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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. The trick is to cut radius length cut in each piece from the center out. It won’t bubble up then..... ***** shots or not?
  2. Fried Bologna of Rye with fried onions and Weber’s mustard?
  3. We have to win this game!!! It gives us a good shot to be 3-1 at the quarter mark.
  4. You liked the quote that I was arguing against. We had just come back from a night of a decent amount of drinking and I was a little “ saucy” . ?
  5. Been out drinking with friends..., Ooohh, I’ll be ragging some Jets fans on my route something fierce on Tuesday ???
  6. Bill O’ Brien is starting his SIXTH year as the Houston’s head coach and is very much on the coaching hot seat. So, yeah, he has to win now. When your whole offensive unit has been turned over in a single season I think it is appropriate to call it a rebuild. I’m calling for an 11-5 record for the Bills so I don’t think I’m underselling the team. Having your second year QB ( first year starter at the beginning of the season) build chemistry with his new rookie running back as a mean to an end: years of deep runs in the playoffs , isn’t “ An attempt to not “ try to win it all” . It is laying the foundation for a bright future instead of holding onto the past with a clearly over the hill star. Future vs past. Reddogblitz shame on you?
  7. Upon seeing this and thinking about the Shady move, the release makes sense. My GUESS is they realize this is still a “ rebuilding” year in terms of the O needing a year to really Gel. Shady is not the future and by next year, with the addition of some more O skill position players, we should be formidable on both sides of the ball.
  8. My guess is Beane did this as a favor to him so he could pick his own suitors.
  9. When we moved to NC in the late 90s we thought about the coast but decided against it specifically because of Hurricanes. It has to be like living in a special kinda hell watching one coming at you for a week and having it blow up to a Cat 4 or 5 when it’s only a few days away. No thanks!!! We have friends on the NC coast near Morehead City who got knocked out of their house by Michael last October(?) and still aren’t back in there yet.
  10. DUDE????? No one is too young for that movie!
  11. I go to Panthers games, one a year, out of convenience. I have been to all the Panthers\Bills games except the one in Buffalo when both teams sucked. The Bills have sucked for so long it wasn’t tough to not go even though I visited Buffalo a minimum of 3 times a year . Now that they are moving in the right direction we will be coming up in the falls to catch a game ..... and Bass and Salmon fish? Money is not the object anymore. We will all be dead soon enough, it’s the fun and the memories that hold the value.
  12. There was a time when the road to the Super Bowl went through our stadium. That time is coming again...... and soon!!!!
  13. Which is Star’s role also. One of two glaring needs on this roster is Pass rushing DE. Next year , IMO , it will be one of their priorities. At that point, having Oliver and Star in the middle will offer opposing offenses a “ pick your poison “ scenario. Who do you choose to double? Where do you choose to slide your protection? Pressure from the inside and outside, simultaneously....... with a top five defensive backfield to boot? McDermott knows what he is doing.
  14. Yes, but the upside I’m looking at is Duke and McKenzie making the team. Our receivers aren’t going to be great. We do need them to be sure handed and on the same page with the QB. ZJ got us 600+ yards last year which isn’t nothing but I’m folding not holding on him.
  15. Anyone remember what a terrible pick Edmunds was last year? Remember how he sucked as he missed all those tackles and we shouldn’t have started him as a rookie? Rookies, high first round picks still have work to do and things to learn. FACT
  16. Agree!!! Everyone is shocked as if he couldn’t possibly not love football as much as they think he should. He’s a smart, introspective, honest guy. He’s also rich beyond my wildest dreams of avarice. I’m pushing 50 and have a bad SI joint and it sucks. I can’t imagine the pain your average NFL player lives with post career. Good for him. Finally, Eff the Colts and their fans. They are an AFC rival and one less team for us to have to contend with for a playoff spot. Maybe Brady will follow suit?
  17. If they were willing to move on from Watkins this seems like a no- brainer. Duke Williams is out there making plays. Foster did last year too. When he was brought in , it was to be an immediate starter as I remember. Three years in and he doesn’t look like a legitimate 3 receiver.
  18. As I read a lot of semi- doom and gloom about a half of preseason football , A game where run offense seemed to be the coaches game plan focus, I harken back to the golden days of Bills football. The Kelly and Marv SB era. I remember Kelly being an interception machine in ‘86. I remember him throwing a crappy Int in his first AFC Championship game deep in his own territory. Why? Because he was young, cocky and believed in his arm. I also remember that whole team dropping absolute Suckfest performances for 50+ minutes of a game and ekeing out last second victories or losing games they should have won. These were during the SB years. They also were notorious for sucking in the pre season. As a famous movie quote goes: “ Lighten up Francis!” It’s a young offense with a bunch of new parts and a QB who isn’t near to being a finished product.
  19. People said the same thing about Elway when he first came into the league. Turn the JUGS machine on high, stand closer and start with your back turned. His balls are catchable. Reed, Moulds and Butler wouldn’t have whined about them?
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