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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. I'm a Carolina fan and I HATED Fox!!!! Many here did. When he was hired by the Broncos I said they would never win a SB with him. Guess who looks like a seer:)
  2. Got a point there. Don't hate Marrone. Think he made a good business decision. Think he was a typical ego maniacal/ chip on his shoulder type. Everything seemed to be a personal slight towards him: Media, GM, Owner, Players(Woods, Urbik, Williams) Always an undertone of me against the world. If he does end up in NY, that should be fun to watch. Especially if he had some short term success followed by a rough patch:) Don't want Reich. Don't want Ryan. Don't know who's out there that I do want. If Polian is coming, I hope he already has his hands in the mix and is helping with the choice. The point about those Levy/Polian era teams is they(FO) worked together as a team with the coaches to create a true TEAM.
  3. I love Frank as a person. If I had a daughter, I would want him as my son in law. He isn't a HC IMO. Can't quantify it. Just don't feel he has the leadership skills. Wouldn't loose it if they got him but would quickly be on him when questionable stuff started to occur.
  4. Kinda like Brady, for a decade. Put him against the Giants pass rush and suddenly Tom Terrific maybe doesn't look quite so good. Unlike Orton , he didn't chuck a bunch of indiscriminate passes to the other team. Again, Watt made the whole O team look like a bunch of fools. Doug"I'm an offensive lineman/Offensive guru" couldn't figure how to protect the poor bastard from that pass rush and blame the rookie QB? Testify, my brother. Awesome points!!! How are RG3, Kapernick, Bortles, Newton etc doing? Here in Charlotte they have repeatedly called for Cams head?! This country(And all fan bases) lack patience and foresight. Just like he knows how to coach up an offense....? Remember Drew Brees in San Diego. He started in his first couple years, on and off, and was TERRIBLY inconsistent. They got River's and traded Brees away. Anyone could have had him, including the Bills and Sean Payton is heralded as brilliant for taking him.....because the 1st and 2nd year QB was an inconsistent suck fest. I'm not calling EJ Brees, just making the point that all of you who are SO positive that EJ can't play need to chill. Especially those of you who thought Orton was a legitimate starter and of any obvious value= Delusional.
  5. No to Cutler!!!!! He's a bum. There is no quick fix. Bringing in another bum to sell "Playoff hopes" is a joke. Old Jamaican proverb,"Hope is nothing but comfort for a fool." Get the most out of what we have. EJ could have accomplished what Orton accomplished. Maybe more but he has to play to get better.
  6. I dare you to mention one descent QB who is currently a UFA. I know someone mentioned Sanchez in another post. We have him, younger and cheaper = EJ. The fact is, there are no QBs available, coming available or draft able that are worth giving up picks for. Again, I say ; "This season was a complete waste in terms of playing Orton, missing the playoffs and not getting EJ experience." The only two QBs I would like to see them bring in, CHEAP, are Mallett or Matt Moore. I'm not singing their praises but they are the best/most intriguing of a piss poor lot. I see training camp opening next year with a new OC and Ej in a battle with someone. Who that someone is remains to be seen. If Hackett remains, it won't matter who is under center.
  7. If they enter next season with Hackett and Orton, I will not order the Sunday ticket. I live in Charlotte and did this twice before, Dick Jerkrons first season and his last season. This offense feels worse than those. That is pretty hard to do when you have a defense like this. I don't care if they squeak a bunch of close games out. I don't want to watch an O barf all over the field week after week and that is all those two are capable of doing:(
  8. My point exactly. Watching Orton against the Raiders/Mack was like Ej against Houston/Watt. EJ gets that win we might not be having this discussion. Lord knows Orton has thrown some BRUTAL picks to guys not half as gifted as Watt but he gets to start?! DM reminds me of John Fox and "Jake Delhome gives us the best chance to win" after the 5 pick performance against the Bills....DM had Woods in his dog house, he seems to like who he likes regardless of the facts. Heck, Williams may have gotten the shaft for said reason. Marrone needs to go and EJ needs to start!!!
  9. The non PI call on the last throw of the Z Houston game. Woods getting jammed for 20 freaking yards, body twisted because the DB had a hand on his shoulder, CB had BOTH hands on him, back to the QB as the ball enters the tv screen and they don't call anything. EJ made s good pass to pick up the PZi and the damned ball gets picked/ no call. FUMING!!!!'
