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Posts posted by Tintonfallsbillsfan

  1. All the points are valid , for my money the Nfl would fear a steriods like circus , if Schumer holds day after day after hearing on concussions. When did they know, who knew, and dear lord how will it effect the children. The media will have a field day.

    Night after night one punch drunk ex player after another on T.v detail the horrors of their current situation.

  2. 8 is enough

    Urbik stays he is either a starter or top reserve at guard and center

    Williams starts, you can find metrics that put him as a good solid player to a disater. Should be fun to see, I bet he will be above average.

    Richardson is the wildcard

    one of the rest will be there until the last cut and will have to sweet it out

    Hairston and Henderson play will probably dictate weather they keep 8 or 9 olineman

  3. Mickey –


    Oh I am well aware that gay’s folks get beat up because they are gay. When I say it simply does not happen is really a play on words. What I meant was that it is simply so rare as to be insignificant, statistically. Furthermore, Michael Sam is not going to be beaten up by anyone. What was his fear of coming out? Was he afraid of being beaten up? Nice try, Mick. The narrative requires context to be validated, and YOU DON’T have context, let alone the facts. I notice you’re using the new politically correct buzz word for tranny, or shemale. Well played.. But forgive me if I continue to call them tranny’s and shedogs.. You don’t get to redefine deviance for me or anyone else.


    Enjoy the rest of your 21st century day.




    NoSaint -


    Yes, please do, and if there's anything you wish to debate then I'm all ears. Coward!


    Do you take any specific objection to anything I've stated here or anywhere else? Whatcha got, saint?



    Deviance ? What is deviant , and why do you get to be the Judge .


    One other note I’d like to clear you up on. Science doesn’t or is not supposed to care about prejudice. Scientific conclusions that are factual have no axe to grind. Men do just fine with that. The problem with science is that those that are conducting it need to have integrity, something that seems to be lacking from both sides of this particular issue, but I assure you, not with me. If it were shown tomorrow that homosexuals have no choice is being gay, or identifying with opposite genders then I’d be the first to put on a gay pride shirt and march right alongside them. The problem that you and many others that knee-jerk the homophobe, bigot, and hater rhetoric is that, I’m not religious in any way, and I do NOT hate gays. What I do hate is people taking a position on a matter without even an ounce of thought put into why they believe the way they do. I am open to serious discussion on the subject matter, EVEN if that subject matter doesn’t mesh with me. Information is information, and data is data. The quality lies in the one collecting it, and the one’s disseminating it.




    You nor anyone else can demonstrate this to be true. Again you’re lying, and I am pointing it out.




    Well actually there is (As I have already demonstrated to you in previous engagements) a great deal of science to suggest that what I “think” might be going on, actually is going on. However, granted, it cannot be proven, yet, but I am hopeful that as we continue to map the brains higher executive functions, we will be able to demonstrate how sexuality is manifest in humans to a great degree of certainty. You know Einstein predicted several things with his theory on relativity that we are only now discovering over 100 years later. Gravitational lensing, time dilation, and the list goes on.




    More lies eh? Gee don’t you get tired of that? You have about as much street cred with me as a buffoon. Here let me put this to bed right now. I am absolutely open to the idea that homosexuality or any sexuality is completely natural (in the sense you’re using the word natural) or naturally occurring. I am totally open to the idea that homosexuality is not a choice. Do I believe it to be true, no. Do I have good reason to believe it to be true, no, but if you have something that is compelling that I am unaware of, please share it.




    Bro, you’re incapable of arguing this topic on my level. You’ve clearly demonstrated several times that you lack the knowledge to go toe-to-toe on it with me. I don’t champion ANY viewpoint from anyone and from any side of the fence. I look at the data, calculate the reliability of the data using a myriad of variables and controls, and then I form an opinion.




    Well if you believe homosexuality is naturally occurring then science dictates that you should be repulsed by it. I don’t expect you to understand that salient point, but I thought I’d share anyway for those that are following along.




    Neither am I.




    How sweet of you to “tone it down” for me. I don’t dislike gay’s bro. Sheesh?? Talk about thick headed. What I do not support is gays being considered as important to societies overall long term health as heterosexual marriage. I “think” that heterosexual marriage is fundamental to society’s success for a number of valid reasons. But aside from all that. I think that because I said that two gay men having sex was/is repulsive you infer that I hate gays, opining without even a quick thought as to the reasons that might be.




    I’m not hiding or trying too. You’re just not very good at mind reading over the internetz, and a terrible liar to boot.


    Have a golden evening Jauronimo.






    Hey thanks. You've been very supportive thus far sparky.



    ok, for one minute assume you are correct and it is a choice, I still don't know what your objection is .

  4. It's interesting how society has changed. The overwhelming support even in this thread is proof that the battle is being won. I'm sure there's hundreds of people that have read this thread that disagree with Michael Sam's lifestyle and are afraid to comment. This is proof that change isn't coming - it's here. The tolerance has been achieved - because even those that disagree won't voice their opinion and have been silenced. It is no longer acceptable in the USA to object the gay lifestyle.

    and why would it not be acceprtable, it's not a choice






    Hey Mick, judging by your sigline you appear to be a flaming liberal so I’ll give you only some limited time, as mine is very valuable being a capitalist and all. Oh, and aren’t you a fan of football and I assume sports in general? Strange that you would scoff at the owners of professional sports teams as an after-thought. Heck, maybe we should let Joe down the street own the team. It’s not fair that he only makes $10 an hour.. Everyone should own a team.. LOL obvious silliness aside..




