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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Sitting in Newark airport watching. Brady continues to try and throw bombs to no avail. He is hitting the ground a bit…. Which is nice😈
  2. You can’t measure Heart, Dog, or Want To…… but you know it when you see it and when you don’t. As many are saying in the other McD thread, thank goodness McBeane saw what so many couldn’t and had the cajones to pull the trigger.
  3. McD was hired BEFORE Beane and clearly was the reason Beane was hired. Some on here might know in greater detail but the Beane choice seemed like a Fait Accompli once McD got the job, maybe not at the time but in retrospect. They had the balls to make a bunch of personnel decisions both to the roster and the staff that have proved to be correct. They have also made some mistakes but EVERY GM and coach do. The reason Josh makes him look good is because McBeane chose Josh. To argue otherwise, It’s like arguing the cool kid who is scoring with all the chicks since he bought the Corvette ( who most told him was a bad decision) shouldn’t get props for all the ladies he keeps hooking up with. He’s not perfect but he’s on the precipice of being our best coach ever…..why piss and moan about it🤔
  4. This team is better than good. Anyone on here claiming otherwise is just a LAMPing troll.
  5. 20-19 Bills It just feels like a low scoring affair with the score something ridiculous like 3-3 at halftime.
  6. There is a saying in Martial arts, “ You only have one arm.” The point being that it is connected through the shoulders and when you put one end of it( left fist or right) forward the other acts in the opposite way. If you try to punch with your left fist and someone violently yanks the right arm, the left loses power. Having a pain inducing injury in the non throwing shoulder is huge. A human body will guard an injury in a predictable and hard to ignore way. His mechanics will be negatively effected and there isn’t much he can do. Poor Baker🤩
  7. Great point. The thing is, for those of us who watched 4 SB losses, a Super Bowl win is really the Only thing that will finally give us peace. I’ve never actually realized till just now but the biggest emotion I will feel when the Bills win their first Super Bowl will be relief. And, it will be by a wide margin over any other emotion. I’m sure I’m not alone in this camp.
  8. The other good part of the Dallas win is I get four solid years of bragging rights over all the Cowgirls fans I work with. Haranguing them from time to time is good fun….for me. When we win a SB it will take away their final retort😎
  9. A couple of weeks ago he was being allowed one last chance before we admitted he wasn’t good by some, if memory serves🤔 LOVE Baldies Breakdowns! I’m like Pavlov’s dog when I see his name in a thread title.
  10. My best buddy Tim and I had season tickets. I was 18 at the time. A hard fought and boring game until Smerlas blocked the kick. We were in the upper deck but we made it down to the field. It was a rainy day and the field was wet. I thought it would be cool to slide across the turf , slip and slide style, like I saw a bunch of players do when tackled. I ran and dove and face planted like I had superglue on my chest😂😂😂 That was a great day.
  11. The Panthers are screwed with McC’s contract.
  12. The problem with any conspiracy theory is the idea that you can get a group of humans to work together in an intelligent and coordinated way to foster an outcome. If the last 18 months aren’t enough proof…..
  13. Correct BUT it’s a heck of a compliment. If we have a rushing attack that becomes simply dependable when the opponent knows we are rushing the O becomes literally unstoppable.
  14. Never underestimated the leagues ability to screw us…..😜
  15. When all of Bills mafia is living a fantasy….. that is real… and we just chat about it like it’s meh😎💪🔥
  16. I was in a bar in Canoga Park Ca with the local Bills Backers. The year of the K-Gun/ No huddle. That was an AMAZING time
  17. Don’t remember who we played in 90 but their team punted into the wind ( 40+) and it came right back to the punter. Craziest play I ever saw
  18. I see your point but don’t think it’s an apt comparison for a few reasons. You mentioned the Jets are an absolute dumpster fire which is true. However, Josh is a Big Ol Country boy. A Man’s man when it comes to measurables. Zack is slight of build. He’s not built to take the beating he’s taking whereas Josh was not only built for it but was out there putting his body on the line repeatedly and loving it. The human in me feels bad for the kid but the Bills fan in me LOVES watching the Jets jet. Sam Darnold not looking like such a bum after all.
  19. Said it in the game thread. He made a ten minute long highlight reel last year doing that. That TD to Sanders was 🔥
  20. Chargers SCORE A TD!!!!! KC has32 seconds and a timeout down 7
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