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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. JA hits ZJ on that slant and everyone is singing a different tune
  2. So, loser boys ?????? Are we still gonna lose? Do we still suck?????
  3. Lighten up Francises!!!! Still a young team finding its way.
  4. Hero ball is going away. He is making good decisions and living to fight another day
  5. Question: How do you get to that 300 yards passing? If you dunk and dunk, which is becoming the new normal, then it is an extension of your running game. Singletary looks like he can do some serious damage catching short passes out of the backfield; a two yards pass showing up as 15-20 yards on the stat sheet. If you are constantly taking 5 or 7 yard drops at QB in order to let deeper routes develop you put JA in more potential danger. If this O line coalesces into a very good pass blocking unit and we get ourselves a Stud downfield compliment to Brown ( next year) then I’m down with that route also. They don’t seem to have the firepower in the receiving corps this year to consistently hit 300 IMO unless we are forced to do it.
  6. Cam is the only thing that has made this O go for years. He is a leader on this team. That isn’t even a question in Carolina.
  7. I’m listening to Panther’s nation melt down before my ears on WFNZ Wilson and Parcell show as I write this. Interesting tidbits: Under 3 yards in the last few years, Cam has run 103 times, next closest QB is 38. Cam has 22 off target passes in first two games. Worst in NFL. ( Though nobody has played the second week yet.) “ Tank for Tua” talk has already started. Bench Cam for the remainder of season( a la Luck) talk has started. Hurney’s Decision to not have a qualified back up is being scorned. Luck sucked to start last year and then found his ability by the end of season after shoulder surgery. IMO, Cam has never looked this bad. He’s clearly hesitant to run. I say this after watching him get tackled on 4/1 by a single player. In the past Cam would have obliterated anyone in his path, taking on multiple players and refusing to go down. Ironically, that was his downfall. Bodies can only take so much of a pounding. His passing has not been the same since 2015 when he put himself on the line physically. I didn’t want to believe that was the high water mark for him but I believe now that it was. Cautionary tale: Protect Josh Allen by getting him an O line and coach him up to slide feet first and DO NOT make read option a part of our offense. I think McBeane have taken that to heart. I will not be surprised if Rivera and Hurney are gone next year. With their Cap situation, this team may get blown up depending on Cam’s remaining play and who they bring in as a GM.
  8. It was a while ago? I don’t recall Kelly getting help from anyone, just linemen standing there watching and Marv dressing them down for it. Not saying I’m remembering correctly. The older I get the more I realize memory is unreliable. Just watched, they definitely piled on .
  9. They were all young and newly together and , frankly, Kelly was a bit of a prima Donna/ punk. He was towards the city and towards his teammates. Thurman put him in his place( deservedly so) and then they had a players meeting where they got their beefs with each other put. I’m sure Marv played the father figure and they all loved him. After losing in the AFC championship game to the Bengals with an “almost” comeback using the no huddle, they came out the next year ,K Guns blazing, and winning soothes a lot of aches and fosters a lot of camaraderie. As I think back, that first year was the famous “ Down giving him the business” call when Kelly’s O line let a defender punk him and didn’t do anything about it. An example of how the team was not together at the start.
  10. Is sloppy , week one football a fluke for this team, this year? I think it’s to be expected. If it looks like this in six weeks, then we have a problem.
  11. Daboll is a New England guy and he isn’t afraid to call plays in a way most won’t. If we heard NE ran 13 passes or runs in a row, it would get mentioned followed by an explanation of how brilliantly unorthodox it was. Daboll is giving future teams more to chew on as they game plan for us. Run, Run, Pass, punt seems to be a thing of the past. THANK GOODNESS
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