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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Josh behind an above average line with a competent running back and rushing attack makes us a force to be reconned with for years. A dominant O line🤩 He fractured a Transverse Process on one of his vertebrae which sounds bad but is/ was not a big deal. He got luck as it was a pretty bad wreck.
  2. The difference between Josh and Cam is Cam didn’t have the pocket awareness of Josh. Cam took a bunch of hits in the pocket that Josh doesn’t. In 2015, Cam was insane the way he was seeking contact. However, I honestly feel like they are about even and I watched both of them equally. Cam was done when Josh came on the scene for the most part.
  3. So, running backs last as long as other players? Come on Brother. More hits are not a good thing for a franchise QB.
  4. As the Bills sucked and I live in Charlotte , I watched a ton of Panthers . Loved me some Cam and their D was also fun to watch ( Kuechly and Davis especially) A couple of Cam’s angry runs we have all seen but he was taking hits like this often. Almost every game ( often multiple times per game) in the Shula OC era. He takes a nasty hit on his throwing shoulder in this vid. The more you put yourself in a situation to get hit, the more you get hit. Hits like this are cumulative. Inflammation, micro tears ( often called strains and sprains) , bruises to bone, tendon and ligament wear. All injuries are attributed to specific plays. That doesn’t negate previous hits which weaken the system prior to catastrophic failure. Josh does not need to run the ball on designed runs as a staple of our rushing attack. We need a running back to do that.
  5. Designed Runs are not Scrambles He is almost always in control of the hits he takes on scrambles.
  6. The closest we’ve seen previously to Josh is Cam Newton. They aren’t the same but size, speed, arm strength, moxie coming out of college put them in their own group. Cam was drafted in 2011. He played under Rob Chudzinski for his first to years….then Mike Shula came to town. With him a ridiculous amount of Cam carrying the ball came also. Cam had his first shoulder injury in 2016 ( partial right rotator cuff tear) the year after the SB. In 2018, he started very well and his shoulder received it’s Coup de Grace againt the Steelers around the halfway point. Cam’s career as an elite weapon ended then. 7 1/2 seasons. Those of you out there claiming Josh is “big” and “ it’s his style of play” are sticking your heads in the sand. We all know that Josh is capable of doing what he puts his mind to…..like becoming a passer who rarely runs. THIS could extend his useful career into his late 30’s at a minimum. Beane addressed the need for a competent rushing attack in his EOY presser. Couple that with the additions of new OC, QB and O line coach and hopefully we are legit heading down that path. If we keep running Josh like we have been, all season long, he will be a shell of himself in 3 to 5 seasons and probably washed up in his early thirties.
  7. I agree. I think it was just stupidity. However, that’s the problem when you allow doubt to creep in
  8. “It immediately causes a bad look due to the appearance of conflicting interests” It Looks Bad When it looks bad people start to lose faith When people start to lose faith and a coach does something egregiously stupid……..13 seconds……. Some people will start to believe it was on purpose. The NFL should not be in bed with gambling!!!!
  9. 🛎 🛎 🛎 We have a winner folks!!!! Not that I think that is what happened. But, when you are in bed with gambling it give more credence to those that do think that way.
  10. Josh is going to cause so many reaches and overdrafts in the next decade 😂
  11. https://www.si.com/college/indiana/.amp/football/philadelphia-eagles-doug-pederson-nate-sudfeld-explanation
  12. You mean the fifty plus page mess that has six or seven sub threads within it?
  13. Vegas lines are created with the understanding that both teams are trying to win. Paying your coach to throw a game for any reason is a fix in terms of the above statement. Any wagers made under circumstances other than the above are not fair wagers. It matters.
  14. It still blows my mind how all of you guys put words in each other’s mouths. I said nothing about a grand conspiracy. I said that when you have accusations of an owner making bribes to his coach to throw games AND he and the league have multiple hands in gambling venture pockets it looks bad. Bad looks opens the door to doubts.
  15. Phily (?) put there third string QB to lose their final game last year.
  16. But single people with the ability to fix an outcome might
  17. A couple decades ago they had baseball players in front of congress for taking steroids?!?! But, an owner propositioning his coach to throw game…… “ Move along folks, nothing to see here.” For a league that enjoys semi tax exempt status? Guess I must really be a kook to believe this is kinda big news 😎
  18. An owner with financial gambling interests offering his coach money to throw games allegations thread
  19. I’m surprised this thread hasn’t been started. We all have heard the allegations that Miami’s owner Ross was offering Flores $100k a loss to tank. The NFL should not be in bed with Casinos or online betting sites such as Fan duel. It immediately causes a bad look due to the appearance of conflicting interests. I didn’t research the numbers but it must be in the hundreds of millions in advertising revenue. Then there is the fact that a group of 32 billionaires refuse to employ professional referees. If you own 1 billion you are filthy rich. And yet, the league has refused to hire these guys on full time. It isn’t a money issue. That makes zero sense. If Ross was willing to proposition his coach to lose ( I get that the proof isn’t there but tell me it doesn’t sound plausible) why wouldn’t he or other powers that be not be willing to slip a few shekels to a dirty ref or three? I’m not say it happened. But, there is a saying a teacher of mine had: “ It doesn’t just have to be right, it has to look right.” There have been multiple threads on here over the years talking about the fix being in. Many on here poopoo it because it seems insane. Which brings me to my final point: What would it look like if you were going to throw a game from a coaching perspective? Run a bunch of low percentage plays and punt while shackling your best player(s)? Make absolutely befuddling and egregious decisions that are completely indefensible? I haven’t personally believed that the fix was in in a conspiracy level way in the past. I’m not saying I do now. But, for the first time the dots are starting to connect themselves and picture coming together isn’t a pretty or even palatable one. Flame away Ladies and Gentlemen
  20. I think they will add at least one more in the first three rounds.
  21. O line coaches like the chance to win SBs also. We are a destination.
  22. I felt the same way but there a a few multi page threads that say some on here disagreed.
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