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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Flutie lovers always point to his leadership and his moxie and how he “ won games” for us because of it. My primary point is he didn’t win the biggest game he played for us. As I stated , I’m not a RJ fan and freely admit that the D won that game but Johnson still walked off with the win. Dougie didn’t against Miami. Fact My bigger point for bagging on him, ,in this discussion, is he couldn’t hold Bledsoes jock during DB’s first season as a Bill. If Bledsoe had the 1999 or 2000 D in his first year we are a playoff team. He was the best 1 year QB in the period under discussion. Flutie wasn’t.
  2. No agenda. He made plays? Like throwing that pic in the EZ in the playoffs? People claiming he was the best QB during the drought have memories that might need some reprisals 😉 While I’m no R Johnson fan, RJ walked off the field with the win in Tennessee. Not your boy Flutie.
  3. Flutie was a weak armed bum with “ small man syndrome “ on teams with great defenses and good rushing attacks. The only Bills QB I remember who was better at chucking it into the turf short of his receivers due to lack of arm talent was old Vince Ferragamo. Put wonder boy Dougie on the 2002 team and it’s a 4-12 season at best.
  4. Bledsoe was the only reason we went 8-8 in 2002. They were fifth in passing, 24 th in rushing. We ranked 27 th in Defense. Bledsoe passed Kelly in some of the single season records at the time. Did he throw picks? Yep! That’s what happens when you are carrying a team, which he did. After that be sucked but he was the best QB we had for any single season between Kelly and Josh.
  5. He was “ safe”. He played safe and it was safe for the coaches to play him. I saw him play Carolina in a 9-3 stinker that encapsulated his Bills career in one game: Defense and running game giving him one last shot at the end which he couldn’t capitalize on. TT was never going to get us anywhere but would always keep us middle of the round in the draft.
  6. $4.99 a month and even a $50 increase on the ticket would still be considerate cheaper than what most are paying when you consider DTV monthly subscription.
  7. They took a TD away from the Hawks. I forgot about that. Hopefully you are right and the powers that be decide it’s our time for a little extra love. JA needs to get some National advertising contracts. He’s got the looks and the attitude and is squeaky clean. Not sure why he hasn’t yet but he has what it takes to be the face of this league.
  8. As I stated previous, last year I got to Retention department and couldn’t get squat. I called three times last year. Some have talked about the DVR which I agree is the bomb. However, my base bill is over $100 and we just about never watch it.
  9. Got my bill yesterday and it said nothing about getting it free. Called and got “Donna” from a call center in India who told me there were no current offers for my account. I explained I had friends getting emails offering it for free and I’d been a customer since 98. Still nothing. No ticket/ no discount. Had her transfer me to someone to help me cancel. Was informed I already had it for free and was offered an additional $20 off a month for 12 months. Still don’t 100% trust that it won’t be on my next bill but I kept the name, Date and time of todays talk.
  10. 1990 First Super Bowl loss. That was a level of being crushed emotionally I didn’t realize was possible from a sports game. I was 20 at the time and it hurt for months on a daily basis.
  11. There is no amount of Hoodie being a petulant douche at the hands of Josh that is too much😎
  12. I put a large part of this on the coaches not getting the right o-line combination until then. Starting Bates and changing up the run blocking scheme was too long in the making. I agree that they have to hit the ground running but my money is on Josh. He’s a man on a mission this year and he’s taking the whole team with him!
  13. I absolutely understand but …… Why not us? I, too, have that niggling voice that keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop because it has always been thus. However, Josh is different. Nothing is too big for him from here on out. That is the ONLY positive I take from the KC game! We also have a better line this year on both sides of the ball. No guarantees but we are not preseason SB favs for nothing.
  14. The best you can say is both the Darnold and Mayfield contract are up at the end of this year. I’m not a Mayfield fan. I think this is classic bridge QB territory. It is also QB purgatory territory as they have a possibility of getting to middle of the draft pack.
  15. It was the Russian hackers!!!! They figured out where to hit us where it REALLY hurt.
  16. Allen, Diggs and White are locks. I feel there is a case for Dawkins but not sure considering how the line is perceived around the league.
  17. Personal Fav was 1988 win over the Minnesota Vikings. It was my first year of seasons as an 18 year old kid. We were home dogs and it was the beginning to a glorious season were we won all our home games and the East.
  18. Skipping commercials is the BOMB!!!! I hope you are not correct about this. The article talks about DTV still being an outlet regardless of who gets the rights. We shall see.
  19. Sat in the lower non tunnel EZ for this one. The week before had been cold as bleep but this one was wet and muggy. They had horse mounted sheriffs on the field at the end to keep us off the field. My buddy J got a security hat ( Burke?) off the top of a guard as they were pushing everyone back into the stands….. crazy times!
  20. 98 for me. It always did until AT+T got involved
  21. There was a game I was at during the 80 or 81 season. It was pretty windy( surprise) Someone chucked a roll of TP from the stands and a big streamer of it was blowing down the field. A play was about to start and one of the teams lines got total wrapped up in it. They got it off themselves and the other teams line got wrapped in it. I was about ten at the time and I can still see it clearly.
  22. I think that Ralph was just a weird guy who liked “ Yes men” who didn’t challenge him and deferred to him ( or at least made Ralph feel they were) I started watching when Chuck Knox was coach and he was a capable coach but he didn’t get on with Ralph or the front office and wasn’t resigned. Then we had the stooge show until Marv came in….. at roughly the same time as Bruce and Kelly. Marv was nothing if not affable and Wilson liked him as did the players. All the stars came together during that time between players, coaches and GM . To me, it was the exception to who we usually were . Wilson caught lightning in a bottle and road it out. Then we were back to the same old same old. I guess an argument can be made that Donahoe was a competent hire that broke with that mold. At least it seemed at the time but then Marv as the GM…..Jerkron…..🤢🤢🤢 My best explained is it was just a fortuitous aberration.
  23. It isn’t my first rodeo. I, too, call every year and have always gotten something, including for free. Last year I called three times over a few weeks including a week before and they wouldn’t give me anything. What sucked was reading everyone else getting it for free without asking. It isn’t even the money, it’s the principle.
  24. I’ve called the last two years and received squat!!!!! This year better be different as a 24 year customer
  25. https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEJqdmR7AyyhK6x-yzuw_qk8qGQgEKhAIACoHCAow2Nb3CjDivdcCMMPf7gU?uo=CAUiANIBAA&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Apparently, Disney Apple and Amazon are all trying to aquire the ticket. A somewhat dense article but my main takeaways are: The NFL ST is going to remain a premium subscription regardless of who gets it with a $300 price point. I don’t see any mention of being able to purchase/stream individual games. DTV has been losing money on it’s $1.5 Billion investment but will possibly still be the way to see it as a pass through for the company that does get it (?!?!) due to streaming concerns. Also, the bar business model is based on DTV. Mods…. Didn’t think this belonged in the ST 2022 thread.
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