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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. What did Orton look like when he had 14 games under his belt?
  2. Maybe you aren't comparing them but have you watched the suckathon that is Orton's ball placement. He makes two or three well placed passes a game, PERIOD,Exclamation point. There are sub genres to his passing: The back shoulder slant, The Feragamo-esque into the dirt in front of the open receiver(usually reserved for Sammy in the red zone) The jump ball dump pass(stops the outlet backs momentum when they actually can catch it, The Delhome chuck anywhere near Woods and gets his ass saved by Woods on the pass, and finally, The feet of stone third down blitz coming wounded duck, especially good when done out of the end zone for a safety:(
  3. Brees sucked, Kelly sucked, Aikmen sucked, Rapelisburger was brutal in his first superbowl which they won in spite of him, Sanchise couldn't play himseldf outta a wet paper bag......and EJ is a bust because this worthless excuse of an offensive staff didn't make him an all pro in less than one season? You sir are a Twit:)
  4. Testify Brother Biscuit. Orton looked like crap AGAIN. The run game looked like it always does....BAD. It kills me with how good this D could be with a top 15 offense. TOP EFFING 15!!!! 8-8 is a JOKE. And going into next year with Orton as the starter would be the cruelest joke of all!!!! UGG!!! Have some damned self respect Buffalo.
  5. This season, for one. We aren't going to thye playoffs so why is Orton in. Oh, that's right , he's got a great QB rating vs the Nyets:(
  6. The play calling, O-line and QB are the reason we have sucked on Offense. We have numerous run formations and then.....we run the ball right up the gut. Run out of a spread formation and let them pick a hole. Could you imagine what we could gain with a competent coordinator.
  7. Why do you guys do this to yourself? The Bills maybe win Browns and Raiders....That's it. The D and ST would have to score multiple TDs in the other games for us to have a chance.
  8. KO threw a bunch of crappy passes today that Woods caught. The TD was a bad pass, the out route to Watkins into double coverage was a bad pass, the blocked pass to Woods,CB knocked it away= bad, that wounded duck he chucked for an incompletion=bad. If Woods wasn't on a mission, last night, KO's qb rating isn't nearly as good. I will grant you that he is pulling the trigger faster than EJ but his accuracy isn't that much better. Furthermore, Watkins had a couple bad drops when KO delivered it nicely? Same crap he did to EJ earlier. He's got to make those easy catches. Don't know that he is always dialed in the way he needs to be. He needs some veteran getting on his butt about focus on EVERY play.
  9. Yeah, And I just beat up a twelve year old boy. I'm a prize fighter and I look GOOD doing it.
  10. Exactly!!! The Jets are a dumpster fire and we didn't accomplish anything against them AGAIN!!!! Beat a respectable team and then talk. God almighty, the crowing that went on after the last Jets game. This defense is for real and is completely wasted when matched up with Orton and that o line:(
  11. I wanted Robinson or Matthews. I don't know who I want next year but whoever it is, it's better than NO ONE:( I like Henderson butr that was also a swing for the fences that has worked out NICELY:)
  12. I get that the coach/GM tandem thought it was make or break and swung for the fences but I didn't like the trade. I like Sammy, providing we don't trade him away/lose him he will be a great Bill for years to come. However, i would rather we had OB or Benjamin and our 1st rd pick next year. Actually, I wish we would have taken an o lineman, a QUALITY o lineman.
  13. "You paid how much for this sorr, sack of BLEEP?......Sucker!!!!!!"
  14. Courage or lack thereof......The point of having a mobile QB is that he doesn't sit in the middle of a failing pocket but actually MOVES, even a foot or two and extends the play, even for ONE second. Orton+Deer in the headlights. His sacks and that deserved safety(He clearly chucked it up w/o any idea where it was going) are the antithesis of courage. He's a BUM!!!!! EJ needs to start the rest of the games. It's called experience. He needs it. I would wager we would have one at least one of these last two games with EJ.
