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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Not his usual positivities...... Allen sounds like he’s having a “The Legend of Peterman “ sort of showing!!!! This season begins and ends with JA doing that regularly throughout the season. I’ve read Astro talk about our last first round QB and he didn’t sound anything like this. Throw in a new O line coach and actual talent for him to coach? Nope, this isn’t run of the mill Astro, this is Astro FINALLY gets to see a good team coming together???
  2. “Dion Dawkins is impressing, as is Ty Nsekhe.” That’s his only mention. The tenor of this whole review has me giddy!!!
  3. O-Line “ The did a B+,A- job protecting Josh and opening up holes.” ???
  4. That was the best lunch break I’ve had in a Long time
  5. I cut myself shaving this morning...... almost didn’t make it but I endeavored to persevere!
  6. Did you SEE who his receivers were is 2015 when he was league MVP???? Benjamin, Rookie Funchess, Corey(Phily) Brown, Damiere Byrd, Ted Ginn ( sucked up to playing with Cam) Jericho Crochetty, Brenton Bersin.... Cam has consistently had crappy O-Lines and piss poor receiving Corps..... Without Cam carrying that team they would have had NO winning seasons
  7. Coming out in the draft , he was rated as one of the best route runners! I think Beasley is the key to that part of the game for the Bills. If Dabs, JA and Beasley get on the the same page as far as hot reads , protections and Touch passing JA could take a big leap forward. I want to believe that Shady has something left but I feel like that is wishful thinking.
  8. The comparison is based on the fact that neither are “ accurate QBs”. Cam has also been a guy who drives balls downfield using arm strength and bad mechanics. He was coached by N Turner to take the underneath stuff with McCaffrey. JA is being coached to scan short to long this year( if reports are correct.)
  9. Not to mix threads but Cam Newton went from 59.7 career % completions to 67.9 in 2018. it is possible for a QB to be coached into a different way of playing. JA played “ Hero Ball” in college and here last year. With improved parts around him and a year under his belt, it shouldn’t be surprising if he bumps that completion percentage up an appreciable amount.
  10. Cam COULD have had amazing passing stats if Shula hadn’t been his OC for so many years. The option play was a staple of the O and Cam took a double beating due to below average O-Lines and Refs allowing hits on him( in the passing game) on Playa other QBs would have gotten the flag.
  11. I’ve actually been riding Panther’s fans at work, calling JA “ Cam 2.0”. When Cam came out he started under Chud chucking the ball downfield, kinda like JA last year. Cam has an arm( or did) and has accuracy issues on the short touch passes though Turner turned that around for him last year before he got injured. I do not want to see JA relied upon to create a running game like CN has for far too long. I don’t think that is where the Bills are headed with him but both QBs play a similar game with similar strengths and weaknesses.
  12. I’m sitting here, on Vaca, chilling and bored. I just read this whole 5 page thread and no one pointed out this stat. Rushing League Ranking 1998 1 in attempts. 3 in yards 1999. 2 in attempts. 8 in yards Flutie had an arm that seemed to get weaker as the season went on. He threw more balls into the ground, short of his open receivers than any Bills QB I can think of other than Feragamo. As someone pointed out, he couldn’t throw the 10 yard out because of his lack of arm. Also, that stupid jump/ spin fake. Those teams won based on D and Ground / Ball control offense. Flutie could manage a game. He couldn’t win a playoff game and he certainly wouldn’t have won us a Super Bowl.
  13. What was the team known as, Offensive or Defensive juggernaut? The O covered up the D’s pedestrian-ness all year. If Thurman has 10 more runs we have 4 extra minutes minimum Time of possession, 40 more yards minimum and Kelly or Thurman contribute at least 1 more TD. A coaches job is to coach and make adjustments depending on the path the game takes. Ever see the Pats run the ball 8 to 10 plays in a row, right down the field? I have. You think Billy B leaves all those DBs on the field if Thurman is doing that to them? Do you think Parcells lets him? I don’t. We didn’t expect to win it on D. Not one single Bills fan or coach did.
  14. Respectfully, The way you control the clock is with the run game or short passing game. The way you get off the field quicker is with a hurry up no huddle offense. I love Marv!!!!!!!! But, he should have told Kelly to stop calling his own number and grind out the clock on the ground. This would have forced the Giants to honor the run and given Kelly better opportunities down field.
  15. We’ve had a very mild summer so far. August in CLT is usually nasty though. However, not Panhandle nasty?
  16. Practice is free. Tickets will be dirt cheap outside the stadium. We are planning on going to both but game day is a decision based on the weather. I can do hot but those late day thunderstorms are another thing?
  17. QB keepers are all well and good. Having an o line that can line up on 4th and short and everyone knows the RB is getting it and you still win most of those situations.....? That is preferable.
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