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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. I agree, He would be a good choice. I'd love to see TT back at QB working with Childress. He'll give him a system set up to better utilize what he does best. With the right coaching staff, a system that fits what he does best, and receivers who can stay healthy long enough to get open and catch the ball, we already have the QB we need to win now despite his inconsistency in the passing game (yeah, I said it!) the positives of his overall game far outweighs the negatives. His play against the Seahawks and in the second Dolphins game showed us what he's capable of against playoff level teams. Yeah both games were losses, but it wasn't because of him. If the objective is to win now, TT is our best option at the position. I think Childress would get more out of him and the offense as a whole. We make the playoffs WITH TT at the helm, and he'll earn every dollar of his contract. Let's just hope it's going to be him.
  2. Defense is improved already just by letting the Ryans go. I'm waiting on who's going to be running the offense
  3. I think this guy is going to turn it around quickly. Just need to settle on a QB and get the right OC.
  5. If the defense improves to the point of an extra 3 wins, we're playoff bound as long as the offense holds up its end.
  6. Was it really??? I wonder how much input he really had in the decision. I would hope that it was his choice and all Terry & Kim needed to do was sign off on it.
  7. I can't do about the last 17 years so how about we just leave that back in the past. I can only look forward and focus on doing what we need to do to win at least 10+ games and challenge the Patriots THIS season. lmao
  8. Tyrod just finished his 2nd year as a starter and went through the sophomore jinx. Teams had a season of film to study and figured him out. The next step for TT is to take what he's learned from this season to step up his game for year 3. And the OP is right about the coaching. Think about it. The best QB Rex's staff has developed was Mark Sanchez. Nuff Said.
  9. Somebody please confiscate this guy's drug stash... We're trying to go forward NOT that far backwards.
  10. We never got to see if Dennis Thurman really is a DC. Can't put too much stock in the one game against the Jets. Maybe some other team will give him a shot at running his own defense now that he's free of Rex.
  11. Unlikely Denver hires him. I'm thinking Kyle Shanahan will get that job. If the don't hire Kyle, I'd love to see him come here as coach, keep (and assist) Lynn as OC, and bring aboard Gus Bradley as DC
  12. Agreed. Until someone actually beats him out, he should stay. However, that contract should be renegotiated.
  13. Can't make an assessment from just one quarter of play at garbage time, but from what little was shown, there's definitely something to work with there. He needs time to develop. having Kyle Shanahan as the next coach here would be a huge blessing, but that's not gonna happen. He'll most likely be coaching the Broncos next season.
  14. Opinionated, and it's more negatively biased than objective.
  15. I would go with Gus Bradley as DC more so because his 4-3 style is a better fit for our defense. Norv as OC, yes. If Coughlin (or even Lynn) could attract those two, then I'd be all for it. In all honesty, I'd love to see Lynn get the job IF (I repeat - IF) he could have those two as his veteran assistants.
  16. True. All this negative journalism is really depressing. This team is right on the edge of a playoff berth. Just need the right coaching staff. The talent is there even though a few more new (and healthy) faces are needed.
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