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Everything posted by ChallengeHistory

  1. Thank you for posting. Interesting in that the Browns fans seem to have a very similar feeling as us Bills fans do concerning this season and game.
  2. Week 5 vs Cleveland Browns 1) Jordan Cameron is my #1 concern. He is a legitimate stud. He is on pace for 120 receptions, 1400 yards and 20 TD's. And it is no fluke. He will beat your #1 CB with speed one on one. He will take a corner who has him blanketed, by using his 6-5 250 pound body to shield himself from the defender and make a play on the ball. And lastly, he has superb ability to extend his hands and make a play on the ball before the ball has a chance to come near the defender. Let's examine the following play. Cameron is lined up man to man on Taylor Mays. This is a simple fade route, and he is covered well. But watch him extend his arms toward the back shoulder pass and pull in the Touchdown. Now let's look at him in a bit of a different situation. On this play, he is asked to run a hook. The yellow line is the 1st down marker. A less cerebral player would have ran to the marker and made his hook. But not Cameron. He is very intelligent. He knows that with 3 Bengals defenders behind him and at a short distance, he will get clobberd and possibly lose the ball on any pass to him at the 1st down marker. There is also a good chance for an interception. So instead, he splits the LB's and makes his hook in a soft zone, past the 1st down marker, where he hauls in the catch. Plays like these may not seem like a big deal, but they make a big difference throughout the game. This is smart football. Something us Bills fans have yelled at our receivers for not doing for many years in the past. 2) With all of that said, how do we stop him? The Patriots way. That's how. Anyone watch NE neutalize Gonzalez in the last few minutes of the NE-Atlanta game on Sunday Night? Here is how: As Collinsworth pointed out, it looks like Gonzalez is the gunner on a punt. And the Refs have made it abundantly clear, that they are not going to call on a penalty on this in the first 5 yards. You jack Cameron up enough with 2 players in the first 5 yards and he will be a non-factor in the red-zone. Up until the red-zone, a CB with a safety shadow should do the trick. 3) As far as Hoyer goes, i'm not concerned. Maybe that's being ignorant, but i'm just not. Reason being, he reminds me of Ryan Fitzpatrick. He's a gunslinger. He will chuck the ball around the field and if the defense is not ready for it, he can carve you up. BUT, he will make errant throws. He will make poor decisions. And Pettine has showed that he knows how to handle players like Fitzpatrick. By, well, handling Fitzpatrick for many many years with the Jets. This throw reminded me a bit of an EJ Manuel throw (agains the Jets). He led his receiver... about 15 feet out of bounds. And on this throw, he shows a complete lack of judgement throwing into double coverage. I could see this being an easy interception for our secondary. 4) As far as the defense goes, I'm not going to lie and make some stuff up here to fill space. I spent little time watching the defense. On a full week, I watch the offense for a few days and the defense for a few days. Because this is a short week, I don't have the same amount of time. If anyone wants to add in their defensive comments on the Browns, please do so!!! GO BILLS!
  3. I believe it is. Not in the words we used, but in the idea. There's not a ref in the league who isn't throwing a flag on a player tackling a QB who is in the motion of downing the ball. Rule 7, Section 2, Article 1©: "An official shall declare the ball dead and the down ended when a quarterback drops to his knee (or simulates dropping to his knee) behind the line of scrimmage" As soon as the QB begins the motion downwards, the play is over. Likewise, if a QB simulated kneeling, and then threw the ball, the referee could whistle the play dead and the pass would not count.
  4. No. I mean he was literally in a squatting motion on his way down to the turf when he was hit. It's no different than hitting a QB while he's sliding. As soon as the sliding motion begins, it's over. You can't hit him just because he wasn't on the turf yet. His motion started and that means the play is over. The squatting motion of the kneel down had already begun when Suggs hit him.
  5. He was absolutely in the PROCESS of kneeling.
  6. You tell me you can't compare a rookie OC to Gailey and then try to use record as an argument completely ignoring that the defense has been winning us these games? Wow.
  7. Boger (ref) actually said its because his helmet came off.
  8. Gailey: 5.7 yards per play Hackett: 4.9 yards per play Gailey: 40% on 3rd down Hackett: 30% on 3rd down Gailey: 62% on 4th down Hackett: 0% on 4th down Gailey: 30 minutes TOP Hackett: 27 minutes TOP Gailey: 871 penalty yards Hackett: 1264 penalty yards (on pace) They're tied for 1st downs per game, but Hackett is running almost 10 more players per game. So it's taking Hackett 10 more plays to get the same amount off first downs as Gailey did with less. You can't just take points and look at that. Because points are very indicative of how your defense is doing. How many touchdowns and field goals have we scored off of Kiko Alonso interceptions alone? LOL! Gailey did A TON with a defense that was HORRIBLE. His offense had to drive the full length of the field, over and over and over again. Bash Gailey as a HC and I agree. Bash him as an OC and I gotta laugh at you.
  9. What youre missing is that Chan is the REASON that the RB's dominated.
  10. A) Lol. Meant Spiller and Jackson. Not lynch. B) Not saying Choice is a slouch. But ANYONE is a slouch when youre rushing against 9 in the box. C) I'm not saying he WOULD fumble. I'm saying, there is little to no chance of a 1st down and there is little chance of a fumble. There about equal. Barry Sanders would'nt have gotten a first down in that situation. They had 9 in the freaking box. You can't block them all.
  11. Did you forget that both Spiller and Lynch were hurt? There is 0 chance we pick up a first down on a run at that point. They had 9 in the box. You have a better chance of a fumble than a first down.
  12. A penalty or fumble on any of the run plays (instead of kneel downs) runs the risk of giving the ball to the Ravens...
  13. I don't understand why people were upset with this. 5 seconds is not very long. The average punt is over 5 seconds. He could have kicked it out of bounds and game over. He could have snapped it to CJ and had him run straight backwards out of the back of the endzone, game over. He could have took it in shotgun, waited a second and thrown it as far as he could, game over. It's not 25 seconds. It was 5 seconds.
  14. Lol Bet they'd rather have him right now. Possible wall and all.
  15. One thing I've learned from watching Hackett run this offense is just how much Chan got from his talent on offense. How run schemes opened amazing holes for CJ. He set CJ on receiving patterns that put him in space to run after the catch. The screens were drawn out and ran very well. Chan got bashed a lot, but I would love to have him as an OC right now. We would have won this game 14.
  16. Stupidity Also Denver is ridiculously good. Best team in the league by FAR. No one is close. I thought Seattle was but not after today. Denver is about to break the record for most amount of points scored in first 4 games.
  17. So friggin predictable. Game winning drive coming up here. I wanna throw up.
  18. I hate this. Writing on the freaking wall. Offense will go 3 and out and that will be game. Bet Marrone wishes he kicked that FG in the first half now
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