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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. When I was a senior at St Joes, Vaughn Parker was a freshman. A six foot tall 280+ Freshman. Knowing a freshman could kick your butt was humbling.
  2. The advantage is simple: Hill and Waddle will be less sure footed and less sure handed. Add to that Tua having to throw a cold, hard ball in Buffalo winds….,advantage Bills. Also, I truly hope we knock Tua’s cheating “ What concussion, I didn’t have a concussion “ arse straight out of the game!!!!! Don’t get mad, Get even😈😈😈 The advantage is simple: Hill and Waddle will less sure footed and less sure handed. Add to that Tua having to throw a cold, hard ball in Buffalo winds….,advantage Bills. Also, I truly hope we knock Tua’s cheating “ What concussion, I didn’t have a concussion “ arse straight out of the game!!!!! Don’t get mad, Get even😈😈😈
  3. I don’t disagree but I want to have my cake and I want to eat it as well.
  4. To my eye, this is one of those MUTUAL “ Don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” scenarios. I admittedly didn’t think Beasely leaving would be as big a loss as it seems to be. He seems to have done some soul searching….. good for him. As someone else said, play well and he is right back to being a fan favorite. Not to all but to most. Josh seems happy which Josh needs. For those talking about him losing a step, maybe so but maybe teams got smarter playing him as well. Coming in at the end of the season give him the potential to stay fresh if he can get back in Football shape and take the hits .
  5. Paybacks a beach Cold and snow can make it hurt Writhe in pain Dolphin
  6. The fans don’t bring it hard enough and there is no real “ Home field advantage “ to speak of…….😎
  7. I agree yesterday it was. However, we are top 8 in attempts as are TB and KC, Miami is 11 but GB is 17. Diggs is up at the top of receivers with 6 drops along with Davis???? Kelce, Waddle,Ekeler all have 6. Davis’ drops seem much more egregious when you look at his 38 Rec vs Diggs 94 and 696 vs 1239 yards. I feel like yesterday’s game skewed these stats.
  8. I couldn’t agree more. People joke about “tells” but they have to be giving it away. Opponents consistently sniff out our screens.
  9. Diggs gets a pass. Even Motor didn’t piss me off. McKenzie and Knox on the other hand
  10. 7 Drops by my count( by memory) yesterday: McKenzie 3 Knox 2 Brown 1 Singletary 1 I was at the game so didn’t get replay on most if any of them but it was an abysmal showing by the targets. The last Knox drop was like icing on a very unappetizing cake
  11. Dude, a bad case of the flu is an arse kicker. All the fancy treatments in the world can’t replace the energy and stamina you lose.
  12. He’s so cute in his little Teal uniform, I could just scoop him up and hug him😒
  13. Imperfect science. Sometimes stuff that isn’t there shows up and stuff that is doesn’t when dealing with X-ray and MRI tech. My guess is they had to go in and look “just to be sure” . From Von’s perspective , he has rings and prioritized his future heath above another.
  14. He kicked him a second time. I saw it to and rewound and showed it to my family.
  15. Point your toe, grab your hammy and tell cramp. Then act.
  16. My son asked to come see Josh play in person for his Birthday present. We are driving up Friday. This will be my first regular season game seeing Josh. I was so spoiled as a kid watching Kelly and Co live and in person so many times.
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