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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Excepting Gailey and Gilbride we haven't had an offensive coordinator that a Bills fan could believe in in forever. Couple that with the fact that Whaley has created the fastest roster we have ever had. Furthermore, our players look crisp at top speed. I attribute this to proper coaching and increased reps with the two field practices. Without injecting the QB argument into this, they looked like they all knew where they were going for the most part. The O-Line looked lightyears beyond where they were in REGULAR season games. This team looks PREPARED. This offense looks FAST, both in tempo, execution and player speed. For once, I don't feel like I'm talking myself into a good record. I don't feel like I'm peering through rosed colored glasses. This Offense should be a minimum of ten spots higher in end of the season rankings on most fronts. Tell me why I'm wrong.
  2. i couldn't agrmore about the lack of arm strength. His first throw took forever and it was a five to eight yard dig. WTH
  3. There was a TT play where he dropped back with two wideouts at the top of the screen, he was staring down the middle of the field(didn't see anyone running a crossing route but hard to tell w/o all 22 view) and then he much to quickly throws a dumpoff to the right. I like TT but he is not a passer yet, if only in his own mind. I think we could win a bunch with him but am afraid it will be the one hit he doesn't see that will end his season. Last year I'll give you. Watching Thad Lewis from the bench is like learning Transmission rebuilds from Martha Stewart.
  4. TT the announced starter next week but who is #2. Unless Rex is completely throwing convention to the wind the third pre season game is when the starters get their 3 quarters of play in and they rest them in the last game. So, one would assume the decision would be made before the third game and whoever starts that game is the presumptive starter. Do they play 2 or 3 of them with the starters in the third game, giving each of them a quarter?
  5. Pricey in that he will never get us anywhere. We've had Fitzy, we've had Orton. Cassel is NOT the future. He is not even a stop gap. That is why he is pricey. He costs a shot at the future. If we keep him as the third string but I don't think that would happen.
  6. The bad throw, was the result of a sack not taken, piss poor throw though but still a play with some redeeming quality from QB position.
  7. Remember how good Bledsoe was the first year with us? He was breaking Kelly's records. The next year he came out of the gate the same until we played the first NE game. After that, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Guys were running ten yard dig routes just to give him a chance and he was still missing them. That has always stuck with me.
  8. I believed Fervently in Rob Johnson.....and JP Losman. I'm sorry:(
  9. No. Never had a good QB until Cam and was lucky to have played under Chud the first two years with Cam. No super bowl wins. Not a on a consistent contender. Also, just a dick who didn't play well with others. Attacked two teammates with sucker punches. First guy had a broken eye socket in film room. Never helped any of the young receivers that were brought in grow. If it took Reed, Loftin and Brown that long; and in light of the fact that his ranking is going to plummet in upcoming years do to passing becoming the default offensive play... He might make it in 30 years as an old timer.
  10. Been saying it would take a while for offense to gel during regular season......first pre preseason scrimmage and the suicide rate might spike in Beau Fleuve?
  11. Thanks!!! Awesome stuff. A couple thing that stick out O'Leary sounds like he can block. B. Brown sounds like he is making himself tough to cut. Let's see if they give him some "Oklahoma Drill" work to see if he is learning to hold on.
  12. Love, love, love Woods. Tough, crazy hand catch ability, fearless and not a prima donna. When he started last year in Morons dog house I knew Moron was a moron and trouble was brewing.
  13. Steve Smith in his prime was a HOF. He was a veteran's veteran in terms of prepping for the season but the Panther's only had M. Mohamed for a few years, otherwise he was a victim of bad QBs and teams. Cam is better than Flacco, and Eli IMO. Rivers, Manning are getting old. Hate Rapelesburger as a poor excuse for a human being(personal, I get it) and Romo has 2 (?!) playoff wins. He is great in the regular season but doesn't have the it factor that Cam has. Matt Ryan...Meh
  14. In his first 2 years, Cam had Chudzinski as his OC. The first year they played from behind consistently. Cam, with one month of camp(owners lockout season) came in and threw for 400+ in his first two games and 4000+ to break Manning's rookie record. He sucked out loud in the preseason and it was shocking what he came out and did. Then the Panthers got Mike Shula as an OC and ran a much more conservative offense while the Onus was put on the D. In terms of Smith, stats are for loser which the Panthers were 10 times his first year with Cam. I would rate him Stevie Johnson in his prime, at that point. He caught a lot but they were playing catch up and the D sucked. Steve Smithwas not dictating coverage. Shockey and Olson combined for over 1000 that first year also. They were 2 and 3, I would guess. Olson is good, but he's not Hernandez or Graham good. Finally, you don't set a rookie passing record without being an incredible talent. Cam has been hamstrung by a lack of weapons and an infuriatingly inconsistent OC scheme. Sometimes Shula looks like a genius...other times like N. Hackett.
