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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Ha!!!! Nice bet. The defense looking good against Brisset, .Palmer and Keenum....? I'm not trolling but " Fool me once shame on you, fool me 17 times I just might be a koolaid drinking Bills fan." 3-13 is what I'm hoping for but I am also not even watching this year as I could see this coming from a mile away. T Last thought, How good does that 9-7 season feel two years later? What value does it have now? Where are we in 2 years if they managed to eke 9-7 out again? Ha!!!! Nice bet. The defense looking good against Brisset, .Palmer and Keenum....? I'm not trolling but " Fool me once shame on you, fool me 17 times I just might be a koolaid drinking Bills fan." 3-13 is what I'm hoping for but I am also not even watching this year as I could see this coming from a mile away. T Last thought, How good does that 9-7 season feel two years later? What value does it have now? Where are we in 2 years if they managed to eke 9-7 out again?
  2. Simply put, I have zero belief that Rex can get to much less win a SB. Therefore, I hate watching us winning crap games and ruining our chances at actually getting a franchise QB. It looks like there will be a few possible coming out next draft.
  3. Slow down fast car!!! It's a long season and the Ryan brothers still have plenty of time to display their abilities. Bragging about the Patriots game is analogous to Cosby bragging about his sexual prowess. They might not have gotten nearly as far if Brady where in.... just sayin'
  4. The pass to Williams in Houston looked just like TT's pass this week. Scrambling to the right on a broken play, receiver wide open...... Or as half on here seem to think , TT skill vs EJ luck🙄
  5. EJ will leave this dumpster fire of a franchise. He could hang out, stay in shape and wait for the inevitable opportunity to sign with a franchise like NE/ Brissett or Minn./ Bradford or Browns / Kessler If he were available right now he would wanted by someone, though the Browns would be a lateral move. He's chasing his dream... Good for him. Wish someone paid me that kinda coin to carry a tablet EJ will leave this dumpster fire of a franchise. He could hang out, stay in shape and wait for the inevitable opportunity to sign with a franchise like NE/ Brissett or Minn./ Bradford or Browns / Kessler If he were available right now he would wanted by someone, though the Browns would be a lateral move. He's chasing his dream... Good for him. Wish someone paid me that kinda coin to carry a tablet
  6. Man, we've come a little LONG way from Sully throws in the towel. Maybe it should have been, Sully sees through the BS
  7. The chances of us landing a qualified HC after the brothers Ryan are shown the door is practically nil. We have had Two(!) coaches quit in the last 12 years. Quit a head coaching position in the NFL. I clearly was slinging mud at Marrone on the way out but grudgingly have to admit that both he and Mularkey probably did themselves a favor leaving. Unless, the Pegulas hand over the keys to the whole show to someone with written guarantees not to meddle I can't see where anyone desirable would want to deal with this s BS.
  8. As I'm reading that Pegulas pushed this change based on specific stats ( third down conversion efficiency) and a distaste for the offenses lack of expensive player utilization, I get the uneasy feeling of Dan Snyder/Jerry Jones type meddling. From my understanding, they played a part in bringing Ryan in, which IMO was a terrible football decision to start. Coupled with the fact that they caused a winning coach to quit ( Marrone) . One could argue that Marrone with a competent OC would be better than Ryan with anyone. For the record, I was happy to see Marrone go. My question is, How hands on are they in coaching and player personnel decisions and is it a good thing if they are? Some others have opined that they need to get a strong football guy to run the whole show and stay out of it. I would favor this approach. From a business stand point, with season ticket sales over the last two seasons, Ryan was a good move. Where do their interested lie? Business or Winning?
  9. The game changer, getting rid of D. Thurman for rob= out of the frying pan and onto the fire. Boys, we are in Rich Kotite territory. Worse than Jerkron.
  10. This!!! Perfectly stated. Only thing to add is this is just a bunch of assembled parts, not s team and certainly not an organization. Just a bunch of factions. I'm embarrased😳
  11. Money!!!!!! They are middle of the pack but you just knew we couldn't beat them.
  12. A bunch of us thought so. A bunch of us catch hell for being " negative" I had this a loss in a low scoring game 17-13. I was antsy as hell until I realized the first week of the Ticket is free. I cancelled it and now I am so happy I did. Those crappy Jets teams Rex finished with werent an aberration. Those rotten Saints defenses didn't just happen. These guys suck. Stupid penalties. Stupid clock management. Stupid schemes. I haven't read the post game pressers yet. My over/ under on the worthless platitudes and cliches spewed by Rexy is 11.
  13. Two thoughts. Can we just legalize Weed and be done with it. We as a society have no problem with grown men bashing their brains about... Literally to the point that they have a greatly increased risk of many cognitive problems in the future but heaven forbid they chill out and get the munchies. Typical Rex team. No need to worry about being held accountable when accountability means " running a lap". SMH
  14. As I recall, 12 months ago, many here thought Cam couldn't play the position. I know I got trolled for believing otherwise..... But TT is A Franchise QB..... So here comes the promised land😲
  15. He's an out of control douche on a team with no leadership to keep him in check. Dang, this horse still has some gallop left in him
  16. What is the over/under on number of games Hughes gets ejected from? I love KW but agree that he is long in the tooth and coming off an injury. Old players go quickly not gradually. I like Spikes but he is an effort guy who can be exposed.
  17. Hillary is Hillary, Trump is Trump, Rex is Rex and Rob is Rob. Not wanting to see people and their strengths and weaknesses because of your desires and hopes is human. This team is 6-10 to 8-8. This defense is not better than last years and TT didn't suddenly become able to read defenses and release before the receiver comes out of his break or put it down the middle of the field because he is acting like a leader in pre season. I don't want them to be mediocre but they are. Sully can be a weeny but I don't think he is far off on this one.
  18. I called to cancel because they are going to suck and they offered me $15 off a month. I still quit. The Ryan circus can't leave town soon enough!!!!
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