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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. Sorry I'm late this time. Tired myself out cussin 1) Well that sucked, but then again we all know they're good for blowing at least 2 games a year against an opponent they're supposed to beat. The Dolphins deserved to win this because they won in the trenches, and were able to run and stop the run. The Bills deserved to lose because they lost in the trenches and couldn't run or stop ONE BACK from running all over them. We'll even the score when they come here for the rematch. 2) Quite a few holding calls missed by the refs even though they did catch some of them. 3) The way TT escapes pressure to make something out of nothing is incredible. Dolphins should have had twice as many sacks. And it's good to see he's starting to take a shot down the middle of the field once in a while but he still needs to attack it more and deeper. He doesn't have to be a HOF level QB for us to win. He just needs to be efficient and keep working to improve his game. TD drive to bring us to within a FG late in the 4th shows he's capable of producing a scoring drive in those late game situations despite his obvious faults (still missing open receivers). 4) Landry's blindside hit on A Williams was unnecessary and dangerous. He launched himself into him. I would have the same opinion if it were a Bills player doing that to one of the Dolphins. I hope AW is going to be OK, and that hit should cost Landry some money in fines. 5) Well at least the special teams unit came to play. They were by far our best unit on the field. Waiting patiently for Tate to break a return for a TD. 6) Hi Shaq. Welcome aboard. Can't expect much from you right now with no training camp and only about a week of practice. Got a lot of catching up to do. 7) Deep strike to Goodwin long overdue. Need to see more of that before he gets knocked out for the season. That last throw to him was late, too high and exposed him to a knockout shot. 8) Bad decision to play Shady with his hammy bothering him. This is where the next back up has to step up and carry some of the load while he gets back to 100%. Gillislee could have handled it (except for that god ugly direct snap that lost 10 yards). A couple of well executed screen passes would have slowed down their D-Line some and got them thinking more. 9) Run defense pathetic. Gave up way too much to Ajayi on the ground, and got run over by the backup on their next to last TD drive (get better and back on the field soon Dareus). How in the hell do you pin a team down in the shadow of their goalposts KNOWING who's going to get the handoff, and he still breaks a 50+ yard run out to midfield? Coverage against Landry not much better, then Stills burns them for the TD to put the game away. O-line also gets a fail here. TT under constant pressure, and not much opened up for the run game. They were the ones being bullied this week. 10) It's not the end of the world or the season yet so let's just relax and keep calm. We got the rematch with the Pats and then a trip to Seattle. Here's where I take a deep inhale and say that our boys are gonna upset one of them. Let's hope it happens this Sunday at home against the Pats to get us up to .500 in the division. GO BILLS!!!!
  2. I'd rather keep EJ. At least he can stay healthy. And besides, if TT got hurt, who would we put in that at least knows the system well enough to run it right now? Jones isn't ready yet. Bears are better off talking to the Jets for one of their useless QB's. We'll keep what we have.
  3. The two best decisions he's made this season was letting his DC actually be the DC and let him run the defense (finally), and turning over the offense to Anthony Lynn. Adding his brother to the staff is also paying big dividends. The real test of where this team is really at comes when they face the Patriots and Seahawks. If they win either one of those games, they're going to the playoffs. If they sweep the Pats, they should win the division.
  4. Fitz should consider going into coaching. He has the knowledge, experience as a player, and the intelligence to be successful. Many fair to average players do turn out to be pretty good coaches.
  5. Got a new contract, and down the toilet his game went. Sound familiar?
  6. Whaley has done a great job of getting people in to contribute. Yes he deserves credit, and like any GM he's going to miss on a couple guys from time to time. Overall, he's been solid. He's a keeper. Granted TT is not Brady but he's getting the job done. That's all he's being asked to do.
  7. Hopefully he's taking a few notes and learning something from this. This is still his offense, he just got a little too cute with it.
  8. Agreed. Bring him in slowly. He's still a rookie with a lot to learn from not having the training camp and is not in game shape yet.
  9. Yes, Ed & Rob have done a lot to help out with improving the communication. The results are speaking for itself. Rob may not have had a lot of success as a DC, but he's obviously a good teacher with a wealth of knowledge to share.
  10. Agreed. He's finally setting his ego aside and trusting his assistants to do their jobs, and it's paying off. And yes, Rob Ryan has played a big role in upgrading the play of the linebackers and the red zone defense.
  11. Now THAT'S how you win a game you're supposed to win! 1) If you can't stop the run, you won't beat the Bills. I think they've made that clear now. Shady's just running wild, and Gillislee's an effective #2 back. When you have a 3rd and 22 call a run and get the first down, you're well on your way to pounding your opponent into the ground. 2) What a difference that OC change has made with this offense. They're operating much much more efficiently despite having a low ranked passing game. They're getting just enough from it to get by for now. 3) Kaepernick was clearly rusty as expected, but he wasn't the reason they lost. The Bills controlled the clock, and for the most part the trenches. O-line got off to a really bad start but took over as the game went on. 4) Ok, TT is not a pro bowl caliber passer, he still misses his share of passes he shouldn't but give the guy credit, he's getting the job done. And boy is he ever dangerous when he escapes the pressure in the pocket. 5) These 'no name' guys Doug Whaley brought in have been solid contributors. Two of them (Z Brown, L Alexander) are having career and pro bowl seasons so far. 6) Not a whole lot of penalties, but the ones they did commit didn't help at all. 7) A little at a time, Woods and Clay are producing. Now if only we can hit some deep shots to Goodwin, or find Clay deep down the middle. 8) Red zone defense has been huge during this 4 game winning streak, and we're finally seeing a killer instinct from this team, they're putting teams away now instead of letting them hang around long enough to steal the game. 9) I wonder if Jerry Hughes is still cussing himself out for missing out on that sack for a safety. I wonder just how much better this defense is going to be when Dareus and Lawson take the field later. 10) We're 4-2 with a winnable game next week against Miami, and then the rematch with the Patriots. Rex has gone from staring at being the first coach fired this season to being a contender for coach of the year if this keeps up. the next 3 games are going to be very revealing. GO BILLS!!!!!
