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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Really impressed with Singletary’s patience, letting plays develope
  2. Awesome find Brother!!!!! Thanks I was there, drunk as a pig but I was there? I was also at the Jets game that was one of the other coldest Bills games. We were spoiled by those teams, hopefully we are at the beginning of a new golden age.
  3. Was that the game half the toilets went out in the stadium and everyone was just leaking on the walls along the concourses? I know that was the game we had to keep our keg in the car, with the heat on so it wouldn’t freeze- true story!
  4. I remember that day. I was fishing in Ellicott Creek and my Mom came to pick me up. I turned on the radio when I got in the car and they had won....which was a shock.
  5. Bills Dolphins 9/7/1980 My Dad found the one thing he and I could share together and introduced me to it the day we beat the Fins for the first time in a decade. What I remember: Adults, all around me, absolutely losing their minds in a way I had never witnessed in my 9 years. Instantly hooked. Thanks Dad!
  6. Low forties for me. Started with 15 during the Chuck Knox years ( missed the Steelers game / Bradshaw for 9 yards with a fever) Season tickets in 88 and 91. Been back during the Mularkey, Jerkron, Marrone and Ryan years. Last one was the NYG stinker. Ive also seen 3 here in Charlotte.
  7. IF(!!!)he stays healthy ,The only way he doesn’t get 750 is Singletary comes in like Thurman Thomas and just blows the doors off the competition.
  8. Momentum is the word. I HOPE to see us as that underdog team that is greater than the sum of its parts and efforts its way to 10-11 wins. That starts week one with a fairly decisive victory over the Jets!!!
  9. I’m pretty proud I actually pulled off the math I did without having to ask my kid how to do it?
  10. Yes it is. It’s a fraction of 1 completion per game. .42 passes a game to be precise
  11. Oh heck, this thread needs some “ Juice” Cam Newton Career completion percentage: 59.7 Andrew Luck 60.8?!?!? because, you know, Luck is a much better QB ? Here Fishy Fishy Fishy
  12. Ron And Sean are on good terms and my feeling is it shouldn’t get to dirty or out of control with both head coaches on the same page.
  13. I will be in Spartanburg on the 13 th cheering our boys on. Also, already have tickets with the wife directly behind the Bills Bench that Friday???
  14. I remember Flutie throwing a pick in the EZ and fumbling away another......
  15. Let’s bring back Whaley, or Nix ........ Tom Donohoe anyone? This is what new regimes do. Unless 8-8 ad infinitum is your bag?
  16. Long way to go? It’s called the upcoming season and it actually isn’t that long from now? Harken back with fondness to 30th in points, 30 th in yards, 31 st in passing yards and 9 th in rushing yards. Whoo effing hoo!!!! 22nd offense 18th Defense We will be a better team this year.
  17. Was thinking something similar, This is his 3rd year and his career season stats: Kneeling for a yard loss. Bum!
  18. I know. The Josh Allen haters are lying in wait also?
  19. While it is “ apples and oranges” comparison, isn’t cutting good players ruthlessly something that has garnered Billy B Genius accolades. Coming in, on your first GM gig and doing what Beane did was brave, decisive and the correct thing to do. People were losing there minds on the Trades and cuts. Sammy going, alone, created a level of butt- hurtness on this board that was amazing to see. So, yeah, the skill of realizing who wasn’t a fit for their vision was clearly on display. Plenty of piss poor GM-ing going on in this league and Mr. Beane isn’t part of it.
  20. Funny how the McBean haters have disappeared from this board? Two years ago people where apoplectic on here regarding “ The process”, looks like they might be onto something both business- wise and talent evaluation- wise.
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