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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. We lose all those games we still go 11-5. Sign me up!!!
  2. Whoopdee Effing Doo!!!! I can’t be bothered to watch or pay attention to the Craptriots!!!!!! A bad Jets team put 14 points on them however it happened. All you doom and gloomers might as well start drinking now because there is NO chance the Bills can do anything next week? It’s like watching a wussy who hangs out with a tough guy because it makes him feel cool? I’m a BILLS FAN! Screw the Cheatriots and all you little wimps fawning over them.
  3. The Jets scored 14 points against them with a third string QB. I don’t expect a win but it is possible for the first time in A LONG time?
  4. Well at least you felt good?
  5. Just talked about this during the game. I’d like the first pick to be one or the other with a possible trade to move up to get a good one. A double digit sacking DE who is stout against the run would make a huge impact when coupled with Star and Oliver. Not sold on Dawkins , JA was running for his life way too much.
  6. Every time my wife walked out of the room, the O started sucking. She got yelled at for even thinking of getting on the computer during the fourth quarter
  7. Are you doubters happy now???? Of course not!!!!
  8. He needs to be coached to take the sack
  9. So, would AB in this locker room in the first two weeks been good or bad?
  10. We do not just learn from our own mistakes but from others if we are smart. I agree there is nothing wrong with kicking the tires but every GM has to know what is good for his team. The benefit of dropping a time bomb into a young locker room like ours is a mistake that I don’t want to see. The Pat situation is completely different
  11. Coaches and GMs have learning curves too. I take this as s bullet dodged and hopefully a lesson learned by McBean
  12. “And a few days before $5 million of his signing bonus was due from the Patriots, they also moved on after new allegations became public. The Patriots might have to fight Brown over the payment of that signing bonus, but broad language in the contract probably favors the Patriots in that battle.” Those were costly texts. Brown was due a $5 million portion of his signing bonus next Monday, according to NBC Sports Boston’s Tom Curran. That was the first portion of his $9 million signing bonus. As Yahoo Sports’ Charles Robinson wrote on Sept. 11, the Patriots had language in Brown’s contract that allowed them to void all $9 million of the guaranteed money if he took any action “undermining” the public image of the club. You’d have to assume that standard was met.” yahoo sports article I don’t care either way but this is what I keep reading in article after article. Craft has some sway and the Pats FO knows what it is doing. My prediction is AB doesn’t see a cent of his bonus money.
  13. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMidWh0dHBzOi8vc3BvcnRzLnlhaG9vLmNvbS9hbnRvbmlvLWJyb3duLWxpa2VseS1jb3N0LWhpbXNlbGYtbWlsbGlvbnMtYnktZ2V0dGluZy1jdXQtYnktcmFpZGVycy1wYXRyaW90cy0yMTM0MTU5NDEuaHRtbNIBfWh0dHBzOi8vc3BvcnRzLnlhaG9vLmNvbS9hbXBodG1sL2FudG9uaW8tYnJvd24tbGlrZWx5LWNvc3QtaGltc2VsZi1taWxsaW9ucy1ieS1nZXR0aW5nLWN1dC1ieS1yYWlkZXJzLXBhdHJpb3RzLTIxMzQxNTk0MS5odG1s?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
  14. Well, my hope is it is a big ugly mess and the Pats are distracted by it?
  15. I don’t believe so. They said his bonus money hadn’t been paid and it was a “ Detrimental to the team” clause. The Pats FO is a lot of things but they aren’t that stupid
  16. I heard that they owed him money( millions) Monday. cut their losses
  17. Not sure if there’s a thread but Fitzy called out the “ Elephant in the room” about tanking at a presser. Not sure if this is payback or not but what a cluster/:($. I hate Miami but part of me actually does feel bad for the players left in that locker room. Having said that, I hope they continue to suck for years?
  18. https://www.google.com/amp/s/profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/09/19/ron-rivera-cuts-press-conference-short-after-repeated-cam-newton-questions/amp/ Losing his s$$7
  19. Rivera said nothing. I have never heard him that prickly before.
  20. The eye test!!!! Thats why you should start enjoying it now. We have a Very good D. We have a competent O. We have a Franchise QB!!! Yeah, I said it.... a Franchise QB. This is what all you nervous Nellies have been waiting for. ENJOY IT
  21. It’s been a long slog but some of us remember being a dominant team. During some of the bad years here it what drove me nuts. Guys would be holding out hope to squeak into the playoffs with teams that were going nowhere. For all the gnashing of teeth on here two years ago when we were ridding this team of “ good players” , this is the payoff.
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