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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. A tale of two halves. First half, the Bills were the better team. The second half, they looked like the Browns.
  2. Agreed. The 3 straight 3 and outs didn't help, but the defense giving up 29 straight points in less than 6 minutes??
  3. Anything less than 9-7 should send Rex and company out the door.
  4. This $#%! is only worth 5 cents at the most 1) Really? Seriously?? Did we really just see THAT happen??? What an instant change of momentum immediately after we went up by 15. 2) How in the (F-Word deleted) do you go from a 15 point lead to giving up 29 straight points in less than 6 minutes, and you're supposed to have such a good F/N defense run by such reputable minds? The win was there for the taking. 3) How in the (F-Word deleted) can the offense look so efficient right up to the opening drive of the 2nd half, then all of a sudden go 3 straight 3-and-outs leading up to the 29 straight points scored in less than 6 minutes AND get shut out the rest of the way with Shady & Gillislee running fairly well throughout? 4) Granted the Raiders are a very good team that could very well win the AFC championship, but still.... That was the Bills most pathetic second half of the season across the board. And they played so well against them in the first half (it's a 60 MINUTE GAME guys!) 5) My expectation is still that they would win one of the next 2 games. Looks like it will be the men of steel taking a loss next week. 10-6 is still a possibility 9-7 at worse. No playoffs though. They don't belong there this season, not like this. I'm keeping my faith in a strong finish and a winning season though. GO BILLS.
  5. I love your optimism. Let's revisit this one next week. If they beat Pittsburgh, we have a shot at it. GO BILLS!!!
  6. He can get away with throwing high to Hunter. He has the height. I think he should get more playing time. Yeah, he was off on quite a few passes. Wish he would miss like that when they're playing against us.
  7. Sorry I'm late. Got a lot going on right now... 1) Run defense looked real bad on opening drive, lots of missed tackles. Bortles? Really?? Seriously??? He actually could have scored on that scramble on the opening drive if he didn't slide too soon. They did a much better job in the second half, but Aaron Williams is sooooo missed in the secondary. That position absolutely has to be addressed in the off season. 2) Offense started off horrendous (Tate's punt return saved the 1st half), then slowly picked it up in the second half. Should have got more from the ground game though. Right tackle position needs upgrading 3) The first challenge was a bad decision by Rex made way too early in the game, no way was that going to be overturned. Second one was legit but should have been unnecessary. Ref was right there and should have seen the foot out of bounds. Going for it on 4th and short was the correct decision. And did he really think he was going to fool the Jags by bringing in EJ to try to draw them offsides? And why not just take the delay of game instead of wasting the time out? 4) What's up with all the missed extra points throughout the league?? Of course Carpenter had to make his contribution as well 5) Another critical flaw in TT's passing is he doesn't lead the receivers (well sometimes he does lead them into big hits). Too many of them are either high (missed the TD to O'leary). low, or behind them (TD to Hunter). If only he would get better at just picking a spot, throwing it there on time, and trusting the receivers to go get it. The deep shot to Sammy was near perfect though. Sometimes I wonder if he can really see down the middle of the field from the pocket. Good thing all that's needed from him now is just protect the football and make a play or two in the passing game. He can do that much. He does deserve some credit. He is a scoring threat, and we are putting points on the board. That makes him an upgrade over what we've had in the past. 6) Welcome back Sammy. Man were you ever missed. If he can stay healthy over the next few games, and we can get Woods back, I think the passing game will show noticeable improvement. 7) Wasn't understanding why Dareus was not on the field late in the game, but I heard he had something medical going on and the staff wouldn't let him back out there. He was in beast mode while he was on the field. Hope he's good to go next week, we're going to need him. 8) Officials were about as off the mark throughout the game as the Bills offense was in the first half 9) And of course ..... those dayum ill timed penalties!!!!! In particular the one on 3rd down during the opening drive that gave the Jags that TD when they actually had them stopped 10) So what if it was another ugly one, a win is a win! Why bother trying to understand how a team that can play Seattle tough enough to almost upset them in their house one week, and then follow it up by winning two stinkers against much lesser quality teams while playing down at their level? Just keep winning. GO BILLS!!!
  8. If they can get some injured guys back and stay healthy, 9-7 is the worst they'll be. I don't see a win against the Raiders either. Pittsburgh game can go either way depending on which Steelers team shows up. They should win all the others. I'm still not sold on Miami yet.
  9. Winning 5 of the last 6 games is possible even if it may not be probable. But if they do it, finish 10-6, and still don't make the playoffs, how many of you would consider it a successful season, and how many would kick dirt on them and scream for some heads to roll and players be sent on their merry little way?
