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Everything posted by BmarvB

  1. They want to repeat. It's the only thing they haven't accomplished yet.
  2. With the exception of Darby, it's a complete rebuild of the secondary. Now who's going to be the #2 corner? I hope we can still get him back even at a reduced rate. Would love to see him retire as a Bill.
  3. We're talking Cleveland here. Anything out of the logical is possible.
  4. He was pretty solid despite being somewhat past his prime. That was great that he had the chance to play for his hometown team. Not many players get to do that. Best of luck Corey.
  5. Drafting looks good on the injury reports. TT + The running game + that 2014 defense = YES, we'd have been 11-5 and in the playoffs
  6. Bring on the regular season and let the truth be told. GO BILLS
  7. Good addition. Welcome aboard. Actually, BB thinks Gilmore is good enough to fit in and contribute to their system based on seeing him twice a year. Nuff Said.
  8. AW should retire for his own good. We'll miss him, but it's all in HIS best interests. I wish him well. Happy for Woods, He's really a good receiver. I just hope the Rams develop a QB that will get him the ball. If it weren't for him going to the Pats, I'd wish Gilmore good luck. At least he's with a title contender now.
  9. Agreed. He's only doing time for trying to take back HIS long after his playing days were over. Nothing more!
  10. Happy for him. Sucks for us. But then again, at least he's not going to the Pats.
  11. Good decision. He's still our best option for right now. Hoyer as the #2 until Cardale is ready would be a solid choice as well.
  12. His time is up unless somebody signs Fitz and he goes there.
  13. He's earned that much. Would love to see him lead the charge one last time. Even get him on the field for a play so we can show him love on his way out.
  14. Great stuff here. I still think he's going to be our best option. Romo is NOT coming here, Cousins is staying in Washington, and Cutler is NOT an option. Stay with him until somebody beats him out. The Bills have overpaid for much worse than TT over the years. Suck it up and hope this coaching staff can get even more out of him.
  15. He's still playing at a pro bowl level. He's earned one maybe two more years before he retires
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