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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Finally got a chance to watch this. WOW I forgot how bad Deonte Thompson was. Also, I agree that there were some incredible throws. A TON of perfectly placed balls in there. A lot where he trusted his receivers to contest balls and they just weren’t up to it. That isn’t luck. That is skill
  2. The one that gets you a first down??? Man, I ought to be a coach
  3. Did anyone watch Goff in the SB? Tell me JA can’t do that. How about Roethlisberger’s first SB performance. JA has a lot to work on but he’s as capable as those guys , in those games.
  4. Uggg!!!!! I think I just threw up in my mouth, thinking about it?
  5. How about multiple KB EZ drops. Having multiple new receivers and tight ends who can catch is one on my greatest reasons for optimism this year. That and competent O line coaching AND talent.
  6. Breaking some of our all time greatest QBs passing records means he must have done something laudable that first year. But, yes, that second season was BRUTAL.
  7. SOME people liked TT’s leadership. I was in the “ Didn’t see it” camp. He didn’t have a lick of Rah Rah in him. I didn’t see his demeanor ,on or off the field, have a noticeable effect in his teammates. The last one we had was Fitsy. God bless him, he has created a long career for himself on “ Moxie”. But he doesn’t hold a torch to JA due to arm strength and stature. One thing they both share that TT didn’t posses was a belief in their ability to put the ball into a tight spot....... back to JAs arm strength, at least when throwing digs and outs.
  8. One difference ......QB innate leadership ability. Josh Allen is the man, not because he says so. He’s the man because he’s out there laying it on the line Fearlessly.
  9. Truthfully, When Whaley won the offseason. However, JA seems like the real deal and better than any QB we’ve had since Bledsoe. McDermott seems like a better coach than any since Phillips. Beane seems like a better GM since Polian I truly believe we are at the beginning of perennial playoff contention..
  10. My thoughts exactly. McDermott didn’t start him as a rook for no reason. He is shepherding Edmonds into that roll. I’m sure the “ leadership” conversation has been had between the two of them.
  11. I thought about putting cautiously but I’m head over heels, heart palpitating in Love again. The heart wants what the heart wants.
  12. I read it and immediately thought, “ Ahhh, competition!” This is what we’ve dreamed about for so long. A GM and coach who not only raise the talent level bar but also allow players to win jobs fairly. I said it last year but I truly believed when they canned KB and admitted their mistake during the season. Dawkins is simply stating he understands this and I for one take it as an excellent sign of things to come.
  13. When I saw the schedule 10-6 was my first thought. I don’t have spect 11 wins but if JA improves accordingly it is not a stretch. We should be entering an extended playoff contention era and have a few more years before the cap becomes a major concern.
  14. You are right about coaching. I don’t think JA is a world beater yet but with his ability to drive the ball and his lack of fear doing it, coupled with receivers who can actually catch; I expect a better product. Add his ability to run and IF this team figures out it’s identity I expect entertaining offensive football like we haven’t seen in years.
  15. I harken way back to ‘88 when the O line was a concern that proved to be a strength. I get the distinct impression J Allen will have the repeated opportunity, by mid year, to just hang out behind this line, with ridiculous amounts of time, waiting for players to come open. Also excited to watch our run game reappear.
  16. Can someone start a “ Vlad has been released” thread?
  17. I hope the trade up. I want three starters by the end of today.
  18. Feet look good. We have turned our Line into a strength in one Offseason. ?
  19. The last 12 years I’ve taught a Karate class. There is actually a pic of the day they traded up for Watkins, somewhere. For the first time in forever, I’ll be home from the first pick on. Beer and something to eat to be determined
  20. I say no. Hes one of the ones I think can continue to get better. This team finally has the chance to put a top 5( Yeah, I said it) O line together with a little luck( health) and a good draft. Dawkins is part of that rotation.
  21. If we we get one more above average to all pro level O lineament to go with what we have , JA is out in a better position than most young QBs. Some of those free agents are scrubs. We get this O cranking and this staff can coach up the D and we have a perennial playoff team.
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