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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. That’s more than I expected him to get before the season . However, there seems to be a large shift offensively from previous years. . My new expectation is he will receive more targets as the year progresses and he earns more trust from Josh. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him get into the 5 or low 6 hundreds. If he goes above 700 for the year I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
  2. There was a time, youngins, when most AFC games where shootouts. Buck up and buckle up, Lil’ Bills Campers
  3. Fifty percent this Fifty percent Cheap Pollock
  4. HATE IT!!!!! Sunday 1 pm is perfect
  5. Ahhh, I harken back to the good ol seasons of 2015….. Cam and the “Zero legit receiver” Panthers’ offense were a fraud. They were repeatedly put in easy situations by their Defense. Apparently balanced, safe football is still a bad idea. It wasn’t two Mondays ago but that must have been an aberration. OP from the other thread, I assume by your moniker you watched this team through the drought. Remember, all the NE games where the Bills kept it a one score game into the fourth quarter, sometimes with the lead. Invariably ( usually) we then lost the game and Brady and co would tack on 10 to 21 points and this board would cry a River of regret and consternation. An overarching theme of all those Monday TSW cryfests was, Belicheat and Brady play smart football and we play stupid football. They play a patient game, take the underneath stuff all day and let us beat ourselves. Would you say that is what you saw yesterday? Remember the most awe inspiring Offense NE had during their Brady Era run. Perfect season, CRAZY TD total from Brady as he and Moss made it look like pitch and catch practice. How’d that work out for them. Winning Super Bowls with walk off FGs must not have been very satisfying🤷‍♂️ Especially that Pete Carroll EOG doozey. The offense is still a work on progress in the third week of the season. We are seeing signs from the QB, O line and RB stable, as well as, the coaching strategy that says, We are trying something different. Different doesn’t happen overnight. But, if we are going to get to the promised land, a stifling D coupled with a multifaceted O, playing SMART football is a proven recipe for success. Some games Josh will have to Super Josh us to a win. But, when he doesn’t have to it is good to keep him upright and healthy. Yesterday was the latter. Have nice things Nabobs and Nancys. Just drink your coffee, smile and Have Nice Things.
  6. No, he was not. He’s been putting up legit numbers on crap teams with scrub QBs. The Panthers BIGTIME miss him with ancient Thielin being their best target.
  7. Literally feels like a no win. If we are smart and dominant but boring people B word If we are exciting but allow a few TDs people B word. LOVE what we are seeing here. Our O is getting to practice it’s ball control Offense and do it under real game conditions.
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