  12. Yes, he's a good coach and teacher. DC?, well, his track record speaks for itself in that regard.
  13. Agreed. They can enjoy the win and build on what they did right but still work on fixing the things they could have done better. There's always opportunities for improvement.
  14. Very good read, and he's right. This is how they're built to play. It's how Rex got the Jets to Back to Back AFC Championship games with Mark Sanchez at QB. Very same style. Keep TT's passes under 30, wear teams down by controlling the clock with a heavy dose of running, and let the defense seal the deal. We can win with that formula, but TT still needs to up his passing game, and the WR's still have to be more productive.
  15. That used to be what the fullback was for, get those one and two yards on 3rd and short. And YES. that LB group has really turned the corner from last year. Rob Ryan is good with LB's, just not that great of a DC.
  16. 1) So much for the sky falling and the season being over after week 2 huh? That's 3 in a row with a realistic chance of making it 5 straight. What a way to dig yourself out of a hole. 2) Accuracy is still an issue for TT. Granted he's not working with a whole lot, but he missed some passes that should have been completions. They're not going to let him live down missing a snap because he was lined up behind the guard instead of the center. He's still a safe bet at QB since he's not getting picked off and can escape most pressure to make a big play when needed. 3) NOW we're looking like last year's #1 rushing offense. Shady's in pro bowl form. And Felton is showing why it was a mistake to let him go in the first place, but a very wise decision to bring him back. 4) Still not crazy about Rex's clock management. 5) Clay a little more involved now, but much more production is still needed from the WR positions. Passing game is the big weak spot for this offense. 6) That fake punt by the Rams had no chance. Nobody was fooled. Very bad call in that situation. That cost them the game. 7) Linebacker play has really turned the corner from last year. This group is playing very well - especially the new additions Zach Brown and Lorenzo Alexander (hats off to Doug Whaley for bringing in solid contributors). Red zone defense was solid 8) What a homecoming for Robey-Coleman. A pick 6 and the 'put them out of their misery' pick at the end. 9) Gilmore is not helping his cause when it's time to get that next contract. Kyle Williams still has plenty of gas left in the tank. Adolphus Washington looked good. 10) Good win on the west coast, next up is another NFC West squad. We should beat the 49ers and go to 4-2, and then fry the fish to go to 5-2 by the time we get a visit from the Brady Bunch . NOBODY circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!!!
  17. There's still work that needs to be done in that area. Other teams are going to pick up on that and force him to take longer shots down the middle. You can bet the Patriots are going to do it in the rematch.
  18. Sunday is a trap game. They can't afford to underestimate the Rams and set themselves up for a letdown.
  19. He'll get there over the next few games.
  20. 1) OMFG! They invaded the Evil Empire and circled the Patriots wagons in what has to be the upset of the season so far! 2) Is it me, or is the offense operating much better with Anthony Lynn running it? And tossed in a good dose of the Wildcat too, and even that was effective. 2) Defensive play calling has improved now that Rex is actually stepping back and letting Dennis Thurman do his job. 3) We have a Charles Clay sighting. I'm really hoping we'll start getting more out of the TE position. Woods came through as well. 4) TT is starting to find the middle of the field, but he still missed some passes he shouldn't have. Overall, better use of his skill set was made, and he got the job done, and no turnovers despite passing over 30 times which really isn't ideal.Gotta love the way he can escape pressure and turn a sure sack into a big play though. 5) Zach Brown was all over the place. That was a hell of a rundown on Julian Edelman on the Pats opening drive. Good thing the play was called back. His coverage skills have room for improvement but overall he was a beast. 6) I thought they should have gone deep on Malcolm Butler immediately after he came up limping late in the 3rd. No way was he going to handle Goodwin deep on the very next play without help 7) The Bills actually got the benefit of the calls from the refs. There were a couple close ones that normally would have been called on them. Ritchie did get called for 3 penalties - one was a personal foul. 8) Aaron Williams is much better at safety than he ever was at corner 9) The sound of Pats fans booing, Bill B throwing things on the sideline ........ Sweet music to our ears 10) The Rematch at the Ralph (yeah I know it's New Era) is gonna be big, but right now we have to get ready for the Rams. Can't underestimate them, gotta take these guys seriously. GO BILLS!!!!!
  21. Nope. Romo has to consider life after football. It's not worth it anymore to get back on the field. Time to let it go and hang up the helmet.
  22. Well, he was coaching the Lions so that shouldn't be held against him
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