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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. Unlikely. Taylor will at least do 125 passing yards Sunday. If the Bills stick with their identity (the running game) with or without Shady, they'll have a fair chance of keeping Brady's numbers down.
  2. I agree. He stays, and barring an epic collapse, Rex will be back. This team is too injury depleted right now for a playoff run. 8-8, 9-7 is the best they'll do like this unless they can by some miracle win 2 of the next 3.
  3. Here's where Aaron has to seriously think about life and health after football. The next hit could have major consequences that's just not worth coming back out on the field for.
  4. We need WR's more than we do Spiller or Bush. I also would like to see us give J Williams more time as well as get Karlos back and see if he's got himself right again. Yeah Ok Nate ...
  5. Very good assessment. With improvements in the passing game (and the defense doesn't have another stinker like the Jets & Dolphins games), we'll be playoff ready
  6. I don't think the Pats are going to blow them out. Defense is going to redeem themselves for last week's pitiful performance and keep the Pats under 25 points. Will it be enough to win? Without a defensive or special teams score, unlikely when you're down to the bottom of your depth chart at WR, your high priced TE is about as productive as a flea collar on a dead dog and your star RB shouldn't be playing this week against a Patriots team who can't wait to hand out some payback.
  7. It's going to be up to the defense to cut their scoring in half. A big game from Kyle Williams coming up the middle after Brady will be a huge help. On offense, they're going to have to really be stubborn about pounding away on their defense with the run with just enough success in the air (boy do we ever need Clay to shine) to discourage them from stacking the box with 8 for most of the game. TT MUST hit on a couple of deep shots to keep the D honest.
  8. T.O. and Ochocinco might be willing to come off the couch one last time.
  9. We can win a close low scoring game against either one, but if they let Brady force them into a shootout, this will be over quickly. They can't afford to play 'run and gun' with the Patriots, the Bills just don't have enough working guns to keep up with them.
  10. Last time we blanked the pats, it was 31-0 and we had picked up Lawyer Malloy after the Pats sent him on his merry way. They paid us back in the rematch 31-0. I sure hope we don't let them circle our wagons in front of the home crowd.
  11. I like that thought. I highly doubt we'll win the division, and the Pats will surely have the 1 or 2 seed so if it comes down to it, we'll be back in their house for the playoffs.
  12. Pats are going to come in with revenge on their minds and looking to put them back in their place after getting their wagons circled at home. I think their chances are better at Century Link. Hawks don't look right.
  13. Ok guys, here we go just for the hell of it...... In the event they win one of the next two games, Do the bills have a better chance of sweeping the Patriots or winning in Seattle?
  14. 1) Nope Clay & O'Leary will have to step it up big time. 2) Nope. Sit him and stay with the running game plan anyway, this is where the #2 & 3 have to come through 3) Nope. Not until after the bye week Let me add one more here.... 4) No Aaron Williams, if Duke starts, and there's no pressure on Brady, he's going to eat Duke alive until Rex mercifully pulls him. Defense & special teams will have to play at Super Bowl level for us to have any chance of winning
  15. Let's see how he does with at least 1/2 game workload. That might give us a better assessment of where things stand with him.
  16. Gotta at least make an inquiry about him.
  17. Yep. After the Patriots, the rest of the division is pretty much evenly matched. Can't just show up and win.
  18. Yeah, me too. This guy needs a break and a change of scenery. Not meant for him in NY.
  19. I like it.Those two TE's are going to be a matchup nightmare, but if we beat up Brady and keep him under constant pressure from the middle of the pocket (go get em Kyle), he can be neutralized. Pats are going to take away the run and force TT to beat them from the pocket. O-Line has to show their pride and Clay MUST come through. I think we can do it - GO BILLS!!
  20. He's just snakebit. Nothing's going right for him. First IK knocked him out for last season, and now this.
  21. Couldn't run Couldn't stop the run Didn't pass protect very well either. QB stayed under pressure. That'll do it every time That would have made too much sense.
  22. Thank you for adding some sense to this thread
  23. Now you know better than that. They always blow that one game (or two) they have no business losing! We're 4-3 with the Pats coming in for revenge after we circled their wagons in their backyard, a depleted WR group, Shady hurting, Dareus still out, and both our lines coming off getting their short hairs pulled out one at a time by the Dolphins. Perfect scenario to get to 5-3 though GO BILLS!!!!
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