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Agent 91

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Everything posted by Agent 91

  1. And thats the mentality I want the bills to have... IM BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE
  2. Would have to agree that Pegula was the difference maker on this one
  3. My question is... why is everyone so up in arms about the D. The majority of us were skeptical of him coming in and destroying what Pettine built. Call me crazy but Pettine ran a derivative of Ryan's defense. With the same defense. And it worked. We need to keep spikes and let him play next to Brown. And Hughes possibly leaving wouldnt hurt as bad. I like the pick up as someone earlier said he is a players coach. And he knows defense. I hope the OC he brings can either bring in his guy. Or can work with EJ. I like this HC pick because he has experience in the league. Someone we know what he is capable of. This man has been on a few occasions. An offense away from thr super bowl. He knows it too
  4. Moston this forum cant get their eyes open. Watkins was quite open.. but took cajones to throw the passes where they needed to be. Lets see if ej will feel like trying now
  5. Hey. Welcome brother. Im a relative neophyte as well. I have only been a bills fan for 20 yrs. And have only been hardcore for about 12. Dont worry about the ignorance. Most people know who to ignore. Its a real good time and a very welcoming experience. Enjoy posting and I enjoy reading. Agent
  6. Hackett doesnt have to go... and I would just as soon go back to college if I were hackett before I follow marrone anywhere. He has an out to a terrible offense. He Bette use it. And also do we really need rob moore? Donnie henderson will be looking for a dc position before he just follows Marrone... furthermore would you follow someone who is all but blackmailing himself from the league with each coming day.
  7. How would you use Sammy. Who he would want on his coaching staff. Does he see himself as a motivator innovator or disciplinarian teacher What would he need to make his program work... personnel wise... How would he mask our struggling o line while we rebuild it. What can you do for Buffalo... and its Bills
  8. What did he do? Please enlighten me Jerry Hughes did too. And after Marrone left. How many other guys said what they felt. And I didn't see it as calling or the coach.
  9. Oh I know. I was just kind of expounding on your point. Agreement friend
  10. It was written that Marrone was Brandon guy and there was a 2-1 vote with Whaley being the 1 vote against. I never heard Whisenhunt thought. Although I don't doubt it
  11. Nix said he wasnt leaving until a qb was here... so if anything the draft after rd 1 was mostly Whaley. Nix only priority was getting a qb so Alonso and all the rest were Whaley in my opinion. Thus making him look much better. If we really want to split hairs here
  12. I just dont see it that way. I dont think EJ is a bust. We have seen 4 qbs regress under this regime. We brought in a qb who they saw potential in but did not get the people you help him grow correctly. If we get someone like bevell or equal expertise and EJ still isn't serviceable then we can affix the bust title. Jury as you said is still out on that one. And the draft was a great move in TRADING DOWN getting the qb you wanted then picking up both WOODS and Kiko. 2 out of 3 immediate producers isnt bad. Marrone I have to believe was Russ Brandon and his regionalization goal. He was trying to widen the market stretching more towards central and eastern ny. I dont feel it to be necessary but Brandon preached it over and over again so I have to believe that played heavily into the equation. The Watkins trade was a ballsy trade in the fact that Inc again... the wanted a guy and did anything necessary to get him. How many guys are we off from having a good run in the playoffs. A qb... and line. We didnt finish bad enough to get anything but another EJ. And we need 2 guards. We all know historically. A guard in the first rd is a helluva reach. So you take one in the second rd... which we still have a pick in. Who is a real first rd guard prospect? Arie kuandijo? Who else will we miss? I dont see not having a first rd pick as devastating except for the fact we have no real reason to watch day one of the draft. And free agency/draft. Whaley has brought in people that we obscure. And contrary to the point. Has had some good free agent moves. Chris Williams the obvious bust. But Spikes Hughes Wynn Graham Dixon Hogan Gray trading a 6th for Mike Williams. And the bryce brown trade will make sense if spiller is not back. Preston Brown and Henderson were good picks. I believe Cockrell is gonna be a contributor. Marcus Thigpen was a great pick up thus far. I dont think people are seeing these picks and just see the Kuandijo pick and also that EJ was a reach that has not paid off yet. Just give him time. Let's let HIM pick HIS guy... we have all seen the reports that Marrone may or may not have been his choice... and lets give him 1 more year to complete his vision.
  13. Why Not expand it. Anyone who want to upgrade anyone not demand a suitable realistic replacement. Ie Payton Brady jj watt. Other top rung guys can not be answers
  14. I never understood why people were would who was gonna replace Fred. . He is right there.
  15. Didn't we interview him when he left Oakland?
  16. I hated the hire I thought it was utter crap. I never thought they did their due diligence that go round
  17. I like the qb they have too. If he can make them happen he can definitely make an EJ Sammy connection happen.
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