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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. His balls catching skills are so sweet. He just flows and the ball just sticks to his hands. SO excited to see him play.
  2. Living in Charlotte, I know a ton of people with PSLs which is how we usually get tickets to the games here. It is an apples to oranges comparison, in as much as Bills’ fandom and Panther’s fandom are not comparable. Having said that, PSLs here are an investment and most holders don’t go to all and many not half the games. They sell their tickets. Some at face value, many for more than that when the panthers were good and demand was there. My baseline feeling is Joe Sixpack is getting priced out of the Bills stadium like he has been here. Part of the reason for that is tickets are now completely electronic here which puts a major damper on showing up and getting cheap tickets before the game. To me, it’s just another example of EVERYTHING being commodified and recommodified in an effort by big business/rich owners to milk every last bit of $ out of the little guy.
  3. The Dump off IS the running game. Put them both in the backfield but have Cook’s YAC ability. Add a what looks to be an improved O line….we’re good😉
  4. The price of success is your team gets raided and you have to constantly replenish your depth, both players and coaches. Brady had interviews with a few teams for HC so there is definitely some There there. Not sure what his actual roll will be but he seems like a decent hire.
  5. Ken Dorsey!!! Player = Groot If we were to get a 15 + sack year, with a few picks and a healthy dose of TFls out of him? It would cause opposing OCs to have to start changing their game plans by the end of the year which would mean they were playing OUR game, not theirs.
  6. The old gals need lovin too😎
  7. Last season : Tied for 19 th in solo tackles = good Tied for 46 th in interceptions/1/Meh Tied for 44th in targets = ? Tied for 68th in receptions allowed (36) Total of 3 picks in four years. So, yeah, he was a good fourth rounder who has been useful in our system. The kind of meat and potatoes contributor a good team needs. That’s not shade , that’s objectively looking at our player That he can then use to move up later? I trust him.
  8. I felt 10 years was more than enough and I caught flack for going that far🤷‍♂️ The OP KNOWS Beane’s chances are better in the first than in the fourth. He also knows we got jumped by KC for a….DB and the whole league knew we needed a…DB😉
  9. Huh…..working on getting that Precious 4th rounder back😜
  10. Or maybe, some people believe they can never have nice things? There is a fairly large subset of posters on here who would get the first hummer from their wife in years only to complain that dinner wasn’t also ready immediately afterwards 🤨 We needed a CB. We wanted other things but we NEEDED a CB. Beane saw the way his board was falling and made a decision. “ They didn’t need to trade up” etc etc ….. every other post. piss, moan, whine….. The sky is falling!!! It looks like we got a great pick. Take a freaking breath and be happy. Trust Beane. We can get the fourth back if we need to. There are teams ahead of us who picked bums who are going to flame out miserably, in the first round! A fourth isn’t the end of the world.
  11. I fully expected, before the draft, that Beane was going to move as he saw necessary. The moves are going to happen in a certain order. Middle picks to move up in higher rounds, lower picks to move up in middle rounds. If there is someone in the fourth that is just a glaring value on Beane’s board I have no doubt he will go get him.
  12. Live and learn…..Thanks My wife knows a relative of his which is the only reason I know anything about him Absolutely agree on trading late rounders. 6 and 7 aren’t making this team unless it’s a punter.
  13. In the last 10 years the Bills have taken 5 players in the fourth round. Often, we have traded this pick in the past. Gabriel Davis looks like a stud Taron Johnson has been useful Cardale Jones??? Ross Cockrell has a career bouncing around the league….meh. DUKE WILLIAMS STONE COLD HALL OF FAME LOCK…. According to the accolades he garners from some on here. Apparently, half the posters on here know MORE than Beane and our future has just been destroyed by him working his intel and trading this years 4th. Me, I’m going to trust him and our scouting department. Crazy talk I’m sure.
  14. WOW That’s probably the best knob shine Billy has had in decades! I bet Kraft is jealous 😎
  15. Make the pick at 25 is my guess. But if they trade, I wouldn’t guess it would be back but forward as we are in “ Win now” mode. It makes no sense to use all our picks if we don’t have realistic expectations of keeping them. I do like the idea of taking the punter in the 6 th round of he’s there, otherwise your drafting camp bodies or practice squad guys who might get poached.
  16. Before last season, I bagged on EO and didn’t want this. I’m throwing my Mea Culpa out now and saying This is the correct move. He is poised to possibly have a crazy good season in the interior. That Contract year motivation doesn’t hurt.
  17. I have to admit, I wasn’t pissed at the JA pick but I WAS part of the WCHHM crowd😵‍💫 I stopped drinking that cool aid two years ago and I’m a new man since.
  18. Even in those few highlights they showed you can see he had it then when he’s going on instinct. Thankfully Beane could see it and had the Brass Set it took to believe in his convictions. We are living the dream🤩
  19. Madden!!!! Hands down. Goofie , weird MFer💪💪💪😎
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