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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. This should have been no brainer for Dorsey. Interested to see who the line coach is. I was listening to Steve Smith yesterday that Shoen and Daboll are in for a lot of work. He came across as lukewarm on the Daboll hire. Some of you will immediately crap on that but SS isn’t a rube football-wise.
  2. The good old ad hominem insult. When arguing football just isn’t cutting it😘
  3. I already think the same thing. Started feeling that way after the first Patriots game when Diggs and Knox couldn’t catch a cold I was referring specifically to Diggs being taken out of the game by KC’s D ….which I don’t believe is particularly good.
  4. Scoreboards a betatch. Bet Frazier wished he had been playing with the lead. And, back to my original question. How come all the other OCs this weekend were able to repeatedly get the ball into their Elite talents hands. The opposing DCs didn’t realize who they should take away. Apparently, it’s that easy .
  5. Imagine if we actually had the lead at half time. I would have found that preferable. Imagine the D playing with a lead in the third….. how about in the fourth? And, not a problem me of you have answered the original question. D.Samuel/Schemed into the game C.Kupp/Schemed into the game T.Hill/Schemed into the game. Or, should we assume that the QBs throwing to them are better than Josh? Playing from behind from the second series till the last three minutes of the game doesn’t sound like high percentage winning football to me. Neither does losing regardless of how many points you score playing catch up.
  6. Ever hear the work “Scheme” Sometimes used as a verb, Scheming. Heres an example: The Chiefs were able to scheme T. Hill open against the Bills defense by having him run a shallow cross underneath two other Chiefs receivers. This let him get up to speed and have him open to receive a pass. Your Word for the day😉
  7. Who was in control of most of this game? KC Who gave the ball back to them twice in the second quarter on three and outs? Buffalo Who’s decision was three runs and a punt? OC Who’s decision was it to have Gilliam in as an outlet receiver? OC What happens to Defenses that keep getting thrown back onto the field when they get a short break? You don’t beat the Chiefs by playing scared or conservative. BOTH sides of the ball did that in this game. One of the oldest adages in the book is you put the ball in the hands of your biggest playmakers. Is Diggs not our biggest weapon on O ( I would contend Davis is actually proving to be, but that is another argument) Daboll isn’t a genius. I’m sorry you guys are in love with the game he called but the ONLY reason we caught up at the end is because Josh willed it to happen.
  8. How much of our O was Josh not hitting the designed target and just improvising and hitting someone downfield who got open on a scramble drill? Fun as heck to watch because Josh’s arm and legs and size can make that work like no other QB. BUT, it isn’t on the OC .
  9. Who was in control of most of this game? KC Who gave the ball back to them twice in the second quarter on three and outs? Buffalo Who’s decision was three runs and a punt? OC Who’s decision was it to have Gilliam in as an outlet receiver? OC What happens to Defenses that keep getting thrown back onto the field when they get a short break? You don’t beat the Chiefs by playing scared or conservative. BOTH sides of the ball did that in this game. One of the oldest adages in the book is you put the ball in the hands of your biggest playmakers. Is Diggs not our biggest weapon on O ( I would contend Davis is actually proving to be, but that is another argument) Daboll isn’t a genius. I’m sorry you guys are in love with the game he called but the ONLY reason we caught up at the end is because Josh willed it to happen.
  10. How many points did we score in the second quarter? I guess that dump off to Reggie Gilliam ten yards behind the line of scrimmage is a bunch of your idea of Daboll’s OC acumen ……. Yeah, and then we punted for the second time in that quarter. 🤔
  11. Probably wouldn’t have hurt considering the way he laid that fan out cuz lord knows no one else seemed able to tackle😉
  12. If we could win 1 SB, would it or wouldn’t it be worth it. Two word answer please.
  13. But, but, first round D line picks blah blah blah…..Oliver deserves big money Yada yada, Deep rotation on line to keep em fresh and platooning …… Our number one D wasn’t all that and smoke and mirrors doesn’t work against smart players and coaches. Especially when your coaches roll out bonehead 101 prevent schemes repeatedly without adjusting 👿
  14. Point being, EVERYONE and their mother know D. Samuel and C.Kupp are getting the targets and yet they get the ball. Everyone freaking out about Daboll need to take a chill pill
  15. Funny how these other OCs figure out how to get their Elite talent the ball but Diggs got taken out of the KC game🤔
  16. THANK YOU BENGALS!!!!!! Enjoy our Super Bowl
  17. You know, it is ok to like yourself….. you deserve nice things.
  18. Halle-EFFING-Luja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. You may be right. That is the million dollar question. Like driving your car to the limit without care or maintenance. Fun at the moment maybe but the recipe for a short lived experience,
  20. It is funny to see the change in thinking on Daboll here. Considering JA’s development, I guess it’s to be expected. I agree with the OP though. Daboll criminally overused JA’s legs on designed runs. Also, I feel it’s unforgivable that it took until the last month of the season to realize that running Singletary up the gut was pointless. The blocking scheme gets changed and Voila ….. we have a competent rushing attack??? Lazy coaching relying on a proven commodity ( Josh) and not putting your other important player ( #1 running back) in a position to succeed. Don’t forget the inexplicable decisions : Not letting Josh throw in the first half of the first Pat’s game ….. OR SECOND QUARTER last week. If he was in a Bond movie, it would be called “ The man with the Golden Arm”…… yeah, but let’s restrain that???? After an up an down season, even with an adjustment period, a good OC hire and some better talent on the O around Josh will do fine and there is a chance considerably better. Better for me is Balanced with Josh not taking a beating unless Beast Mode is necessary, which it will be from time to time.
  21. I see 3 away games that concern me . Im good with every home opponent, we are better than all of them. I get the feeling that Josh is going to become a man on a mission next year. First prediction 14-3.
  22. Unless the Bengals beat KC, which I doubt, I’m done. I won’t watch the Super Bowl for the first time since Oakland Phily in 1981. I’m destroyed by this loss!
  23. We don’t know. Ultimately, they have to both answer to ownership which is a little more dialed into the local Buffalo zeitgeist than some other owners. I think a legitimate argument can be made that if you chose ten random posters off this board and dropped them in that situation with 13 seconds left, you have numerous ones that make better decisions. One mistake is one thing, three in a row in a 10 seconds of game clock span? WTF Pegula might give them grace but he can’t be happy.
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