  15. I moved to Chlt in 98 and have followed the Panthers as my second team since. Newton gets a bum rap. He has never had a # 1 receiver. S. Smith was a 2 at best when he was here. Olson is his best receiver at TE. His line has been suspect similar to the Bills. He isn't perfect but the only QBs I'd take over him are Rogers, Brady, Luck.
  16. I'm NOT comparing him to #12 but Kelly came into his own when he had to hurry it up and react. EJ's 2 minute drill against the Panthers was a thing of beauty. He can clearly "do it" but as so many have said he wasn't built to do it consistently from day one. Very few of these college QBs are. I'm in the crowd that thinks Moron and Hackett were a large part of the problem. EJ's the antithesis of Geno Smith who has been a pick throwing machine. Our former staff where too much in his ear telling him to err on the side of caution and then yanking him while he was no where near figuring his game out. If Roman's Offense is what it is billed as being, EJ may well flourish. I'd REALLY hate to spend another season watching the "new Orton" MC puke all over the field leaving us in exactly the same situation next year. Ryan has some wiggle room this year. Give EJ his chance and let's see what we have.
  17. Fred is an ALL TIMER as a Bill but the time has come. Whaley has to put on his "Big boy" pants, make the move and take the flak. This board will explode, the crying and whining will be tremendous.......and life will go on. This move is as much about Whaley demonstrating his GM acumen as it is about Fred. and I LOVE Fred!!!!!
  18. Back during the SB years , we played against The Saints . I believe this was the same year Kelly and Young had the no punt game. Anyhow, The Bills ended up winning a brutal slugfest. The score was like 10-12 or something. The Saints had that 3-4 D with Mill, Swilling , Kirkland(?) and someone else and they were tough. This is back when we used to get killed every year by Pittsburg or KC in a game where we would just get out physicaled. This looked like it would be the same kind of game and the Saints were favored. After the game Kelly got up on the podium, he'd been beaten to hell, and looked it. He said something like, Before I answer questions let me ask one, " Who in here thought we were going to win this game?" A few reporters raised their hands and he exploded at them, " YOU'RE A LIAR, YOU'RE A LIAR AND YOU'RE A LIAR!!!! No one other than us thought we could win this game!!!!!! To this day, I get chills when I remember that presser. That moment epitomized who and what those SB teams where all about. I would kill to find a copy of that post game press conference.
  19. This is my second fav. The first game I ever went to. I was 9 and went with my Dad to shut him up cause he kept bugging me to go to s game with him.
  20. I know this has been discussed elsewhere but Ryan+ Ran+ Shady+ Incognito doesn't necessarily mean a dominant running attack. Where did we rank last year? Can Roman use Shady correctly or is it square peg, round hole? If not, who's the featured power back, Freddy? Bryce, Boobie?I can't imagine the o line doesn't perform better but that doesn't mean they will become world beaters, especially when they are trying to learn brand new blocking schemes. Did Kyle Williams play in the Raiders game last year? How did the D look in that game with ALL the chips on the table. Nothing is a given when a team is trying to reinvent itself.
  21. As I read all these posts about which QB should start, and playoffs here we come , I think we need to remember we are starting from scratch on offense and defense. Both squads will be learning new terminology and play designs as well as new overall philosophies. Last year it took close to half the season for the safeties and DBs to get it together. Our defensive backfield was sketchy during parts of the the first half of the season. On offense, it sounds like they will be doing a lot more pre snap as Roman is a real OC. My guess is he won't be able to install everything this year. If we start off the year with an easy first half schedule, I give us a better chance at the post season but if we have 4-5 tough games on the first eight, we could be one of those teams that others are happy they won't be facing in the playoffs.
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