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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. I enjoy the Cowboys losing ALMOST as much as the Bills winning. I almost messed myself two Thanksgivings ago😈
  2. The major point for me though is : He threw one away on purpose. Excellent decision He had one tipped at the line Happens He hit Diggs with a poorly thrown catchable ball two yards past the LOS and Diggs didn’t get it Meh
  3. I might be wrong about the first one but the announcer said his name
  4. I’m rewatching the first half right now. Josh intentionally puts one into the turf in front of Beasely on the first drive in triple coverage. Tipped ball at the line at three minute mark in first quarter. Diggs drops a low one two plays later High and behind Davis with a lot of zip at the 13:20 mark in the 3 rd
  5. Thought this was one of those shade posts on the “ Down low” at first😜 I can’t state strongly enough that this is the way it ALWAYS seemed to be for the Brady Pats and KC the last two years. KC was not getting those bounces a lot this year and suddenly Mahomes looked human.
  6. There’s never been 7 straight TD drives? Another Record💪💪💪💪
  7. The ultimate insult would be for Trubisky to get in and score….. after Josh scores again here😈
  8. In the pregame thread I said I wanted to crush them so Belicheat had to just sulk at the podium. Mission accomplished!!!!! STATEMENT GAME💪
  9. Gotta drive the final stake into Belicheats undead heart👿 Whoop them so bad he just has to stand I front of that podium and sulk.
  10. Well, actually, it’s not the alcohol that freezes in beer, it’s the water. So we were drinking some “ Beer Concentrate “ that day😜
  11. This!!!! I still have the same pair of Sorel boots that are a size too big. Three pairs of sock with one of them wool AND chem warmers if need be.
  12. Layers and layers of loose clothing. Chemical hand warmers for your feet and hands. Move a lot.
  13. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/the-top-10-coldest-games-in-bills-history-5087866 https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/9198152002 It looks like Saturday will be the second or third coldest game ever at Rich/The Ralph/Highmark. I was at the top two coldest. We had to keep our quarter keg in the car at the Raiders game, with the heat on, to get it flowing again because the tap froze. Beer was freezing in the solo cups faster that we could drink it….. though we made every effort💪 At one of the two games the plumbing died in a large chunk of the stadium. Although I was hammered at the time I distinctly remember guys just pissing on the wall next to one of the ramps…. 50 guys at a time. We won both games. This bodes well for Saturday. Let’s hear your war stories from these games.
  14. Sometimes you just SHOULDN'T take the job…… he got pooched.
  15. No but crazier things have happened. All the lucky breaks and bounces that KC seemed to get the last few years have flipped , especially earlier this year. A man can dream
  16. Have you seen the Rhule and Darnold show? Never underestimate the outcome of desperation coupled with coaching ego.
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