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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Another “ The Bills suck from anonymous person “ thread…. Come on training camp😵!!!
  2. Man , love to have some of that 💰
  3. Knox called about having the ball flipped to him by Allen in the ez for a TD as he was being tackled and said, 🤷‍♂️ ……among other times we’ve seen it happen. When Allen try’s a desperate lateral he’s called reckless. When Mahomes tries an illegal lateral he’s called “ a fierce competitor “ when actually he’s just a petulant child. I stand by my statement. Nothing Mahomes does can’t be done by Allen also. I am not gigging JA for being saddled with pedestrian OCs
  4. Allen can do everything that Mahomes can do equally as well or better. The inverse is not true. This is why myself and others keep assigning blame elsewhere. Some on circumstances, some on coaching. It has never been Allen’s fault. He is the only thing that has kept us going often. He has been the margin of error that has gotten over some humps.
  5. Cook’s hands. I’m hoping he has a miraculous turn around and starts catching everything that is thrown to him, especially walk in touchdowns along the sideline.
  6. Nope That’s the “ I’ve seen enough of this Mularkey ( pun intended) “ thing.
  7. Ugly dudes get laid sometimes….. by very pretty women. It happens but not often.
  8. Imagine living a life of quiet desperation, Wanting more, wanting better but always sticking with the status quo because the future is scary because it includes the possibility of failure along with glory.
  9. Uh, Jan 22,2023 Bills six point favorites at home against the Bengals They lost 27-10. Real Bills fans were pretty upset about the upset.
  10. The Broncos, Jets and Pats just called from the first half of last year, before the injury excuse kicked in, the .500 stretch….. They’d like to have a word with you about stats being for…….
  11. Next in line is not the way you pick OCs for your generational talented Unicorn of a QB offensive weapon. Your QBs endorsement is also not a major consideration if you are the head coach. You think Warner liked Martz when he was grooming him as the backup? You think he had a different appreciation for him after the first SB win? Do you think that there weren’t other quality options available that wouldn’t have jumped at the chance to work with Josh? Picking Dorsey was a mistake. If you don’t see that, that’s a you thing. And while we are at it, we don’t even know if Brady was a good choice. There’s another thread full of posters sharing this very sentiment. The easy way and path of least resistance isn’t decision making or leadership. It’s settling.
  12. Because players take on the identity of their leadership. This team has consistently played down to bad competition. This team has also looked mentally unprepared for big situations, as well. Come on Bill. We have all watched NE teams absolutely look non plussed in the hugest moments ( Seattle SB) Other than the Pick/TD in the Baltimore playoff or the Patriots game, the players I can think of who consistently rise to the occasion in the hugest games are Allen and ???? Davis did in one game. Poyer and Hyde maybe. The New England blowout is the only game I’ve seen this team act “ Better” from start to finish. That is on the coaching. McD is a nervous little fellow. His teams completely mirror that the majority of the time. These same squads with Belichick or Walsh or even a Harbaugh ( who I don’t love) or any other ballsy coach who pumps his team up. These teams should have been killing/ blowing out a bunch of scrub teams they have inexplicably lost to year after year.
  13. Wow A McD led team not looking ready or in the right headspace in the playoffs🤔
  14. A brilliant move? Fixing a mistake of his own making?
  15. Boy, that Colts game, I put that on Reich being an absolute bonehead on some of those calls coupled with Rivers melting down inexplicably at the end of the game. McD got lucky. I thought so in the moment and still do.
  16. Calling timeouts and erasing positive outcomes? Not understanding calls,that guys in live game thread are calling before the play, like taking a five yard penalty to burn clock? Not squibbing the ball or taking the timeout to make sure everyone was on the same page? Allowing your team to come out flatter than a pancake in our home game against the Bengals? The head coach has to have his bleep together in the biggest moments. He has to lead the team in the biggest moments. When he continues to crap the bed in the big moments, egregiously so at times, players see it and know it. As much as I am not condoning or happy with Diggs’ act, maybe he was one of the players who was seeing the man behind the curtain for what he was.
  17. So, when our O doesn’t puke on itself, who’s fault is it. Does the guy ever have to take responsibility for anything? He is the head coach. Every coach who ever lost in the playoffs can make excuses…. But they are still excuses for losing.
  18. Who is the other player on this roster who strikes fear, is game planned for? Josh is The Superstar. Maybe someone else breaks out this year. But we are talking about what we have seen.
  19. This year is a start over. At safety, CB, LB, WR. None of us wished for this. We wished for a SB with Super Bowl capable teams. Defensive implosions kept us from that wish. Now we are rebuilding on the fly. Wasting a couple more years of Josh’s prime is NOT worth wishing for.
  20. NOPE!!!! We have Josh, that is it. Zero over simplification. No other player on this roster strikes fear in the hearts of opposing coordinators on either side of the ball. This one player is what keeps this whole thing going. Subtract Josh and add a middle of the pack QB and this team is not even in playoff contention half the time.
  21. Uhh…. KC 13 seconds called…. It wants to see you on the office…. NOW!!!!
  22. $200 and one piece of paper to set up an LLC in NC. I realize this situation is more involved but wow.
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