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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Knocked out their QB Got em on the rocks Score first and make them more nervous
  2. This, in large part! The season is prologue for the games that matter. I remember feeling this way after the first couple superbowls. For me, it is a couple other things. 1. I don’t have faith in the coaching staff. Too many times bitten, twice shy. I hope this year they surprise me but my expectations are lower than at any other time since we got Allen. 2. I don’t trust the league’s total integrity any longer. There have been entirely too many questionable occurrences to not suspect a semi rigged system. “ Semi” because I don’t think things are completely preordained but the league and the refs seem to put their proverbial foot on the scale in obvious ways when it suits them. Last Superbowl’s end of game call handing the Chiefs the game being the final straw. I didn’t get the Sunday Ticket this year ( tried but Verizon screwed me/long story) and am going to watch streams as I need to🤷‍♂️ Lastly , this morning watching the highlights was Meh
  3. Kinda sickening to see “ Bills fans” participating in the Burrow Knob shine phenomenon! He sucked today . He lost which is good for us……. Try enjoying it instead of protecting him🤷‍♂️
  4. Huh, imaging how bad it would be if they called a penalty in a Big game, that effectively handed the win to the Chiefs. Heck, some might start thinking the league was putting its “ Foot on the scale” from time to time to help the preordained winner🙀
  5. We’ve beaten the Chiefs, let’s beat the Bengals too. As much as I don’t like Mahomes, I like Burrow even less.
  6. I don’t do any magic or superstition or supernatural BS A funny coincidence happened. Coincidences ARE real, demonstrably so. Burrows, Allen, Kelce and the rest of them get hurt because they play football.
  7. Agree It would be nice for it to go our way for once.
  8. Nobody on the Chiefs felt sorry for getting the 1 seed last year. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM Cry me a River
  9. Posted a few hours ago in another thread: Now, if KC could have a little bad injury luck….. errr, a lot of bad luck, that’d be good😈 💪🔥😎
  10. Now, if KC could have a little bad injury luck….. errr, a lot of bad luck, that’d be good😈
  11. It offers a big target that can shield out defenders with his body and well above average hands. Hit him quick and it’s an extension of the run game. We could eat that up all day on his way to Rookie of the year.
  12. Add in quick hitters and dump offs to Cooke and Kincaid and Hardy as an extension of the running game. I’m DYING to see Cooke underneath in space! I’m craving a huge jump in YAC this year.
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