  10. I've been watching this team since '78. I've seen my share of the good and , lately, the bad. Listening to all these coach/QB apologists causes me to harken back to Mr. Larry Felser. After Chuck Knox left, I used to hate Felser!!! Why couldn't he see that Dufek or Mathison or Feragamo weren't the problem. Why must he always take shots at Mr. Wilson, or coach Stephenson or Bullough. Larry just wasn't a Bill-iever and I hated him for it. Then I got a little older and I started to see the light. It wasn't what I wanted, it was what I saw. That was the reality of the situation. Larry would be pointing out this same idea today. Same old Bills!!! Give us false hope by winning a game they weren't supposed to(GB) while losing multiple games they shouldn't have. The one game then becoming lipstick on a pig. He would say something about it not mattering which QB was in: Orton running from Mack or EJ from Watt. Same offense, same team, same culture of losing, same coaching/different names. As a middle aged man, today, if I had the pleasure of reading a fresh Felser column, I'd be nodding my head with a knowing smile and saying to myself; "Larry, you were right all along."
  11. I thought EJ should have been back in ten weeks ago, I , also, believe I was correct.
  12. Fetal poise....poison....what the .....does not compute, does not compute.......POW
  13. I've been saying this for months now. 8-8, miss the playoffs, Orton is a bum, start EJ. What do we have to show for the season? NOTHING!!!
  14. When Orton overthrow a sideline pass to a receiver in single coverage, running a fly patter....It's Orton's fault. I'm confident the coaches would agree. When Orton chucks it into the turf in front of Sammy, when Sammy has run a dig route....Orton's fault. ICTCWA. When Orton turns his back to the line of scrimmage, and starts to go fetal, and there is still a good pocket around him, Orton's fault,ICTCWA. Get the gist of my/our point?
  15. Wow, I guess that thing Orton does where he stares down his receiver and still misses the pass, we can't possibly attribute that to him. How about the slant passes where he hits the receiver on his back shoulder or worse( and these guys still catch it). I guess we can't blame Orton. How about wide open receivers that he doesn't see (When he does try to go through reads) and he checks down. maybe they weren't suppose to be that wide open so he did the right thing by checking down because maybe it was a trick?! Dude....Really?!!!
  16. Fair point, but, Washington is a bit of a dumpster fire itself and I wonder what the locker room chemistry(or lack thereof) is. Cliche alert!!! Sometimes you just need a change of scenery. Cousins has the potential to be a win or two better than Orton. How the heck did we lose to KC? UGG
  17. YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES YES,........You get the point.
  18. You must be one of the aforementioned Cam haters. Hurney screwed this team royally with the cap situation he left. I don't begrudge Gettlemen's player personnel decisions because he's making them with one hand tied behind his back. Quick quiz: What makes the Bills O Line look like a bunch of seasoned vets.....The Panther's O line. Cam has no line, two tall possession receivers(none with any speed) and a crappy defense and a crappy coach and it's his fault? Dude broke rookie records, started with two 400+ yard games after no training camp(Strike/lockout). He plays on a team that has NOT surrounded him with talent(Hurney/salary cap issues) and he's un-coachable even after you suggest he did well when coached up? He isn't prototypical but he is a winner and just needs the team to prove it. I don't think he will be available but he is LIGHTYEARS better than anyone who was listed at the beginning of this thread:) Well here he is guys, the one guy who has never, shall we say, snapped his own radish...LMAO
  19. What it comes down to is somehow EVERYONE seems to not realize that it takes years for your starting capable(but not superstar) player to learn to play QB. Kap, Wilson, RG3 were all the rage two years ago because of the stars aligning. Now we see where they are. Put a young QB on a good team and ask him to not do to much and it can work. Make him do it years in a row.....Meh. EJ may well be the guy we need him to be but coaches coach for their jobs and can't afford to let QBs learn. I hate that this season has been wasted on Orton and EJ missed the opportunity to learn by doing. Outcome is going to be the same IE: no playoffs. Like a bullet, whether you miss by an inch or a mile you still missed. Of course, a bunch of you are going to crow about, "First winning season in a decade" but it was piss poor Offfensive ball to watch and we are no better off than when we started the season.
  20. Is it? Or is it so normal you can't comprehend it:) This team has had a close to 20 year suck fest at QB( excepting Bledsoe for one season when we didn't have a defense) ....Damned straight I'd be in a celebratory mood.
  21. Hence the "Cheap". I feel like he has better accuracy than Orton. I am certainly not calling him a long term solution. Did I mention I FREAKING HATE Orton. Love me some Matt Moore. Hate that we didn't get him when we had the chance.
  22. Living in Charlotte for 18 years, I can tell you there is a large group of conspiracy theorists who feel the GM Gettlemen has purposely tried hamstringing Newton because he doesn't like him. There is also a descent sized contingent of fans/sports media locals who aren't sold on him. If the Bills had Newton on this team, they would be instant SB contenders. He needs to be in a passing Offense where they just let him rip it. Not a lot of designed runs, though. The option stuff is slowly killing him. In summary, if we got Newton, I would be in the bathroom for a while and I wouldn't be combing my hair Mom. !!!!!!!
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