    As to Sam, my comments are a real perception of just how things went down. Not the media or Sam version but how I envisioned it actually happened. You can disagree all you like, heck I encourage it. Whether or not a gay person wants to hide in the closest is his or her own choice. No one is forcing it on them, no one is beating them in the streets despite media reports that get attention it simply does not happen; and if they want to do this or that but can’t come out in fear of not being able to do this or that, then it speaks volumes to their real character. The polarization of views on a number of political matters is a glaring elephant in the room right now in this nation. Being led, (which the word “led” is almost oxymoronic in this syntax) by the President, emboldened by a totally complicit media is amusing. Alarming that some here cannot see it, it begs several questions as to the true health of our nation, but I digress… Gays have made significant progress in just the last ten years, but I warn you that this bullying tactic, screaming homophobe, and bigot at the very hint of distaste of gay issues, is a façade. It only serves to prop up a phony sense of tolerance.




    People generally tolerate a lot of things, but do they ever really accept them? Not usually. People also don’t like being told what to think or what to say. This is America bro.. Michael Sam sticks his penis into another man’s anal canal for gratification, and the fact that this visual would be grotesque to MOST men seems like a foreign almost unimaginable response when speaking to the left rhetorical machine. It’s laughable to an extreme level of ignorance. Why do straight men tolerate lesbian sex---à gee I have no idea.. None at all, do you? I see no evolutionary advantage to homosexual behavior, NONE zero zilch. I see NO evidence credible or otherwise invented, to suggest that homosexuality is a condition of one’s genetic disposition, yet, like a religion in the twilight zone we are all supposed to just shut up and not point it out. Long term societal ramifications be damned. As to those ramifications of an accepting and completely tolerant society of sexual behavior.. I can think of a few, and I can point to evidence already available to suggest the correlations are real, but perhaps another discussion. This is a sports forum mostly and I very rarely delve into the PPP forums. I do that on other forums. I come here to talk sports.. A sport I love..




    Cheers to you, and have a wonderful, glorious day!


    Based on recent elections about half the country are liberal tilting, and probaly more on social issues so to say most men would be disgusted is an huge over step. Represt men, men who are not self realized sure, but not most



  5. Your not getting what I'm saying. I don't think Fisher is worried about Matt Lauer. What I'm saying is most NFL franchises like to remove themselves from the circus (see Tim Tebow at the Jets)


    That's all. As I said before, I hope he is good enough to make it. I have absolutely nothing against him. He is small for a DE, and slow from his combine. The opposite is he was named to the awards in the SEC. I hope the guy makes it, and glad Buffalo does not deal with that media mess. It's distracting to the team as they will be asked about it non stop. We don't need that with our three year 6-10 record.


    Fisher made the pick, he wasn't that high on their board but wanted to make a statement. I say good for him


    He doesn't care the guy is gay.


    He cares that so many people make a big deal out of it because it's annoying when moral elitists feel the need to tell everyone how morally elite they are.


    Not a hard concept or distinction.


    Point of fact: I have many friends that are gay. My wife and I are going to St Tropez with our friends who happen to be a gay couple later this summer. It's fair to say the last thing I'd ever be called is homophobic.


    I think it's embarrassing when people and the media over hype situations like the Michael Sam situation. IMHO people that feel feed into it fall into one of two camps. 1) they just crawled out from under a rock and actually think this is a watershed moment. 2) they are using this as the Twitter/Instagram/Facebook version of a selfie. "Hey! Look at me! I'm really accepting of other lifestyles! Aren't I so enlightened?"

    you say enlightened , I say human


    Your reaction to his post is interesting. I am also someone who finds male homosexuality gross. Two men kissing is like watching someone eat their own puke. Why am I a bad guy if I get an upset stomach from seeing certain things. I suppose that some people should be forced to see or experience things that gross them out. Seems fair. I have the right to change the channel, and I often do. You need to realize that just like homosexuals that have zero control over their sexual orientation, their really are straight people in the world that can't control what grosses them out. Good luck on your request to promote one point of view while attacking all others to the contrary who are not "against" your core principal in the first place.

    Eat their own puke. you might want to find out why you are having such a sevre response . I mean I wonder if Gay poeple feel like eating thier own puke when I kiss my wife. Nah I don't wonder becasue they don't nobody would , almost nobody

  6. how many kids before sam were drafted and got a congratulations from the POTUS?

    I don't know if that is a reflection of our society, if that is a reflection of the significance of Sam or if it is a reflection of Obama. I am not going to let this be any more political then it is, but Obama had no reason to make any comment about the NFL draft and society has no business caring who Michael Sam chooses to have relations with.

    The president can comment on anything he wants too. You can listen or ignore it is your call


    why? why is it a huge moment?


    landing on the moon was a huge moment

    putting bacon on a cheeseburger was a huge moment

    the beattles on late night was a huge moment


    this is not a huge moment. this changes nothing in life, this changes nothing in society and if anything will only polarize the issues for many many millions of people who are offended by the simplicity of such a simple issue gaining such popularity in this country when it has no significance. it is a waste of a headline. it is news worthy but nothing of significance.

    I bet many said that when Jackie Robinson made his mlb debut

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