! Give them a break! They're on the right track, they just have to get through the learning curve just like everybody else does. They ARE going to build winners with the Bills and Sabres! It's just a question of which team is going to get that title shot first, and when.
  20. Jerry brings it every week. Gotta give him that.
  21. Hiring Rex Ryan. He would have been a better for for Atlanta than here.
  22. Roman does run a very good ground attack, and we can win with it. Keep the passing around 20-25 attempts per game and not have TT run too much to the point where's he's getting hit a lot, and we're a playoff threat if Rex wakes up and fits his defense to the players strengths. Ritchie was a great pickup. made Glenn & Wood much better.
  23. If Rex would adapt his scheme to maximize what the players do best, This would still be a top 5 unit. He has the players, he just don't know how the to use them right. Too dang stubborn. And Mario is not helping things either. He's clearly not all in with this and is just going through the motions. Maybe they could trade him to a team willing to part with a couple of quality O-Linemen
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