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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. All the coaches. McD is tentative and risk averse on D. We see how that’s worked out. Dorsey is in over his head. Frazier 🤮
  2. Not a thing I can disagree with here! People always use the Window analogy for the Super Bowl. Our window was fully open last year and the Defensive , Special teams and Head coach blew it as a group and did so in 13 seconds. The first window is now mostly closed. I have a sneaking hunch that a different D coordinator might be able to get more out of our personal then Frazier and McD. Finally, a team takes on the personality of its head coach to some degree. This team clearly has. Reactionary and hesitant!!!!! It seems to have gotten into Allen even. We need wholesale changed in the coaching department but as others have stated I doubt it happens soon enough. Does Beane have the cajones and awareness to sever McBeane and go in another direction??!!!
  3. The Bills???? Because making the playoffs and losing a game that was won followed by getting steamrolled by a team at home while all facets of your team looked mediocre at best doesn’t speak to an arrow that’s pointing up🤔
  4. Just said this to my son, Daboll was a father figure, Dorsey is like an older brother. Josh needs to be reined in and re introduced to the short game. I feel a large part of that is Dorsey. This years O was anything but a well oiled machine.
  5. He and Luck were the two “ Can’t miss” QBs that were gushed over before their drafts. He doesn’t look the part.
  6. Really can’t be greedy. They gave us a great gift!
  7. WTH does the Jag OC see on that side that keeps h throwing that over and over
  8. Exact same technique, minus the throwing of hand up
  9. Exact technique that they called roughing on Jags😠
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