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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. “ We pride ourselves in detail and being great in situational football.” That is the biggest kick in the gut right there. Shameful pride.
  2. If Payton leaves NO that might be an opportunity. Panther’s don’t have a second or third round pick. We have a guy in NY we might do business with on a Giants team that could be blown up.
  3. Try running full speed, having someone stick their shoulder into any part of your torso that you choose while they are running towards you, do a forward roll into a break fall and slide into some folding chairs ….. on your front lawn. Get up an do it again….. And again Have someone drop a three hundred pound side of beef on you as you fall down on your front lawn so it lands directly on top of you. This “ Josh is big so he can’t get hurt” BS is BS. Hits in football add up. That is a fact!!!! The more he takes the sooner he retires.
  4. My wife was crying at the end of the game. I felt terrible but even worse for her. Yesterday morning I came close but I didn’t. By yesterday afternoon I was just PISSED!!! Which is where I will remain. I can’t watch the SB this year. First time in 40+ years. It was ours for the taking👿
  5. Allen’s prime doesn’t last another 8 years if they keep beating the snot out of him! There are only so many hits a QB can take and there are only so many hits a RB can take. Josh is being subjected to both.
  6. https://www.espn.com/blog/kansas-city-chiefs/post/_/id/29889/kansas-city-chiefs-offensive-line-rebuild-was-a-long-time-in-the-making?platform=amp “The result from their neglect was a line that was solid at tackle with Fisher, the first pick in the draft back in 2013, and Schwartz. But it had been patched together with waiver claims and low-round draft picks in the interior. When Fisher and Schwartz were injured last season, everything collapsed.” Yeah, what was I thinking. What kind of idiot Neanderthal would look to fortify their O line in this Century😉
  7. The chance itself is even to both teams. I regard that as fair. You don’t, cool.
  8. Back to my original post: The coin flip didn’t make us call three runs and a punt in the second quarter…Daboll did that ( maybe at McD’s behest, maybe not) We didn’t even tip a single Mahomes pass much less get a pick from a guy who has been throwing them. Not the coin tosses fault. Ridiculous non squib kick with 13 seconds and they had their timeouts AND Mahomes???? That is why I think it was fair. We screwed ourselves. We paid for it.
  9. 89% of a 50% chance is less than half of the initial chance from the start. We should agree to disagree on the coin flip. I’m cool with it, you’re not. Life goes on.
  10. It’s a game of chance. I get it. You and others don’t like it. I’m not saying your wrong to feel that way. I’m saying I disagree and think it’s fair.
  11. You’re right, it is less than fifty percent chance that the coin toss decides if WE win. That pesky math.
  12. It’s chance. I have no problem with a 50/50 chance. A counter argument is, Do you really want your players going an extra 10 or 20 minutes in the playoffs when they have multiple games to go and are already worn out/ more prone to injury?
  13. We have an absolute STUD of a gunslinger. Strongest arm in the league. Great pocket presence and the ability to scramble to extend plays or get firsts……. Kinda like Mahomes. Sell me on continuing to have him be our running game behind a mediocre O line vs actually HAVING a running game like say ….. um, er…. the Chiefs. Actually, don’t waste my time because I’m not buying. Protecting Josh and having a running game is the hill I’m gonna die on. The moment he effs up a shoulder or a knee and he is 75% of himself is the day this whole board will be pissing and moaning about the good ol days of healthy/young Josh. Have some foresight.
  14. Steve Smith is currently on WFNZ in Charlotte right now. Said exactly what I said above. “ The rules are fine, unless you’re a Bills fan.”
  15. JOSH picked up the whole O (again) and put them on his shoulders and carried them. No Josh= No Magic. He can’t take that kind of pounding forever and i would say , much longer. He is our investment and we need to protect him by creating a better line in front of him and a better running game around him (that doesn’t include him to Tre extent it currently does. The way you beat the Chiefs is you OUTSCORE them. You don’t slow them down.
  16. I thought of you this morning. I’ve got 40 + years in and I know you’ve got me beat. I hate to say it but I start to worry. That was a golden opportunity. We blew it. They don’t come along often. I hope Josh gets us at least one but I worry😳
  17. Show me who this mythical fan is who was fine with last nights ending. It ended fairly. Chance is chance and I accept that. There’s an old MA saying, “ The time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself.” We squandered our opportunities. I believe it is important to place blame where it belongs. The coaches, McD, Daboll and Frazier all share in that blame. The OT rules share none. This is crying over the proverbial spilt milk when it is convenient to do so. I repeat,This thread doesn’t exist and we aren’t having this argument if we won the toss and JA scored a TD…… am I wrong on that last point?
  18. And Gilliam???? How the heck is Gilliam 9 yards behind the sticks EVEN an option?!?!
  19. Sorry guys, I don’t think this thread exists IF we won the coin flip yesterday. We lost this game in regulation after Josh won it for us twice. If, Josh scored a TD in OT under your “ new rules” we still lose because KC easily scores on their next possession. When is enough enough?
  20. The Bills didn’t lose due to the OT rules. The Bills O had a chance to make bank in the second quarter and played tiddlywinks instead. The Bills special teams had a chance to bleed some time off the clock at the end. They didn’t even cause it to go. The Bills D had three chances on three consecutive drives to stop the Chiefs and didn’t. The Chiefs O ,” They are who we thought they were and we let ‘em off the hook!” The OT rules are fine.
  21. We have the Mahomes beater on the team already. His name is Allen. They just need to let him do his thing the WHOLE game.
  22. The best center or guard available. If we draft D, I might hurt myself👿
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