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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. McBeane seem to have decided that the front end of the D is more important than the back end.
  2. I HATE the Stillers and BR! The bring back too many bad memories. Top of that list is Losman being drafted when BR was. It still hurts. I hope we crush them!!!! I hope BR has 3 picks and a fumble and we sack him numerous times…. Big, nasty, sandwiched between Rousseau and Epenesa Sacks… that hurt and make him come up limping 👿😈 Effing HATE the Stillers!!!!
  3. I have to agree and add: The Rams and Goff looked like they were playing their first preseason game in that SB. It’s always interesting to me how narratives work. You have a coach like McVay, who has been granted Darling status, and he gets nothing but passes. He has to work his way out of being a genius. He’s a very good coach but he’s fallible. Maybe Stafford is the missing link, maybe McVay suffers from Hubris in blaming a SB loss on steam and QB who looked utterly unprepared.
  4. Got my second Shingles shot yesterday and feel like crap, wife’s out of town, perfect way to spend an afternoon. Interesting to listen to Trumpy and Criqui call the game. No fluf, no BS, some serious criticism….. “ Scott Norwouldn’t” Kelly looked like crap too with tons of over throws. Thanks for the share
  5. It’s about our D showing up this whole season IMO. If we can be be top 10 on D, which is predicated on vastly improved line play, our SB chances a very good.
  6. Actually, I don’t want to see anybody put 34 on us this year.
  7. Had season tickets and was at this game in the tunnel EZ. We had two douchey Stillers fans in front of us who were enjoyed the heck out of Kelly’s early picks. We had the last laugh and they left at the end of the third quarter😈
  8. Back in the 90’s I got to see so many amazing QBs live at Rich Stadium. Favre, Young, Moon and Marino all stick out in my memory.
  9. Beating them again this year will be fun. I think there is a good chance that the bloom will be off the Hoodie rose by seasons end. NES drafting hasn’t been All That for a while and I’m not buying the pervasive opinion that he is smarter than everyone else. MJ might not be trash but he certainly isn’t a treasure either. And Gilbert???? Hoyer???? Puleeeeze😵
  10. I’d love to see the defensive ranking comparisons. My guess is Hoodie had higher ranked Defenses ( on average) than McD. Advantage McD💪
  11. “Welcome to the NFL, Rookie” The Bill’s Defense🤩
  12. Hopefully the trade happens and the picks are irreversibly given and then Watson gets sent to the Pokey
  13. Sounds good to me. Still super pissed about Titans getting what amounted to a two week bye before playing us when they were the cause of the problem. Some serious BS , that!
  14. An honest to goodness Football thread???? Be still my beating 💗 I honestly don’t need Josh to be in there more than 1 good series. A couple handoffs, a couple good completions and put the bubble wrap back on him. Thankfully it’s on NFLN but I’ll be working=DVR time.
  15. Feel like there is some CYA going on the leagues part. If games get canceled they can assign the blame elsewhere.
  16. The problem with “ Culture” is there are always Malcontents. They go along until they don’t. Then they make it about themselves. It can be a personal decision and you can stay off social media and not be a loudmouth about. Or you can be a douche about it. Some have chosen the Douche path. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. It also doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences.
  17. 11+ minutes into a 14 minute presser before a football question….👿 Horrible!!!!!!
  18. Note to Basham Bashers, maybe the kid’s got a little sumthin’💪💪💪 Love Baldy, Thank you for the share OP!!!!
  19. Nobody wants that sort of reasoned commentary. It’s the Pats sucking, get with the program🤓
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