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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. Why not go for it? Clay shouldn't be here at his price if we're not going to use him effectively. TT can't find him deep down the middle, and he's subject to drops at times. Bring in Pettigrew now and make it an open competition for next season.
  2. 3 of the 6 losses (especially the Raiders game) weren't on TT. He's not the reason they blew double digit leads in the 2nd half and lost those games. He did his part to get those leads. It was on Rex's outdated defense to to keep those leads.
  3. Even if we don't get in, 10-6 would still be a successful season. I was thinking the same thing. What if they beat the Steelers and lose to Cleveland? That wouldn't surprise me at all.
  4. Agreed. TT didn't cost us the Raiders or Dolphins games. The defense did. Offense did their part. They weren't the ones who blew a double digit lead in the second half.
  5. Donnie Henderson was doing a great job with the secondary, he just wasn't one of Rex's cronies so out the door he went, and down the drain went the secondary (losing AW didn't help either). Defensively, Rex tried to fix what wasn't broke and ed it up royally. The Ryan's best coaching days are behind them. Yes we will see flashes of what made them good from time to time (against lesser opponents) but neither one of them will relive the past in today's NFL.
  6. The Bills really could have used him this season with so many WR's going down. Would love for him to be able to get back on the roster.
  7. Playing defense and special teams is wearing Alexander down. Lawson does need to get more playing time, and Lorax needs a break.
  8. He'll probably make Rob the head coach I like that idea much better.
  9. Coaching. Rex is overrated, and his scheme is outdated. I do like Anthony Lynn as OC. Would love to have Schwartz back (or any DC who can excel with the 4-3 defense).
  10. I'm with you on that one. Romo would be better of retiring. It's not worth it for him to return to the field again, but if he does, he's better off in Denver. Even if he did come here, he'll need better protection, and an offense designed for him to rely heavy on the run, with limited passing, and routes designed for him to get rid of the ball quickly. Oh wait, if we can protect him well enough to keep him in one piece for at least 10-12 games, we already have that kind of offense.
  11. Stay with TT the rest of the way and let this play itself out. Open up the door to FAIR competition for next season among all 3 qb's and if possible, a steady vet to compete as well.
  12. They can beat Pittsburgh, and they can also lose to Cleveland. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if that's exactly what they do.
  13. 10-6 is doable if they somehow manage to beat the Steelers. Just have to keep in mind we still have a winless team to face, and we are VERY capable of giving them their only win of the season.
  14. Fitz is a done deal. Not even Chan can save him now, it's over for him. TT can get better (just not under this coaching staff), Cardale is not ready, and who knows if EJ would make the most of one last shot. Also have to keep in mind Rex's offensive coaching staffs don't develop quarterbacks.
  15. We're better than Cleveland. The Lions are staring a division title in the face. We're looking at another non playoff season.
  16. Give us a playoff team and we'll keep that stadium packed to the roof (Wishful thinking, I know )
  17. He just came back to get another check for playing a series or two. Might have come out better bringing T.O. out of retirement. At least he'd have been on the field making himself useful.
  18. I like that lineup. The defense is much better playing a 4-3, and Preston Brown is more effective on the outside than he is on the inside. Rex tried to fix a defense that wasn't broke, and all but ruined it.
  19. 10-6 will be a success under the circumstances: 1) Inconsistency in the passing game. TT doesn't have to be Brady in order for us to win with him. Just be functional enough to compliment the running game, avoid turnovers, keep the chains moving, and just be consistent with it. 2) Injury depleted WR corp relying mainly on castoffs and practice squad level receivers 3) Outdated defensive scheme that still isn't the best fit for this group even though they do play it well at times, and a secondary that hasn't been the same since Rex let Donnie Henderson go and AW went down for the season. Next season, coaching and (as much as I like Whaley), front office jobs should be on the line.
  20. I wish I had an answer for you. I'm at a loss too.
  21. Groy has been solid. Not hearing his number called by the refs or seeing replays of him being manhandled or beaten. That's all you can ask for from him at this point. Wood doesn't have much left in him, and he didn't impress me much at guard. We'll be moving on from him soon. We hang on to Groy as the next man up.
  22. I agree, Somebody's going to make him a HC soon. Why not here? And Yes, absolutely go back to the 4-3. This group is much better suited for that, and hopefully the next coach would get Donnie Henderson back to coach the secondary. They played so much better under him.
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