  15. The worst call was a Non Call at the end of the Houston game. It still infuriates me and it was over a month ago. In light of the new No Contact beyond five yard emphasis; Woods is running up the seam and the defender is jaming him with one hand on his shoulder, causing his upper torso to be twisted, for 20 yards. EJ(Mr. Can't hit the broad side of a barn according to some of you) throws the correct pass, a perfect pass, where Woods either leaps and catches it over the CB or draws the PI. As the screen follows the ball and we see Woods enter the screen the CB has BOTH his hands on Woods' shoulders and has his back to the ball. HOW THE HELL DID THEY NOT CALL THAT PI!!!!!!!!!!!?We win that game if they make that call and EJ has another nice 4th qtr comeback to his young career AND we don't have to suffer through MR. Fools Gold/Capt. Mediocre Orton. UGGGG
  16. So we have watched our hated 'Fins be a suckfest for the last two+ years. NFL pundits galore as well as dolphin fans have thrown Tannehill under the bus as a project gone bad. Too many picks. Doesn't see the field. Not sure if he's ever going to get it. There was talk of benching him.....for Matt Moore!? Point being, this is the natural progression of a young QB in this league. You take your lumps and maybe they pan out and maybe they don't. I would say that Buffalo's D was bringing it pretty hard last night. I realize the PI against Gilmore was crap but that was hardly the play that won the game for them. Tannehill got the snot knocked out of him in the first half and showed he is maturing into a good starting QB. I HATE THIS!!!! but it is what it is. Orton is not the answer, the season is over so PLEASE let's get EJ back in and figure out what we have as this staff is surely going to be the boot post season.
  17. He can't throw a dump to the flat without the back having to jump for it, from his first start on. He gets the ball in the vicinity of player often, not to good spots. Balls are high, low behind, over the wrong shoulder. He seems to have absolutely no pocket awareness at times. He is MEDIOCRE. I don't see us beating the Fins on Thursday and then it should be EJ time again. We are NOT going to the Playoffs:(
  18. Unfortunately, many thought Orton was good. He's a mediocre journeyman. A decent back up. This team is NOT going to the playoffs. EJ might not be the answer but we need to get a longer look to know for sure.
  19. Potential. Something Shitzpatrick doesn't have:)
  20. Pretty much my sentiments about EJ. I can remember passes to Woods, Sammy and Chandler down field. He hit Sammy in the hands on a bomb (Perfect 40 yard drop into the bucket) and it was knocked away. PERFECT throw. I watched another deep crossing route to Sammy that Sammy had to reroute on after the cut(Ball already in the air) because another Bills reciever running a fly down the seem screwwed his route up. Another perfect throw that was called an overthrow by the anouncers. I watched Woods get mugged for 20 straight yards, Texan Defender with one hand, then two on his shoulder and back to QB the whole time, EJ dropping the ball exactly where it needed to be to get the pass interferance and the refs blowwing it. Again, another Bills receiver in same area allowing CB to break off like he was a safety and pick it. We get that pass interferance call and win the game and EJ continues to grow. I get that we are winning a FEW more games with Orton but he over throws every dump to the flat causing recievers to jump/highpoint it and break forward momentum. He absolutely misses blitzers which are in his field of vision. He doesn't move in the pocket or get extra time (Big Ben does) Apparently, roll outs are out of the question for him . A moving pocket is one way to negate a pass rush when your blocking sucks. Orton is "Fools gold". I see four more wins possible. Unless we beat KC, NE, GB or Broncos we are NOT making the playoffs. Who truly believes Hacket with either QB is going to produce enough points. Then it's the off season and what do we do with QB situation? What answers do we have? FOOLS GOLD!!!!!! Give me EJ and an answer.
  21. A-EFFING-MEN!!!!!! Brutal!!!! Hey, I got an idea; Run the ball somewhere other than up the damned gut!!!!! UGGGGG I have never felt more disappointed winning.
  22. Every third ball batted down at the line, check. Stupid jump like some kinda SNL goofball skit, Check. Repeated throws into the turf short, of the receiver ala Vince Feragamo, Check. Couldn't throw a TEN yard out(much less a 15) to safe his life, check. FLUTIE SUCKED!!!!!!! Remeber that awesome pick in the endzone he through in the playoff game he did play in? That D was the BOMB. Kinda like last weeks game but for a whole season. D keeps you in it and you throw enough crap against the wall and something sticks once in a while P.S . Hate Orton too!!!
  23. I stated this yesterday and got told I hade no football acumen. Orton is Orton, We don't know what EJ can be. The problem is Marrone and Whaley want to win now and we can't.The whole team in general seemed to have no spark except for Chandler and the D- Line for a part of a series.......SAD.....SBDY+Same Bills, Different year. I live in Charlotte and have decided to start making the Panthers game the priority because this team isn't going anywhere:(
  24. Which play was it when he didn't lock onto his receiver? He is NOT the future. That is as good as it gets. He is starting for this team for a reason. You sir have homer acumen that is off the charts. And that is not hyperbole, I sincerely mean that.
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