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Agent 91

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Everything posted by Agent 91

  1. Not grade A but he goes against every rule formerly put forth... you are to act as though he is a god. And if you dont... dont expect to be acknowledged more than the situation necessitates
  2. Wow. Thats crazy. But i dont know of you have ever read my constant defense of Marshawns character. I really enjoyed him. His momis even better. But at that time Langston Walker was a regular too. He was super quiet and not really a talker. His mom asked me to show him around Buffalo and he is a few years older than me. I dont think i have ever had one I hated. I HEARD bad things about Ruben Brown but i haven't had a bad experience... HANDS DOWN NICEST ONE WAS LAWYER MILLOY
  3. Really! He was one of my absolute favorites. He used to always stop by my counter or look for me when he would fly out. Be always said hi and knew me by name with no favors done. JP is very cocky. But i knew how to handle him
  4. Just for giggles... I am 31 and have only watched football for about 20 yrs now. So i would say, in no order Mario Williams Pat Williams Sam Coward Eric Moulds Pretty much the whole line for the Thurman years Nate Odomes Nate Clements Bruce Smith Bryce Paup London Fletcher Travis Henry I need to pay more attention to offense lol Spikes was a tough one to leave off... I could replace Cowart and Paup with him. But didnt Paup give us a pro-bowl season and Cowart was on track to be a tackling machine. Spike was a beast though.
  5. I know what you all mean! That was a name that was tossed around... BUT i didnt think we would do that. I dont even know why its news. I just wanted to start a thread. Just kind of upset it had to be him.
  6. Reported Wayne Hunter signed 1 year deal today
  7. I'm a definite believer now. After the two clutch catches he had to win the ball game last year. I wouldn't mind a lunch pail guy who can make plays when needed.
  8. Certainly not. I hope Cassel can pull a Cassel and be backup who gets thrown into action and leads us to a second consecutive winning season a la 11-5 season like he had in NE that offense. .. with him still looked good. Our offense with Orton was STILL a tire fire
  9. What does that have to do with athletic? Some of the best basketball players are not athletic. Same with baseball. There are athletes.. who play a sport. And then there is athletic. Calvin Johnson LeBron James are two athletic freaks. Of course Marquis Goodwin CJ Spiller and TJ Graham are athletic specimens we have had on our club who are not great football players. I say all this because in this context there is a distinction between athlete and athletic/athleticism.
  10. Lol there is respect due to your stance. You didnt wish for a loss but you instead wanted "McEichel". I drove by there that day when they played the Coyotes there were SO MANY PHOENIX JERSEYS when the sabres scored they booed. When Phoenix scored they cheered. Its like Gianta Ennis and the rest of them want to tank for a player who could take their spot. Like think about it, these guys are reppin our city. We had all out crap on the ice because they mailed it in. We traded good players for junk and guess what. That junk played as hard as they could for 60 minutes... dont they deserve some home town respect? They are playing for jobs.
  11. So the guy who led us back against Carolina is not something you would sign up for? The one who could have potentially beat Atlanta after 2 TWO FUMBLES BY RECEIVERS still nothing? What about the Bears game last year. He showed something. We won in OT yeah Fred has a hell of a run. But there were crucial plays in that game he made. Just think if he had confidence! By the way. Who remembers the ball in a barrel passes to Sammy and Chandler in the first Dolphins game last year. Maybe he will end up mediocre but for now this is just conjecture.
  12. I just wanna remind everyone my favorite EJ Manuel quote... Went something like this This playbook is easier to learn than the one at FSU This tells me that the last 2 years were a waste. He hasn't even been exposed to true NFL football yet. A screen would have been SOOOOOOO welcomed. It was more like draw or dive. Wth did they make us watch 2 years of
  13. Not a hockey fan at all but i thought Eichel and McDavid were like 1a and 1b. That crap was poor taste and I really hated it. How do you get free agents to come to Buffalo when the fan base is as ignorant as they were at the Coyotes game. That was utterly disgusting. Im glad I wasnt on this board during the suck for Luck campaign. I really considered turning in my bills fandom behind that display. GR550 was even worse than normal.
  14. He was almost the defensive rookie of the year. He was number 2 i believe
  15. Now see you and i have the same memories. He was gonna be good. But i don't really see it in our scheme
  16. I must have missed the year that Kiko made the probowl
  17. He has a lot to prove. He better be... i would probably wear a Kelvin Sheppard shirt if i were him.
  18. Hes been hangin with McKelvin LOL
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