  10. Not excusing his misses or not finding his open TE over the middle. Just saying he's more productive when he has his normal starters than he is when he has the guys on the end of the bench out there. Would like to see how much better he performs with his #1 and 2 out there and healthy. May or may not happen this season though.
  11. I'm reserving my judgement for when he has better receiving options to work with than what he's had for most of this season. His best games have been when he's had one (or both) of his best receivers on the field and close to healthy. His worst have been when he's working with bottom of the roster level guys. No he's not Brady, but he really doesn't have to be with the way our offense is set up. Just give the guy some receivers who can make plays for him and he'll be just fine.
  12. Somehow, I doubt if they part ways with EJ unless they either get a shot at a QB that's too good to pass up, or Cordale really shows them something in training camp next year. It should be a consideration though. Groy has an opportunity to show he can take over the center position. That will play a part in Whaley's decisions on Eric Wood. I'll save my thoughts on TT for when (or IF) he has a close enough to healthy Sammy and Woods back to work with. I'd hate to see AW not on the field anymore but it's no longer worth it for him to continue. Letting Gilmore walk and dumping Clay should free up money for a quality safety. This is probably a stretch, but they really need to bring back Donnie Henderson to coach the secondary. What a glaring dropoff from what they were when he was coaching that group.
  13. Passing game has been better with him in there. Sure hope he won't miss too much time, and I highly doubt if he's played his last game as a Bill. He'll be back next season. He's our #2 receiver. Hopefully he and Sammy can stay healthy next season.
  14. Yeah. Back in the day, teams would ram the FB right down the throat of the defense in short yardage as well as goal line situations. Could have called a couple more of those when we were staring at the Bengals goal line. Why not send Felton at them a few times to give a defense one more thing to think about.
  15. There were several plays where TT looked like he wanted to throw deep, then reconsidered and either checked down or ran. Has me wondering if teams are taking it away from him, receivers are not getting as open as he'd like, or is he just not seeing things happen in time.
  16. Nice to know I'm not the only one thinking the same thing
  17. This was definitely a case of winning ugly as hell but we'll take it. This is not a playoff caliber team performing like that..
  18. I really don't know what to say about this one..... 1) Still not a big fan of using the qb option as a regular part of the offense. Let TT run only when he really needs to, or when the read-option allows for it.Use his running ability sparingly and wisely. 2) Penalties, penalties, and more idiot penalties. One cost us a TD 3) Another unheard of guy tried to make a name for himself against the Bills. Who the hell is Tyler Boyd? Glad they nipped that in the bud before he stole the game from them. 4) TT still not as decisive as he needs to be in the pocket. Decisions made too slow in the passing game and he's still not finding his open receivers deep down the middle. He's leaving touchdowns on the field and sometimes subjecting his receivers to knockout shots from defenders. It's time for the coaches to start calling him out like they did with the CBs. This can't continue at this point. I'm still holding on to hope for him to fix that but patience only lasts for so long. 5) Offensive Play calling inside the 10 could have been better this time around. Needed to run right down their throats more than they did. And the missed 3rd down pass just before the 2 1/2 min mark in the 4th qtr was so unnecessary. A run up the gut would have got the 1st down against a worn down Bengals front, and even if it didn't, it would have taken valuable time off the clock. Bengals never should have that much time to make it that far downfield to have a shot at stealing the game. 6) It really isn't necessary to alter the offensive game plan if Shady has to come out. Gillislee has shown that he is a very capable #2 back who can keep the ground game going. 7) I hope Robert Woods isn't lost for an extended period of time. He was really starting to come around. Harvin is understandably not in sync yet. Tate can contribute at WR in the meantime. Would love to see him break a return for a TD though. He's due for one. 8) 3rd down defense was killing them in the first half but really tightened up and got the stops they needed in the 2nd half. Wish Gilmore would have scored on that first INT though. Much better play from him this week. 9) Think Mike Nugent will still have a job after this? If I were Marvin Lewis, he'd have been gone before you started reading this 10) This was a classic example of winning ugly, but hey a win is a win and boy did they ever need it. Forget about winning out, forget about winning 5 of the next 6. Just win next week and deal with the rest as they come!! GO BILLS!!!!
  19. No Surprise. Schwartz is a good DC. Rex was once a good DC but his system while sometimes effective is outdated.
  20. I wonder if there's any chance of him coming back. I liked Rambo
  21. Most HOF caliber players don't turn out to be great coaches. Decent mentors, yes. Coaches, not always.
  22. I agree it was a bad call to let Henderson go, and it's showing throughout the secondary, but I don't agree with benching Darby unless unless one of the other corners were clearly playing better. I don't see that as being the case right now.
  23. Secondary played much better under Donnie Henderson. Between letting him go and Aaron Williams not being back there, the unit has suffered a major dropoff in their play.
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