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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. We all do but how many of us trust him to get it done? Not me😕 But, I want to be WRONG
  2. First QB ever 40 TDs in four consecutive seasons. Final pass to Shakir? Only QB who throws that falling backwards!
  3. TV froze at 1:02 and we finally checked on the phone to see we won. Our Lady of the Blessed Bassomatic…..Yessss!!!!
  4. I pass the Mint Hill location everyday on the way to work ( Albemarle rd) They do have good pizza but Bisonte is Buffalo Pizza, Margherita pepperoni, crust and all. It’s the $#!t.
  5. Local Charlotte pizza joint, owners from Buffalo/ Bizonte. Pizza and wings….. and beer😎
  6. Again, For those in the back: Capitalism in it’s text book form does not exist. The forms it does exist in, including the American Version are corrupted by the power that wealth it eventually endows the holder with. Everyone wants to blame the politicians solely. Clearly they are( mostly) feckless little tw@ts who enrich themselves while making short term, empty promises. However, the non politicians with the money are the ones driving the system. Pick your person or conglomerate , Bezos, Musk, OPEC, The big banks….. The NFL But, I assume you knew that😉
  7. My original statement: “BUT, I absolutely agree with your sentiment!!!!! This is what Capitalism is. Extricating every last ounce of money from the little guy so the rich can get richer.” Regarding the OPs statement about the NFL doing everything to get in the fan pocket. Textbook definitions are swell. Reality is what it is. Between PSLs, Ticketmaster and all the other middleman ticket sites, having multiple pay per view channels dicing up the TV market…… that is what Capitalism looks like in America today. You are getting pooched just like the rest of us, why the anguish over calling a spade a spade🤷‍♂️
  8. This is “ Working Capitalism “ The NFL wields the power to be allowed to continue their monopoly….. The politicians get taken care of and they pander to those with the fat wallets while they’ll the rest of us what we want to hear….. so long as the money keeps flowing
  9. Are you on FaceBook? PM me, you can watch the game. BUT, I absolutely agree with your sentiment!!!!! This is what Capitalism is. Extricating every last ounce of money from the little guy so the rich can get richer.
  10. Get into the playoffs. A home game WOULD BE SWEET If we don’t get in, it doesn’t matter.
  11. Just get us in!!!! A home game would be sweet but not necessary. Would that McD had benched Dorsey earlier in the season😕
  12. Now…. WTF??????? Have we been not using Cook for the last year+!!!!!
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